Pre-Award Consultation Agreement - Checklist

For the FEMA Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Pilot Program

Information required to complete the Consultation process can be found in Section V of the SRL Pilot Program Guidance

The purpose of this checklist is to support the Local government in successfully completing the consultation process, but does not replace the Pre-Award Consultation Agreement.  As the Local government you are required to make the consultation process as simple and streamlined as possible for the property owner.

Please Note: The Pre-Award Consultation Checklist does take the place of the project subapplication checklist found in section 3.13 of the SRL Pilot Program guidance.

Property Owner(s): _______________________________________
Property Address:  _______________________________________

NFIP Policy Number:____________      Repetitive Loss Number: ____________

Remember to inform the property owner that:  Participation in the SRL program is voluntary. Neither the State nor the Local Government will use its eminent domain authority to acquire the property for open-space purposes if the property owner chooses not to participate, or if negotiations fail.

Preparation for Consultation:


Consultation with the Property Owner:

Last Modified: Wednesday, 13-Feb-2008 13:14:16 EST