Table3. Preloaded Deployment Packages


MERS QRS Vehicle

13 people with 4-wheel drive vehicles and support equipment for 72 hours that provide initial damage assessment. Equipment includes INMARSAT and AMSC satellite terminal, cellular telephones and laptop computers, VHF and HF radios, life support (water, food, batteries, etc.), and generators.


ERTS-Advance (A)

MERS ERTS-Advance (A) Vehicle

Preloaded trucks with food, water, clothing, first aid items, safety equipment, sleeping bags, hygiene items, office equipment, tools, and lumber. Supports 100 people for 10 days.



ERTS-Support (S)

MERS ERTS-Support (S) Vehicle

Preloaded trucks with food, water, clothing, first aid items, safety equipment, sleeping bags, hygiene items, office equipment, tools, and lumber. Supports 100 people for 10 days.


Last Modified: Friday, 21-Apr-2006 16:44:26 EDT