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No. 01-104 August 17, 2001


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is seeking qualified candidates for an appointment to its Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW). Currently, there are four members and the Commission is seeking to fill an additional position on the Committee.

The ACNW is a part-time advisory group established by the NRC in 1988 to provide independent technical review of and advice on the disposal of nuclear waste, including all aspects of nuclear waste disposal facilities, as directed by the NRC. This encompasses activities related to both high- and low-level radioactive waste disposal facilities, including the licensing, operation and closure of the facilities, rulemakings, and associated regulatory guides and technical positions developed to clarify the intent of NRC's regulations. As part of these activities, the ACNW reviews performance assessments of radioactive waste disposal facilities.

The ACNW membership includes individuals who possess specific technical expertise along with a broad perspective in addressing safety concerns. Committee members are selected from a variety of engineering and scientific disciplines, such as risk assessment, chemistry, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, materials sciences, and earth sciences.

The Commission is seeking an additional individual with technical expertise in health physics, dose assessment, and consequence modeling. Committee members serve a 4-year term, with the possibility of reappointment, for a total possible service of 8 years. Candidates typically have 15-20 years of experience, graduate level education, and significant experience in the area of health physics, including dose assessment and consequence modeling.

Criteria used to evaluate candidates include education and experience, demonstrated skills in nuclear waste management matters, and the ability to solve complex technical problems. The Commission, in selecting its Committee members, considers the need for a specific expertise to accomplish the work expected to come before the ACNW. Consistent with the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Commission seeks candidates with diverse backgrounds so that the membership on the Committee will be fairly balanced in terms of the points of view represented and functions to be performed by the Committee.

Candidates for ACNW appointments may be involved in or have financial interests related to NRC-regulated aspects of the nuclear industry. Because conflict-of-interest considerations may restrict the participation of ACNW members in Committee activities, the degree and nature of any such restriction on an individual's activities as a member will be considered in the selection process. Each qualified candidate's financial interests must be reconciled with applicable Federal and NRC rules and regulations prior to final appointment. This may require divestiture of securities or discontinuance of certain contracts or grants. Information regarding these restrictions will be provided upon request.

Interested candidates should submit a resumé describing their educational and professional background, including special accomplishments and professional references, their current address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Appointment will be made without regard to such factors as race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disabilities. Candidates must be citizens of the United States and be able to devote approximately 50-100 days per year to Committee business. Applications will be accepted until November 16.

Copies of nominees resumés should be sent to the Office of Human Resources, ATTN: Sherry Meador, Mail Stop T2E-26, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.

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