International Energy Annual 2005

Report Released: June-October 2007
Next Release: June-October 2008

World Energy Production in Standard U.S. Physical Units

Tables are available in Excel spreadsheet format only (click on the Title).
Important Note: Data in Tables 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7 have been revised and updated for the International Energy Annual 2006.
2.1 World Production of Primary Energy by Energy Type and Selected Country Groups (U.S. Physical Units), 1980-2005
2.2 World Crude Oil Production (Thousand Barrels per Day), 1980-2006
2.3 World Natural Gas Plant Liquids Production (Thousand Barrels per Day), 1980-2006
2.4 World Dry Natural Gas Production (Trillion Cubic Feet), 1980-2006
2.5 World Coal Production (Million Short Tons), 1980-2006
2.6 World Net Hydroelectric Power Generation (Billion Kilowatthours), 1980-2006
2.7 World Net Nuclear Electric Power Generation (Billion Kilowatthours), 1980-2006
2.8 World Net Geothermal, Solar, Wind, and Wood and Waste Electric Power Generation (Billion Kilowatthours), 1980-2005

World Energy Production in British Thermal Units (Btu)
EIA's International Energy Data, Analyses, and Forecasts

International Energy Annual Contacts