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Resercon Company - Home Engery Savings

As a NJ certified Energy Auditor/Inspector for fifteen years, my job was to inform and educate home energy users on saving and conservation. The problem that confronted me were the questions that were asked. Some of them are:

- Why does the Utility want me to save money?

- How are you or the Utility going to save me money?

- Is the Utility going to give a discount after this?

The parameters that governed the Home Energy Savings Program (HESP) only allowed me to use information in the performance of my job. There were no actions taken either by myself, the Utility or anyone else that could resolve my problem.

Over the years my ability to quickly identify the causes for the discomfort and high home energy bills became better. Then my ability to communicate complex ideas to individuals became better. In most cases it was a combination of factors that caused the discomfort and high energy bills and not just one factor.

The topics are specifically designed for the average home energy bill payer. It is a compilation of many of the answers given to average home energy bill payers in over 20,000 homes.

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