U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Fiscal Year 2008 Homeland Security Grant Program Investment Planning Worksheet This Investment planning worksheet has been provided to help applicants in drafting their Investments prior to the March 1, 2008, release of the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (GRT). This planning worksheet allows applicants to take advantage of spell check and character count functionalities. All responses completed in this Investment planning worksheet must be transferred into the applicant’s Investment Justification in the IJ submission module (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/), available March 1, 2008. Helpful Tools Spell Check: 1. Click on the [Tools] menu 2. Select [Spelling] 3. The Spelling box will appear, indicating misspelled words and suggested corrections Character Count: 1. Highlight the response text that you would like to count; click on the [Tools] menu 2. Select [Word Count] 3. The Word Count box will appear; the Characters (with spaces) line indicates the number of characters for the highlighted response FEMA - Grant Programs Directorate Investment Heading Investment #: State/Territory Name: FY 2008 Urban Area: FY 2008 HSGP Funding Request: Investment Name: Investment Phase (New or Ongoing): I.A. Baseline – Previous HSGP Request Name and Funding If the Investment was included in a previous HSGP request, please provide the name of the Investment and the total amount of HSGP funding that was dedicated to this Investment, if any. (100 Char. Max for Investment Name) FY06 Investment name: FY06 HSGP funding: FY07 Investment name: FY07 HSGP funding: I.B. Baseline – Purpose Statement Describe, at a high level, what activities will be implemented and what will be accomplished by this Investment (1,000 Char. Max) I.C Baseline – Description Provide a summary description of the current state of this Investment, its objectives, and any outcomes that will be completed prior to the application of FY08 HSGP funds. Include in this description whether this is a new Investment or an Investment in maintenance/sustainment. Describe the capability gap(s) that this Investment is intended to address. (2,500 Char. Max) II.A. Strategy – State Preparedness Report Explain how this Investment supports initiatives in the State Preparedness Report. Please reference relevant page numbers in the State Preparedness Report. (Part of overall Investment 15,000 Char. Max) II.B. Strategy – Homeland Security Strategy goals and objectives: Explain how this Investment supports the State/Territory/Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy goals and objectives. Please reference relevant goal and objective numbers in the State/Territory/Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy. (Part of overall Investment 15,000 Char. Max) II.C. Strategy – Target Capabilities: Enter one primary and up to four secondary Target Capabilities that this Investment supports. For the primary Target Capability selected, provide an explanation of how it is supported by this Investment. (Please refer to Appendix D of the FY08 HSGP Investment Justification Reference Guide for a list of Target Capabilities) Primary Target Capability Primary Target Capability Narrative (500 Char. Max) Secondary Target Capability (1) Secondary Target Capability (2) Secondary Target Capability (3) Secondary Target Capability (4) II.D. Strategy – National Priorities Enter the National Priority (ies) that this Investment supports; up to four may be selected. (Please refer to Appendix D of the FY08 HSGP Investment Justification Reference Guide for a list of National Priorities) National Priority (1) National Priority (2) National Priority (3) National Priority (4) III.A. Funding Plan Provide the total estimated cost for the FY08 HSGP period of performance for this Investment by completing the following table: • For each solution area that has an associated FY08 HSGP funds request, provide a brief summary of the planned expenditures (including personnel) • If this Investment uses other funding sources, identify the funding source and provide a brief summary of how those funds will be applied (500 char. Max per solution area) FY08 Homeland Security Grant Program Request FY 2008 HSGP Request Total Other Funding Source Applied Grand Total SHSP UASI MMRS CCP Planning Organization Equipment Training Exercises Total Planning (500 Char. Max) Organization (500 Char. Max) Equipment (500 Char. Max) Training (500 Char. Max) Exercise (500 Char. Max) Other Funding Source #1 (200 Char. Max) Other Funding Source #2 (200 Char. Max) Other Funding Source #3 (200 Char. Max) III.B. Milestones Provide descriptions for up to 10 milestones and the associated key activities that lead to the milestone event over the FY08 HSGP period of performance. Start dates should reflect the start of the associated key activities and end dates should reflect when the milestone event will occur. Sustainment Investments must identify at least one milestone to describe maintenance and sustainment activities associated with the Investment. (500 char. max per milestone) Milestone 1 State Date: End Date: Milestone 2 State Date: End Date: Milestone 3 State Date: End Date: Milestone 4 State Date: End Date: Milestone 5 State Date: End Date: Milestone 6 State Date: End Date: Milestone 7 State Date: End Date: Milestone 8 State Date: End Date: Milestone 9 State Date: End Date: Milestone 10 State Date: End Date: III.C. Project Management Describe the management team roles and responsibilities, governance structures, and subject matter expertise specifically required for this Investment. (Part of overall Investment 15,000 Char. Max) III.D. Investment Challenges List and describe up to three potential challenges to effective implementation of this Investment over the entire FY08 HSGP period of performance. For each identified challenge, provide a brief description of how the challenge will be mitigated, and indicate a probability of occurrence (high, medium, low), and level of impact should it occur (high, medium, low). (100 Char. Max per Challenge; 500 Char. Max per Mitigation Strategy) Challenge (100 Char. Max) Probability/Impact (High/Med/Low) Mitigation Strategy (500 Char. Max) 1. Probability Impact 2. Probability Impact 3. Probability Impact IV.A. Impact What outputs and outcomes will indicate that this Investment is successful at the end of the FY08 HSGP period of performance? (Part of overall Investment 15,000 Char. Max) IV.B. Sustainability What is the long-term approach to sustaining the capabilities created or enhanced by this Investment, or explain why this Investment will not be sustained? (Part of overall Investment 15,000 Char. Max)