HAZUS: Application of HAZUS in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Presentation

This presentation describes how Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, officials recently used HAZUS analyses to educate the public about the costs of mitigating flood hazards in their community and to estimate potential losses avoided as a result of these changes.

Recent flood hazard studies for Mecklenburg County, which includes the City of Charlotte, revealed significant differences in the community's flood depths, and, thus, increased flooding risk. Realizing the potential impact to existing structures and future development, the County used the HAZUS Flood Model to establish a baseline of potential flood losses for 24 watersheds. The County has also instituted proactive floodplain management regulations to protect lives and property in the community. Combining future development projections with the HAZUS Flood Model's loss estimation capabilities, community officials estimated the losses avoided and the economic benefits of implementing the regulations. Within one watershed alone, the County's $140,000 investment has saved more than $26.7 million in potential structure losses and another $27.6 million in contents losses.

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Last Modified: Friday, 12-Oct-2007 14:14:29 EDT

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