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Supply and Disposition of Electricity
Table ES2.    xls     pdf   format

Table ES2.  Supply and Disposition of Electricity, 1995 through 2006
(Million Megawatthours)
Category 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995
        Electric Utilities 2,484 2,475[R] 2,505 2,462 2,549 2,630 3,015 3,174 3,212 3,123 3,077 2,995
        Independent Power Producers 1,259 1,247[R] 1,119 1,063 955 781 458 201 91 59 60 58
        Combined Heat and Power, Electric 165 180 184 196 194 170 165 155 154 148 147 141
  Electric Power Sector Generation Subtotal 3,908 3,902[R] 3,808 3,721 3,698 3,580 3,638 3,530 3,457 3,329 3,284 3,194
        Combined Heat and Power, Commercial 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 8
        Combined Heat and Power, Industrial 148 145 154 155 153 149 157 156 154 154 151 151
  Industrial and Commercial Generation Subtotal 157 153 162 162 160 157 165 165 163 163 160 159
Total Net Generation 4,065 4,055 3,971 3,883 3,858 3,737 3,802 3,695 3,620 3,492 3,444 3,353
Total Imports 43 45 34 30 37 39 49 43 40 43 43 43
Total Supply 4,107 4,100[R] 4,005 3,914 3,895 3,775 3,851 3,738 3,660 3,535 3,488 3,396
  Retail Sales
        Full-Service Providers 3,438 3,413 3,318 3,285 3,324 3,297 3,310 3,236 3,240 3,140 3,098 3,013
        Energy-Only Providers 219 237 222 189 141 98 112 76 24 6 3 NA[R]
        Facility Direct Retail Sales 12 11 8 20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Total Electric Industry Retail Sales 3,670 3,661 3,547 3,494 3,465 3,394 3,421 3,312 3,264 3,146 3,101 3,013
Direct Use 147 150[R] 168 168 166 163 171 172 161 156 153 151
Total Exports 24 20 23 24 16[R] 16 15 14 14 9 3 4
Losses and Unaccounted For 266 269[R] 266 228 248[R] 202 244 240 221 224 231 229
Total Disposition 4,107 4,100[R] 4,005 3,914 3,895 3,775 3,851 3,738 3,660 3,535 3,488 3,396
  NA = Not Available
  R = Revised
  Note:  Direct Use represents commercial and industrial facility use of onsite net electricity generation; electricity sales or transfers to adjacent or co-located facilities; and barter transactions.  Losses and Unaccounted For include: (1) reporting by utilities and power marketers that represent losses incurred in transmission and distribution, as well as volumes unaccounted for in their own energy balance; and (2) discrepancies among the differing categories upon balancing the table.  Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
  Sources:  Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-920 "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report;" and predecessor forms.  Imports and Exports: Mexico data - DOE, Fossil Fuels, Office of Fuels Programs, Form FE-781R, "Annual Report of International Electrical Export/Import Data:" Canada data - National Energy Board of Canada (metered energy firm and interruptible).

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics