U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Fiscal Year 2008 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM INVESTMENT JUSTIFICATION REFERENCE GUIDE February 1, 2008 U.S.DEPARTMENT OFHOMELAND SECURITY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 1 CONTENTS PART I. PURPOSE......................................................................................................................................2 PART II. IMPROVEMENTS FROM FY07 TO FY08 .....................................................................................3 PART III. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................5 PART IV. REVIEW PROCESS, WEIGHTS, AND SCORING ......................................................................7 PART V. MULTI-APPLICANT SUBMISSIONS..........................................................................................13 PART VI. COMPLETING THE INVESTMENT JUSTIFICATION...............................................................16 PART VII. TECHNICAL GUIDANCE..........................................................................................................43 APPENDIX A. DEFINITIONS .....................................................................................................................45 APPENDIX B. ACRONYMS.......................................................................................................................48 APPENDIX C. MULTI-APPLICANT PROCESS SUMMARY.....................................................................49 APPENDIX D. TARGET CAPABILITIES AND NATIONAL PRIORITIES .................................................51 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 2 Part I. Purpose The purpose of the Investment Justification Reference Guide is to help States, Territories and Urban Areas develop and compile their Fiscal Year 2008 (FY08) Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Investment Justifications. This Guide complements the FY08 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit, developed by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Investment Justification is the method by which States, Territories, and Urban Areas: • Request HSGP funding for the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) and Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) • Demonstrate their planned use of funds for the Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) and the Citizen Corps Program (CCP) • Describe specific funding and implementation approaches over the 36-month grant period of performance that will help enhance and sustain capabilities and achieve outcomes aligned with the National Preparedness Guidelines, their respective State/Territory/Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy, and their State Preparedness Report This Guide contains specific guidance on: • Changes incorporated into the FY08 Investment Justification based on feedback received from stakeholders • Scoring criteria against which each question will be evaluated • Detailed steps on how to complete each question in the Investment Justification • Overview of the new IJ Submission module available March 1, 2008 in the Grants Reporting Tool (GRT) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 3 Part II. Improvements from FY07 to FY08 A. Investment Justification in FY07 In FY07, DHS required States, Territories, and Urban Areas to develop Investment Justifications as a part of their applications to request HSGP funds. These Investment Justifications included a description of each Investment’s ability to impact/enhance homeland security preparedness, as well as the ability of the applicant to successfully execute and implement the Investment. B. Feedback from Preparedness Partners Throughout the course of the FY07 HSGP review and scoring process, DHS collected and compiled recommendations from a variety of stakeholder sources, including peer reviewer surveys following the peer review conference, participant surveys from the After Action Conference, as well as formal and informal stakeholder discussions conducted throughout the year. The FEMA-sponsored After Action Conference held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on August 1, 2007 involved approximately 100 State, Territory, and local representatives from 45 States and Territories. Attendees participated in one of four working groups, which focused on HSGP programmatic objectives and integration, the HSGP guidance and application process, the effectiveness analysis, and linking risk management to investment planning. The feedback and recommendations provided by the stakeholder community were instrumental in refining the FY08 HSGP Investment Justification and peer review process. C. Updates Made to the FY08 Investment Justification In updating the FY08 Investment Justification, FEMA placed significant emphasis on the feedback and recommendations from stakeholders. In addition, FEMA continued to focus on the objectives of the Investment Justification when implementing changes. FEMA’s objectives for the Investment Justification include: • Supporting the National Preparedness Guidelines and State/Territory/Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy goals and objectives • Identifying the positive impacts and capability outcomes on the applicant’s overall homeland security program • Understanding the applicant’s ability, resources, plans, and strategies in place to successfully execute the Investment U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 4 Several of the stakeholder recommendations and actions implemented by FEMA include: .. Providing a Multi-Applicant planning worksheet. FEMA has provided a Multi- Applicant planning worksheet in the FY08 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit, which Multi-Applicant partners may complete jointly to increase overall coordination across Multi-Applicant Investments. .. Modifying questions for better descriptions of Sustainment. The Milestones and Sustainability questions have been modified to provide applicants the opportunity to better describe how their Investment can be sustained. .. Consolidating Management and Administrative (M&A) costs. Applicants no longer need to outline M&A costs for each individual Investment. Instead, a single consolidated question will detail how M&A will be used for all Investments within an Investment Justification. .. Adding a Purpose Statement. The Purpose Statement was added to the Investment Justification form to give applicants a place to provide a high-level overview of the Investment, including its goals and activities. .. Replacing the Enhancement Plan with the State Preparedness Report. The previous HSGP application requirement for the State Program and Capability Enhancement Plan has been replaced by the State Preparedness Report, which incorporates much of the same content and purpose. .. Updating definitions for output and outcome. To reinforce the importance of determining the impact of Investments, the definitions of outcome and output have been clarified to support clear, concise responses. .. Providing the Investment Justification online. In response to user feedback concerning technical issues with the Excel-based Investment Justification of years past, the FY08 HSGP Investment Justification is now compiled using the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (GRT) available March 1, 2008. This new and more user-friendly Investment Justification format will provide applicants greater flexibility and ease of use when compiling their Investment Justifications for submittal to http://www.grants.gov. Prior to this March 1 release date, applicants are strongly encouraged to begin development of their Investment Justifications using the provided Investment and Multi-Applicant planning worksheets. All responses completed in these planning worksheets must then be transferred to the applicant’s Investments in the IJ Submission module. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 5 Part III. Submission Requirements A. Investment Justifications States, Territories, and Urban Areas requesting FY08 HSGP funding must submit an Investment Justification. The Investment Justification may include up to 15 Investments and must account for all HSGP funds requested by the applicant. State and Territory applications should only include SHSP, MMRs, and CCP funds. MMRS Steering Committees and Citizen Corps Councils should be involved in the development of MMRS and CCP investments. Urban Area applications must account only for UASI funding. Per the requirements in the FY08 HSGP Guidance Application Kit, at least 25 percent of the total award amount for each State across all four programs, where applicable, must be dedicated toward enhancing capabilities related to Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and strengthening preparedness planning. While States and Urban Areas will develop separate Investment Justifications, they are strongly encouraged to coordinate with each other to present an overall application that represents a collaborative, integrated approach. For the FY08 HSGP, States, Territories, and Urban Areas may submit Multi-Applicant Investments, which represent a shared interest between two or more States and Territories, or a shared interest between two or more Urban Areas. For the purposes of this application, Urban Areas cannot submit a Multi-Applicant Investment in partnership with the State in which they are located. States, Territories, and Urban Areas must include any Multi-Applicant Investments as a part of their Investment Justification. All Multi-Applicant Investments will be reviewed by a separate Multi-Applicant panel of peer reviewers. Similar to other Investments, peer reviewers will evaluate the anticipated effectiveness of the Multi-Applicant Investments. Additionally, reviewers will evaluate: 1) how well the Multi-Applicant Investments collectively demonstrate collaboration between partners and 2) the overall merit of the Multi-Applicant Investments as a collective project that could not be accomplished by a single State, Territory, or Urban Area. B. State Preparedness Report The State Preparedness Report (SPR) will be used by the peer reviewers to provide context for the Investments outlined in State, Territory, and Urban Area Investment Justifications. The State Preparedness Report will only be used as a reference, and will not be scored. The Investment Justifications are expected to be self-sufficient and selfcontained, and should not rely on cross-references to any planning information contained in other sources. States are required to submit their State Preparedness Report by the deadline outlined in the State Preparedness Report guidance, which can be accessed on the FEMA Secure Portal at https://odp.esportals.com/login.cfm. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 6 Urban Areas are not required to submit their own Preparedness Reports. The State Preparedness Report should represent all statewide homeland security priorities, including those specific to Urban Areas. Likewise, Urban Area Investment Justifications must clearly reference support to Three-Year Targets from the State Preparedness Report within their Investment Justifications. Therefore, States are strongly encouraged to share their State Preparedness Reports with Urban Areas for optimal State and Urban Area planning purposes. C. Grants Reporting Tool (GRT) The FY08 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Investment Justification will be compiled via the IJ submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool, available March 1, 2008. The purpose of this module is to provide users with the ability to compile their FY08 Investment Justification without the use of an Excel template. Two planning worksheets have been provided to users in the FY08 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit so that they may begin drafting their Investment information prior to compiling them in the IJ Submission module. After reviewing the Investment Justification for accuracy, applicants may view and save their final Investment Justification report file from the IJ Submission module for subsequent submission to Grants.gov. D. Grants.gov The State Administrative Agency (SAA) must submit all State, Territory, and applicable Urban Area Investment Justification report files to http://www.grants.gov no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, May 1, 2008. Urban Areas should work in accordance with their respective State’s timelines and processes identified by the SAA to ensure the Urban Area Investment Justification is submitted by the SAA to Grants.gov in compliance with the application deadline. E. Additional Information Additional information regarding Grants.gov requirements, FY08 HSGP grant programs, funding priorities, and allowable cost information can be found in the FY08 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit. Questions regarding the Investment Justification and the Investment Justification submission process should be directed to the Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk (CSID). CSID can be contacted at 1-800-368-6498 or askcsid@dhs.gov. CSID hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (EST), Monday through Friday. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 7 Part IV. Review Process, Weights, and Scoring Each Investment Justification will be evaluated by a panel of peer reviewers to determine the anticipated effectiveness of an applicant’s plan to address national and local priorities (including the National Preparedness Guidelines and applicant-specific priorities), with the overall goal of managing risk and building capabilities. FEMA has defined anticipated effectiveness as: • The extent to which the Investment supports the vision of the State, Territory, or Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy and program planning activities • The ability to successfully execute and implement the Investment to achieve the planned Investment outputs and outcomes For each applicant, the FY08 Investment Justification consists of an Overall section and up to 15 Investments. Each of the 15 individual Investments contains four categories. Within these four categories there are a total of 13 individual Investment questions. The four categories, and the number of questions included in each, are detailed below: I. Baseline (includes three questions) II. Strategy (includes four questions) III. Implementation (includes four questions) IV. Impact (includes two questions) The Overall section and the four categories that will be used to evaluate anticipated effectiveness are defined as follows: .. Overall Section: Establishes context for the overall submission and outlines how the applicant understands their perceived risks, as well as how this understanding of risks influenced the applicant’s priorities and planning of the Investment Justification submission. Also outlines planned management and administrative costs associated with the implementation of the Investment Justification. I. Baseline category: Establishes context for and historical information related to the individual Investment to explain its current status. This helps to provide an understanding of the current state as well as future plans for the Investment. II. Strategy category: Ensures the Investment is aligned with the applicant’s State Preparedness Report and Homeland Security Strategy goals and objectives, Target Capabilities, and National Priorities. III. Implementation category: • Funding Plan question: Ensures the applicant has plans in place to use the requested funds efficiently and effectively. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 8 • Milestones question: Ensures the applicant has sufficient plans for implementing the Investment over the 36-month grant period of performance, including discrete tasks and timelines. • Project Management question: Ensures the applicant has the appropriate management team and skill sets in place to oversee the implementation and execution of the Investment. • Investment Challenges question: Ensures the applicant has identified challenges to successful implementation and execution of the Investment, and has proactive or anticipatory mitigation strategies to address those challenges. IV. Impact category: Ensures that the funds dedicated to the Investment will result in measurable, achievable outputs and outcomes aligned with target capabilities and program needs, and to maintain the capability level provided by the Investment after FY08 HSGP funds have been expended. Weights have been assigned to reinforce priority areas. While the applicant’s response to every question will not be individually scored by the peer reviewers, the peer reviewers will review every response for context. The following table contains the scoring criteria for each question and the weights that will be applied: FY08 HSGP Scoring Criteria and Weights Overall Investment Justification and Management and Administrative Costs Section Question and Scoring Criteria Weight Overall Investment Justification Question: The information provided will be scored in terms of its contribution to setting context and its relationship to other questions. Overall Management and Administrative Costs Question: The information provided will be scored in terms of its contribution to setting context and its relationship to other questions. N/A Individual Investments Section Question and Scoring Criteria Weight State/Territory name Response should include the State, Territory, or Urban Area submitting the Investment Investment Name Investment Heading Investment Phase Ongoing – An ongoing Investment is one that has received prior HSGP funding. New – A new Investment is one that has not received prior HSGP funding in the past. N/A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 9 Is this a Multi-Applicant Investment? If yes, who is the submitting partner? The information provided will be scored in terms of its contribution to setting context and its relationship to other questions. I.A. Previous HSGP Request Name and Funding The information provided will be scored in terms of its contribution to setting context and its relationship to other questions. I.B. Purpose Statement The information provided will be scored in terms of its contribution to setting context and its relationship to other questions. I. Baseline I.C. Description The information provided will be scored in terms of its contribution to setting context and its relationship to other questions. N/A II.A. State Preparedness Report • Response provides linkage between the Investment and initiatives from the State Preparedness Report • Response demonstrates how the Investment will contribute to reaching State Preparedness Report targets II.B. Homeland Security Strategy goals and objectives • Response provides linkage between the Investment and Homeland Security Strategy goals and objectives • Response demonstrates how the Investment will support the Homeland Security Strategy goals and objectives II.C. Target Capabilities • Explanation provides linkage between the Investment and primary Target Capability • Explanation demonstrates how the Investment will support the primary Target Capability II. Strategy II.D. National Priorities The information provided will be scored in terms of its contribution to setting context and its relationship to other questions. 15% of Investment Categories Score U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 10 III.A. Funding Plan • Explanation references appropriate activities, services, or products for the solution area • Explanation describes how the requested HSGP funds will be used specifically towards this Investment 10% of Investment Categories Score III.B. Milestones • Each response provides a clear description of the milestone, its associated activity, and start and end dates • Milestones collectively present a clear sequence of events that will allow the Investment to reach its objectives for this period of performance 10% of Investment Categories Score III.C. Project Management • Response describes, at a high-level, the roles and responsibilities of the management team, governance structures, and subject matter expertise required to manage the Investment • If the management team is the same as in other Investments, the response explains why this is appropriate 25% of Investment Categories Score III. Implementation III.D. Investment Challenges Response identifies the following: • Investment challenge(s) • Mitigation strategy for each challenge listed • Probability of occurrence • Level of impact should the challenge occur 5% of Investment Categories Score IV.A. Impact • Response identifies specific measurable outputs • Response identifies specific outcomes that will demonstrate the Investment’s impact on the applicant’s preparedness environment • Response describes how the outcomes will mitigate risks outlined in the Overall Investment IV. Impact Justification question IV.B. Sustainability • Response describes how the capabilities created or enhanced by this Investment will be maintained or sustained long term, or • Response describes why the Investment will not be maintained or sustained long term 35% of Investment Categories Score Weight Total 100% of Investment Category Score U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 11 A. Scoring For FY08, the expected method for calculating an Investment Justification’s anticipated effectiveness score will remain the same as FY07. An illustration of how the FY08 anticipated effectiveness score is calculated has been provided below. Please note that this overview should be considered a general guideline and is subject to change. FY08 Anticipated Effectiveness Calculation The individual question scores, as described and weighted in the FY08 HSGP Scoring Criteria and Weights table, comprise the Investment Categories Score, represented by the blue boxes. The weightings applied to the questions were determined by FEMA. The Comprehensive Investment Score, represented by the yellow box, assesses how well the individual responses collectively demonstrate the applicant’s vision (Baseline and Strategy sections, and the Impact question) for and ability to execute (Implementation section and the Sustainability question) the proposed Investment. The sum of the Investment Categories score and Comprehensive Investment score make up the Individual Investment Score, represented by the light green box. All Individual Investment Scores are used to produce one Overall Investment Score. Effectiveness Score (100 Points) Portfolio Score (20 Points) Overall Investment Score (80 Points) + Impact (35%) Comprehensive Investment Score (20 Points) Strategy (15%) Funding Plan (10%) Milestones (10%) Program Management (25%) Investment Challenges (5%) Investment Categories Score (80 Points) + Individual Investment Score Multi-Applicant Investment Bonus (where applicable) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 12 Finally, a Portfolio Score, represented by the orange box, will be given to the Investment Justification submission as a whole. The purpose of this score is to examine how well all of the applicant’s Investments, including Multi-Applicant Investments, collectively support the applicant’s State Preparedness Report and Homeland Security Strategy goals and objectives, whether there are overlapping requests or duplication of efforts, and how well the Investments collectively tie together is based on the applicant’s understanding of risk as outlined in the Overall Investment Justification question. The sum of the Overall Investment Score and Portfolio Management Score make up the Anticipated Effectiveness Score, represented by the dark green box. Additionally, all applicants that submit a Multi-Applicant Investment are eligible for up to a 5 point bonus to their anticipated effectiveness score for submitting one Multi-Applicant Investment and up to an 8 point bonus for submitting multiple Multi-Applicant Investments. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 13 Part V. Multi-Applicant Submissions For the FY08 HSGP submission process, States, Territories, and Urban areas may choose to submit Multi-Applicant Investments as a part of their application. States and Territories may only submit Multi-Applicant Investments with other States or Territories, while Urban Areas may only submit Multi-Applicant Investments with other Urban Areas (either with an Urban Area in the same State or with an Urban Area in another State). For the purposes of this application, Urban Areas cannot submit a Multi-Applicant Investment in partnership with the State in which they are located. Working together with other eligible FY08 HSGP applicants, States, Territories, and Urban Areas will be able to develop or enhance a capability by sharing the costs among a group of partners, strengthen and build partnerships within their region, benefit from the experience of their peers, and increase their region’s overall preparedness. The Multi-Applicant submission process for FY08 HSGP has been revised to include a Multi-Applicant planning worksheet to reduce the overall workload on applicants and help facilitate greater coordination across Multi-Applicant Investments. The Multi- Applicant planning worksheet provides space to identify each of the partners submitting a Multi-Applicant Investment and allows partners to jointly describe their Multi-Applicant Investment planning. This planning worksheet has been provided to help applicants in drafting their Multi-Applicant Investments prior to the March 1, 2008, release of the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (GRT). The Multi-Applicant Task Guide in Appendix C provides further information regarding the FY08 Multi-Applicant submission process, including details of specific partner roles and responsibilities when submitting Multi-Applicant Investments. Applicants participating in a Multi-Applicant submission will need to identify one of the partners to act as the submitting partner. The Multi-Applicant Task Guide highlights certain questions that the submitting partner will include as part of their Multi-Applicant Investment on behalf of all partners. These questions were chosen because they best reflect and require group effort, and the responses to them should be drafted by all participating partners and should not be the work of only one partner. The questions listed for completion by individual partners reflect those aspects that are relevant to each Multi-Applicant partner, including the submitting partner. Please note that the submitting partner will not receive any additional bonus, nor incur any additional responsibilities, by submitting the partnership’s responses as a part of their Multi- Applicant Investment. Multi-Applicant Investments will be reviewed using the same criteria as other Investments outlined in the FY08 HSGP Scoring Criteria and Weights table. The review panel will also consider the degree to which the Multi-Applicant Investments demonstrate collaboration among partners and the overall merit of the Mutli-Applicant Investments as a collective project that could not be accomplished by a single State, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY | HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM 14 Territory or Urban Area. The Multi-Applicant Investment Criteria table details how these additional criteria are applied to certain Inve