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Get Tested for Breast Cancer

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Take Action!

Call your doctor or clinic for a mammogram today.

Find out Where you can get a Mammogram in Your Community
Find out where you can get a free or low-cost mammogram near you. Or call your doctor or local health center. Make an appointment today!

What About Cost?
Check with your insurance plan about costs and co-payments. If you don’t have insurance, there may be free or low-cost mammogram program where you live. If you have Medicare and are over 40, Medicare pays for the cost of your mammogram once every year.

Get Support
If you are going to the doctor for a mammogram, ask a family member or friend to go with you. Talking to other women who have had mammograms can be helpful.

Start Today: Small Steps
  • Make an appointment to get a mammogram at a clinic near you.
  • Watch this interactive tutorial about getting a mammogram.
  • Tell a friend how important it is to get a mammogram after age 40.

Learn about other important tests for women, such as getting tested for cervical cancer each year.

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