FY 2007 PDM Program Guidance Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is every State guaranteed to receive PDM funds in FY 2007?

A: As a new initiative in FY 2007, each State (including Territories) will receive no less than $500,000 provided the State submits sub-applications for at least that amount and the application(s) meets all program eligibility and completeness requirements.  The maximum PDM award for any one state shall not exceed $15 million.  There is a $1 million cap on Federal share for plans and a  single Federal share cap of $3 million for projects.

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Q: How will the State sub-applications be ranked for the $500,000 threshold?

A: Selections will be based on eligible and complete sub-applications ranked by highest score after the Application Review, National Ranking, National Evaluation, and National Technical Review.

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Q: What if my State submits sub-applications totaling more than the $500,000?

A: The ranking order of the sub-applications based on the results of the Application Review, National Ranking, National Evaluation, and National Technical Review will decide which sub-applications will receive the State threshold, and compete for the remaining PDM funds.

For example, if a State submits four eligible and complete sub-applications:

Scenario A
Based on the National Evaluation Score, all sub-applicants are ranked nationally.  Sub-applicant A and B are ranked highest within the State.  Both sub-applicants are selected for further review, and the $500,000 threshold has been met.  Sub-applications C and D will compete for the remaining PDM funds after all State and Territory thresholds have been met.

Scenario B
If based upon the National Evaluation Score, either sub-application C or D is ranked highest within the State, either the $2,000,000 or $700,000 will more than satisfy the $500,000 threshold. The remaining three sub-applications will compete for the balance of PDM funds after all State and Territory thresholds have been met.

Scenario C
If the National Evaluation Score determines that sub-application A is ranked the highest within the State, and sub-application C is ranked second highest within the State, they both will be selected for further review to meet the $500,000 threshold.  The remaining two sub-applications will compete for the balance of PDM funds after all State and Territory thresholds have been met.

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Q: What if my State submits sub-applications totaling less than the $500,000 threshold?

A: States and Territories will only receive up to the $500,000 threshold for eligible sub-applications that meet the eligibility and completeness requirements through National Ranking, National Evaluation, and National Technical Review. FEMA will select for further review the entire amount of the sub-application Federal share request if it is less than $500,000, but, will not make up the difference.

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Q: Is there a limit on the number of sub-applications that each State can submit?

A: No, there no limit to the number of sub-applications that States can submit during the 90-day application period. States are still limited to a single management cost application to cover Applicant management costs.

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Q: Is participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) a requirement to qualify for the PDM program? Are there any exceptions?

A: Active NFIP participation is required for Applicants and sub-applicants that have been identified through the NFIP as having a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA); a Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM); or, a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) issued for their specific jurisdiction.  These Applicants and Sub-applicants must be in good standing (i.e., not on probation, suspended, or withdrawn from the NFIP).  Applicants and Sub-applicants that are not mapped or have not been issued a map are eligible for the PDM program.
The only exception to this requirement is for Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments, who are eligible to receive PDM planning grants even if they are not participating in the NFIP and have been issued a FHBM or FIRM.  However, Tribal governments will not be eligible for PDM project grants until they participate in the NFIP.

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Q: Is a storm water drainage study eligible as a stand-alone project under PDM?

A: No, storm water drainage studies are not eligible as a stand-alone project under PDM.  In Section 4.1 of the FY 2007 PDM guidance (page34), storm water management plans, or drainage studies can be an eligible activity as part of a larger proposed project for the purposes of project design and feasibility determination.  In other words, a storm water drainage study is eligible for reimbursement if it is used to determine the technical feasibility of a larger project (i.e. a culvert enlargement project).

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Q: Is a hydrologic and hydraulic study eligible as a stand-alone project under PDM?

A: No, hydrologic and hydraulic studies are not eligible as a as a stand-alone project under PDM.  In Section 4.2 of the FY 2007 PDM guidance (page36), hydrologic and hydraulic studies that are not integral or necessary for project design or feasibility determinations are ineligible for funding under PDM.  Conversely, a hydrologic and hydraulic study used to determine the technical feasibility of a larger proposed project (i.e. a drainage ditch enlargement project) would be eligible under PDM as part of the overall project costs.

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Last Modified: Thursday, 04-Jan-2007 08:24:14 EST