Public Swimming Pool Opens After FEMA Funds Dive Into Davant 

Release Date: July 2, 2008
Release Number: 1603-798

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DAVANT, La. -- East bank Plaquemines Parish residents have another place to go for recreation or relaxation this summer. Their only public swimming pool reopens today at the Davant Community Center with the backing of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding.

The Olympic-size pool, which suffered structural and component damages during Hurricane Katrina, will be used for training lifeguards, swimming classes and other water-based recreational activities.

"FEMA is happy to have been instrumental in bringing this swimming pool back to Plaquemines Parish residents this summer. The refurbished swimming pool is a sure sign that we are dedicated to rebuilding this community," said Jim Stark, acting associate deputy administrator for FEMA's Gulf Coast Recovery Office

Repairs to the pool included those to the plaster and tiles, as well as debris removal. The pool house - including bathrooms, showers and lockers - and water pumps were replaced. The pumps that were damaged are no longer manufactured. The replacement pumps are newer technology and provide filtration and chlorination functions automatically as opposed to manually. Diving boards, lifeguard stands and fencing also were replaced.

"Returning this public recreational facility to Plaquemines Parish not only provides families with somewhere to cool down in one of the hottest months of the summer but also gives this community a place to gather and form relationships," said Louisiana Recovery Authority Executive Director Paul Rainwater.  "I am thrilled the state could speed the necessary funds to help Plaquemines Parish return this family-friendly infrastructure to their community in time to celebrate Independence Day."

In addition to the large public pool, there is a small pool for children at the Davant Community Center. Destroyed by the storm, the Center is also being replaced with FEMA funds and will include exercise facilities, a playground, outdoor basketball court and community meeting rooms. The parish anticipates to open the complex by July 2009.

"This shows we're bringing everybody back to Plaquemines Parish, and we're moving forward to making it better than pre-Katrina," Recreation Department Superintendent Corey Buie said. "I commend FEMA for how fast they got the pool up."

FEMA has obligated approximately $869,000 to repair the Davant Community Center swimming pool and the pool house.

When project funds are obligated by FEMA through its supplemental Public Assistance grant, the funds are transferred to a federal Smartlink account. Once the funds have reached this account the applicant can request reimbursement from GOHSEP for eligible work completed. Obligated funds may change over time as the project worksheet is a living grant that is often adjusted as bids come in and scope of work is aligned.

During his first day in office, Governor Bobby Jindal issued an Executive Order directing the Louisiana Recovery Authority (LRA) to be responsible for the state's actions with regard to FEMA's Public Assistance program. The LRA is working in conjunction with GOHSEP and its federal partners to identify ways to streamline the Public Assistance process and improve efficiency, with the ultimate goal of cutting in half the length of time that applications spend in the process.

The Public Assistance program works with state and local officials to fund recovery measures and the rebuilding of government and certain private nonprofit organizations' buildings, as well as roads, bridges and water and sewer plants. In order for the process to be successful, federal, state and local partners coordinate to draw up project plans, fund these projects and oversee their completion.

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated South Louisiana, claiming 1,464 lives, destroying more than 200,000 homes and 18,000 businesses. The LRA is the planning and coordinating body that was created in the aftermath of these storms to lead one of the most extensive rebuilding efforts in the world. The LRA is a 33-member body which is coordinating across jurisdictions, supporting community recovery and resurgence, ensuring integrity and effectiveness, and planning for the recovery and rebuilding of Louisiana.

FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 08-Jul-2008 11:39:46