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Energy Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions Links

Posted Date: May 2007
Page Last Modified:  August 2006

Government Agencies    /   Associations


Energy Information Administration -

Annual Energy Outlook 2006: Carbon Dioxide Emissions, CO2 emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels are proportional to fuel consumption. Among fossil fuel types, coal has the highest carbon content, natural gas the lowest, and petroleum in between. In the AEO2006 reference case, the shares of these fuels change slightly from 2004 to 2030, with more coal and less petroleum and natural gas. The combined share of carbon-neutral renewable and nuclear energy is stable from 2004 to 2030 at 14 percent

Environment, contains energy-related emissions data and environmental analyses

International Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Carbon Intensity, contains carbon dioxide emissions from the consumption of energy (consumption of petroleum, natural gas, and coal and flaring of natural gas), all countries, 1980-2004

International Energy Outlook 2006: Carbon Dioxide Emissions, In the coming decades, responses to environmental issues could affect patterns of energy use around the world. Actions to limit greenhouse gas emissions could alter the level and composition of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by energy source.In the IEO2006 reference case, world carbon dioxide emissions increase from 25,028 million metric tons in 2003 to 33,663 million metric tons in 2015 and 43,676 million metric tons in 2030

Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program, contains data on reporting entities, project-level reductions and sequestration reported, entity level emission reductions reported, and total emission reductions and sequestration reported at project and entity levels

What Are Greenhouse Gases?, many chemical compounds found in the Earth’s atmosphere act as “greenhouse gases.” These gases allow sunlight to enter the atmosphere freely. When sunlight strikes the Earth’s surface, some of it is reflected back towards space as infrared radiation (heat)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -

EPA's Personal Greenhouse Gas Calculator,
EPA has developed tools to help individuals reduce household greenhouse gas emissions. These tools are designed for individuals who want to take action and for businesses and organizations interested in reaching their employees and members about what they can do at home to help protect our climate

Climate Change-Greenhouse Gas Emissions, provides an overview of all U.S. greenhouse gas emission sources and sinks, discusses the primary drivers for changes in emissions, quantifies energy related emissions of all greenhouse gases resulting from stationary and mobile source activities including fuel combustion and fugitive fuel emissions

State Action Plans, Climate change action plans help states identify and evaluate feasible and effective policies to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through a combination of public and private sector policies and programs. As of July 2006, 29 states and Puerto Rico have completed, or are working on, action plans. By taking a proactive approach to planning greenhouse gas emissions reductions, states can lower their greenhouse gas emissions, reduce their energy costs, protect air quality and public health and improve the economy and environment

State Emissions, provides information on energy-related state carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, state greenhouse gas emission inventories and methodological guidance

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sink Inventory - Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, West Virginia, Wisconsin, provides a detailed inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks for each state

California Energy Commission -

California Climate Change Web Site -

Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Sinks, carbon is naturally cycled between various atmospheric, oceanic, land biotic, marine biotic, and mineral reservoirs. Some of the largest carbon fluxes occur between the atmospheric and land biotic reservoirs. In the atmosphere, carbon generally exists in its oxidized form--as CO2

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection -

Energy Efficiency and Climate Change, energy use directly impacts the environment through the extraction and consumption of natural resources for fuel and air emissions and climate changes resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels. The environmental degradation resulting from climate change is many faceted. One simple way of addressing the complex issues related to climate change is to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy

Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance -

Energy and Pollution Prevention, Minnesota 2000 Toxic Release Inventory data shows that, among reporting manufacturers, electric utilities are responsible for 85% of the total amount of mercury released to air. Fossil fuel used for transportation, the other large source of GHG, caused 9 million pounds of benzene emissions the same year. Use of fossil fuel in transportation is also the largest cause of ground level ozone, or smog, in Minnesota

 National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) -

Carbon Sequestration, focuses on technologies with great potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and controlling global climate change. Most efforts focus on capturing carbon dioxide from large stationary sources such as power plants, and sequestering it using geologic, terrestrial ecosystem, or oceanic approaches. Control of fugitive methane emissions is also addressed

Coal and Power Systems, NETL manages an RD&D portfolio that is designed to remove environmental concerns over the future use of coal by developing revolutionary, near-zero-emissions coal technology. In partnership with the private sector, technology developments are focused on maximizing efficiency and environmental performance while driving down the cost for these new technologies

Hydrogen and Clean Fuels, supports U.S. transition toward hydrogen as a future energy source , NETL manages a portfolio of R&D focusing on technologies that facilitate the production of hydrogen from coal fuels for utilization in fuel cells and other systems

Arkansas Department of Economic Development -

Arkansas Energy Office -

Arkansas Renewable Energy: Solar Energy, solar energy can play a key role in creating a clean, reliable energy future in Arkanas. The benefits are many and varied. Consumers who use these technologies will benefit directly and immediately. Using solar energy produces immediate environmental benefits

Transportation, the Arkansas Energy Office is strongly involved in driving transportation in Arkansas to a cleaner, greener, more fuel efficient age. Energy conservation in the transportation sector is a diverse and ever-changing topic

Illinois Waste Management and Research Center (WMRC) -

Green Development and Construction Program, the WMRC Green Development and Construction Program offers environmental assistance and education to Illinois developers and builders of residential, commercial, and industrial facilities. The program addresses workable, cost-effective, sustainable construction alternatives through a variety of services

Australian Government -

Australia Bureau of Statistics -

4604.0 - Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounts, Australia, 1992-93 to 1997-98
, information on direct energy consumption and generation of selected greenhouse gas emissions by industries and households, the indirect impacts of household consumption, Australia's exports, capital formation and government final consumption

Department of the Environment and Heritage -

Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGGI)1990, 1995 and 1999, End Use Allocation of Emissions, reports greenhouse gas emissions and sinks according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sectors: energy, industrial processes, solvents, agriculture, land use change and forestry and waste

Waste, Recycling and Reuse- Air Pollution and Environment, over the past quarter of a century, three energy-related issues have emerged which should signal a halt to 'business as usual' thinking about the future path of development of cities: the cost of energy and its use (with consequent implications for industrial and national competitiveness)


Arizona Climate Change Advisory Group -

Draft Arizona Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Reference Case Projections 1990-2020,
this report presents sources and trends ... initial estimates of historical and projected Arizona anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks for the period from 1990 to 2020

Claremont McKenna College -
Roberts Environmental Center -
Environmental and Sustainability Reporting, for over a decade, many of the world's largest corporations have produced voluntary environmental and sustainability reports. The most common reason has been to assure stakeholders--employees, investors, customers--that the company takes environmental and social matters seriously and acts responsibly.

Clean Air - Cool Planet (CA-CP) -

What Causes Global Warming?,
the driver of global warming is a thick blanket of polluted air thrown around the globe by power plant pollution, vehicle exhaust, the burning of fossil fuels to heat and cool our homes and workplaces, industrial waste, and deforestation. Normally, the Earth's climate allows life to flourish by the natural presence of some heat-trapping gases

Campuses for Climate Action: Bates College, Bowdoin College, Clark University, Colby College, Colgate University, Connecticut College, Harvard University, Middlebury College, Mount Holyoke College, Skidmore College, Smith College, Tufts College, University at Buffalo (UB), University of New Hampshire (UNH), University of Vermont (UMV), universities, dedicated as they are to education and research, are ideally positioned to lead the way in addressing global warming – and here in the Northeast, they're doing just that! CA-CP’s Campuses for Climate Action program supports institutions in finding and demonstrating energy and global warming solutions that are available

Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change -

Energy, Carbon Dioxide and Earth's Future, cheap energy fuels the economic engine that is reducing poverty around the world at an unprecedented rate; yet the fossil fuels from which the lion's share of that energy is derived are claimed by some to be major threats to the environment. Even though energy from coal, gas and oil makes possible the processes that sustain

Climate Model Inadequacies (Radiation) - Summary, there appear to be a number of major inadequacies in the ways in which several aspects of earth's radiative energy balance are treated in contemporary general circulation models of the atmosphere, as well as numerous other telling inadequacies stemming from the non-treatment of pertinent phenomena that are nowhere to be found in the models

Detroit News -

Michigan Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Upswing, Report Finds, emissions of "greenhouse gases" believed to cause global warming have risen in Michigan, underscoring the need for conservation and greater reliance on alternative energy sources, a scientific report says here a

European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change -

Workshop on Energy-Related National and EU-Wide Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions,agenda of the Workshop on Energy-related National and EU-Wide Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Working Group II (National Programmes and Projections) of the EU GHG Monitoring Mechanism Committee, 27-28 February 2002, Brussels

ExxonMobil -

Tomorrow's Energy, A perspective on energy trends, greenhouse gas emissions and future energy options

Geothermal Energy Association -

Geothermal Energy, The Potential For Clean Power From The Earth, the report shows that geothermal resources using today's technology have the potential to support between 35,448 and 72,392 MW of electrical generation capacity. Using enhanced technology currently under development (permeability enhancement, drilling improvements), the geothermal Resources could support between 65,576 and 138,131 MW of electrical generation capacity

National Academy of Sciences -

Estimating Transportation-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Use in New York State, the report is designed to develop a baseline and projection for energy use and CO2 emissions for the state and by sector, and for each metropolitan planning organization (MPO) in the state by mode. The report also examines MPO experiences and responses to the new energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) analysis contained in the state energy plan and evaluates potential energy savings and GHG reductions from selected transportation strategies

Northeast Recycling Council, Inc. (NERC)-

The Environmental Benefits of Recycling in Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and New York, reducing energy use reduces greenhouse gas emissions because almost all of the energy consumed in the United States burns fossil fuels; such as gasoline, diesel, natural gas and coal -- the most significant sources of carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions into the environment. In other countries, particularly in Asia and Europe, nuclear power is a significant

Pew Center on Global Climate Change -

Transportation in Developing Countries: An Overview of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies, focuses on the challenges faced by developing countries in accommodating and managing motorization and the demand for improved transportation. Without new measures, greenhouse gas emissions from transportation in the developing world will exceed those in the industrialized world sometime after 2010

Pearson Education- Infoplease -

The Greenhouse Gas Effect, the greenhouse effect is a natural process by which some of the radiant heat from the Sun is captured in the lower atmosphere of the Earth, thus maintaining the temperature of the Earth's surface. The gases that help capture the heat, called “greenhouse gases,” include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and a variety of manufactured chemicals. Some are emitted from natural sources; others are anthropogenic, resulting from human activities

Renewable Energy Policy Project (REEP) -

Calculating, Monitoring, and Evaluating Greenhouse Gas Benefits from Solar Home Systems in Developing Countries, this draft working paper was prepared as part of the Renewable Energy Policy Project's (REPP's) assessment of solar home system (SHS) dissemination as an activity for mitigating climate change. Experience has proven that SHSs can supply electricity to rural areas of developing countries while directly displacing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Several SHS projects have been explicitly linked with international climate change mitigation efforts

Clean Hydrogen Transportation: A Market Opportunities for Renewable Energy, this paper examines an exciting market opportunity that will help achieve a sustainable energy economy: renewables-based hydrogen vehicles. Hydrogen-powered fuel cells used in place of conventional gasoline- and diesel-fueled internal combustion engines would significantly reduce automotive air pollution. Shifting from oil to hydrogen to power U.S. cars also would bolster national energy security

Climate of Opportunity: Renewable Energy After Kyoto, this report examines the opportunities for renewable energy presented by the Kyoto Protocol and its subsequent implementation at both national and international levels. It suggests ways in which renewable energy business leaders and advocates can use the protocol as a means of accelerating the development of renewable energy policies and markets

Resources for the Future -

U.S. Energy–related Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Rapid Growth During 2000, from a fuel mix perspective, almost all of the emissions growth in 2000 reflects increased use of natural gas (4.7 percent growth over 1999 level) and coal (3.4 percent growth over 1999 level). Oil use in 2000 was fairly flat, probably reflecting a demand response to the sharp rise in prices from the levels of early 1999

Travel Matters -

Individual Emissions Calculator, the TravelMatters Individual Calculator measures how much greenhouse gas you generate as a result of your daily transportation activity. Simply enter the monthly distances you traveled by mode of transportation - on foot, by bicycle, car, bus, train, plane, or boat - and the calculator will do your "greenhouse gas accounting" for you

National Emissions Map by County, the average household in a dense community drives less, or shorter distances, than a household in a suburban or rural community. So, while densely populated counties such as the San Francisco or Chicago regions may have higher total emissions, they have lower emissions per household than less densely populated areas

Regional Emissions Maps: Two Views of Cities and Co2, maps of Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Specifically, these maps show the carbon dioxide emissions from vehicle travel for each metropolitan region

United Nations -
Emission Trading, emissions trading, as set out in Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol, provides for Annex I Parties to acquire units from other Annex I Parties and use them towards meeting their emissions targets under the Kyoto Protocol. This enables Parties to make use of lower cost opportunities to reduce emissions, irrespective of the Party in which Party those opportunities exist

Essential Background, contains numerous resources -- for beginners or experts -- such as introductory and in-depth publications, the official UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol texts, a search engine to the UNFCCC library, and a glossary of climate change terms

Emissions and land use - turning points: Europe, changes in energy use, along with shifts in fuel use, are reflected in gaseous emissions, notably of carbon dioxide. There are some striking differences between scenarios and subregions. The growth in emissions is quite significant in all regions in Markets First, with transport contributing a major share. The economic difficulties in Security First for Eastern Europe result in approximately the same level of emissions as in Policy First

The Three Factors: Solar Energy Influx, Chemistry of the Atmosphere, and Ability of a Surface to Reflect Lights (Albedo), the only factor that has changed significantly the last 100 years is the atmospheric chemistry. There are three main factors directly influencing the energy balance of our planet: the total solar influx, depending on distance from the sun and solar activity, Albedo, or reflections of solar rays from the Earth and back into space, and the chemical composition of the atmosphere

Energy-Related Nitrogen Oxide Emissions: Asia and the Pacific (Million Tonnes Nitrogen), nitrogen oxide emissions grow rapidly with the increase of motorization and rise even in a Policy First scenario. A very high increase is expected in South Asia in line with the large increase in motor traffic

Energy-Related Sulphur Dioxide Emissions: Asia and the Pacific (Million Tonnes Sulphur), sulphur dioxide emissions increase most rapidly in a Security First world because little money is invested to reduce emissions. In the other scenarios, especially in Policy First and Sustainability First, the increase of SO2 emissions is less as steps are taken to avoid severe air pollution. In some sub-regions emissions drop below 2002 levels

Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Asia and the Pacific (Million Tonnes Carbon), trends under different scenarios are similar throughout the region and reflect both state of technology and lifestyles

Transport, transport consumes a quarter of the world's energy, and accounts for some 25% of total CO2 emissions, 80% of which can be attributed to road transport. Moreover, local and regional air pollution, congestion in urban areas, land use for transport infrastructure building and health effects are key problems

Energy-Related Nitrogen Oxide Emissions: Latin America and the Caribbean (Million Tonnes Nitrogen), economic driving forces continue to attract people to the cities, especially in Markets First. Without improved planning and organization, the environmental pressures on urban areas, especially in mega-cities, continue to grow as the rates of population growth outpace that of infrastructure development withdraw into their enclaves, denying the poor access to safe drinking water, sanitation and health services

Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions: North America (Million Tonnes Carbon), as a predominant emitter of greenhouse gases, North America plays a major role in determining the future climate of the planet. In Markets First the region's refusal to participate notably hampers international efforts to control emissions of these gases. The region remains the highest emitter on a per person basis and also among the highest in absolute terms

Maps and Graphics, this set of graphics has been produced by GRID-Arendal in co-operation with the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the 7th Conference of the Parties (COP-7) to the Convention, held in Marrakesh, Morocco 29th October to 9th November 2001

The Mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol: Joint Implementation, the Clean Development Mechanism and Emissions Trading, the Kyoto Protocol broke new ground by defining three innovative “flexibility mechanisms” to lower the overall costs of achieving its emissions targets. These mechanisms enable Parties to access cost-effective opportunities to reduce emissions or to remove carbon from the atmosphere in other countries

Organization for Co-operation and Economic Development (OECD) & International Energy Agency (IEA) -

International Energy Technology, Collaboration and Climate Change Mitigation, Case Study 4: Clean Coal Technology, this case study reviews recent experience in international collaboration in the field of clean coal technologies in order to identify lessons that may be relevant for climate-friendly technology collaboration. It presents information on cleaner and more efficient coal technologies, their current status and development prospects, with a focus on fuel combustion and power generation. The study also focuses on China

University of Michigan -

Center for Sustainable System -

Michigan Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990 and 2002, this report is the first greenhouse gas emissions inventory developed for the State of Michigan. Activities generating greenhouse gas emissions are compared to establish an emissions baseline and reveal trends across economic sectors within the state. The inventory highlights major sources of emissions by sector and by greenhouse gas for 1990 and 2002

Renewable Energy Policy Project (REEP) -

The Environmental Imperative: A Driving Force in the Development and Deployment of Renewable Energy Technologies, in 1993, power plants were responsible for 72 percent of all sulfur dioxide emissions in the U.S. They also contributed 33 percent of all nitrogen oxide emissions and 32 percent of all emissions of particulate matter. Of the nation's emission's of mercury, a toxic heavy metal, 23 percent came from power generation in 1993...

Worldwatch Institute -

Research Library: Energy: Climate Change, focuses on increasing public understanding of the risks of climate change and provides guidance on effective policies to reduce dependence on the fossil fuels that cause it

World Resource Institute -

Climate Change, Energy, and Transportation, describes some of the most significant climate change and energy issues

Woods Hole Research Center -
The Kyoto Protocol , The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement forged in Kyoto Japan in December of 1997 that seeks to limit world greenhouse gas emissions to slow the progress of global warming

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