Congressman Doyle Votes for Legislation to Lower Energy Prices


Washington, DC – Wednesday, September 17, 2008 – U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) voted last night to pass comprehensive energy legislation that would reduce U.S. energy costs, increase our country’s energy independence, promote the adoption of renewable energy supplies and energy-efficient technology, and create new green jobs.  The Comprehensive American Energy Security & Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 6899) was approved by a vote of 236 to 189.

“This bill reflects the kind of comprehensive national energy policy I’ve been working for,” Congressman Doyle said after the vote.  “This legislation, if enacted, would ease the strain on American consumers, and I call on the Senate and the President to approve it before Congress adjourns.”

The Comprehensive American Energy Security & Consumer Protection Act would roll back tax breaks for big oil companies and require oil companies to pay royalties already owed to taxpayers.

The legislation would also invest heavily in research on renewable energy resources like wind and solar power – new technologies that could create millions of good-paying new jobs.  It would also require utility companies to generate 15 percent of the electricity they produce from renewable sources – like wind power, biomass, tidal, geothermal and solar power – by 2020, which would save consumers $13-18 billion cumulatively by 2020 and significantly reduce emissions that contribute to global warming. 

The bill would also require the Administration to sell roughly 10 percent of the oil from the government’s oil stockpile – the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) over the coming weeks and months.  Such actions have reduced gasoline prices by as much to 30 percent when they were taken in recent years.

Finally, the bill would permit offshore drilling in waters between 50 and 100 miles offshore of each affected state that decides to allow such drilling.  The existing ban on drilling within 50 miles of the coast would remain in place.

This legislation must now be considered by the Senate.

“While no legislation is perfect, this bill represented a thoughtful balance between short-term efforts to bring down energy prices and long-term efforts to develop sustainable alternatives to our dangerous dependence on oil from violent and unstable parts of the world,” Congressman Doyle said.  “It was also our last real chance to enact meaningful energy legislation this year.”

“I have been working as a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee for a number of years to end what President Bush called our addition to foreign oil and promote the development and adoption of energy technology that will be good for both the environment and our economy,” Congressman Doyle noted.

Last year, Congressman Doyle helped draft and enact historic energy legislation (H.R. 6, P.L. 110-140) to curb oil market manipulation, increase vehicle fuel efficiency to 35 miles per gallon in 2020 (the first Congressional increase in more than three decades), set new energy efficiency standards for lights and appliances, and promote the use of more affordable American biofuels.

“I am currently working with my colleagues on the House Energy and Commerce Committee to draft legislation that will halt global warming while protecting US jobs and making the United States the world leader in advanced energy technology,” Congressman Doyle added.  “I am optimistic that with new leadership in the White House next year, we will be able to enact responsible, effective legislation to curb global warming.”


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The 110TH CONGRESS (2007-2008) The Library of Congress: THOMAS


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