Required Pre-Award Documents for Mitigation Projects

Acquisition and Relocation Projects

For property acquisition and relocation projects, the Sub-applicant acquiring property must deed restrict all acquired property using the Model Deed Restrictions. The Sub-applicant must submit to FEMA prior to award  a sample of the actual deed restriction that the local government will record with each property deed during acquisition. Projects without these formal assurances will not be funded.

FEMA will work with Applicants who have acquisition and relocation project sub-applications selected for award to complete these documents as part of pre-award activities prior to grant award. The Model Deed Restriction for all FEMA mitigation grant programs are available by clicking on the link below:

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Projects in Special Flood Hazard Areas

For all projects related to mitigation of properties in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) (e.g. elevation and floodproofing), each participating Property Owner's signed acknowledgement of conditions for having a property in a SFHA mitigated with FEMA grant funds must be provided to FEMA prior to award. This requirement does not apply to acquisition projects.  The acknowledgment must address the information identified on the Model Acknowledgement of Conditions for Mitigation of Property in a Special Flood Hazard Area with FEMA Grant Funds, and have equivalent effect.

Properties without a signed acknowledgement will not be eligible to receive assistance. FEMA will work with Applicants who have SFHA project sub-applications selected for award to complete these acknowledgements as part of pre-award activities prior to grant award.

The Model Acknowledgement of Conditions for Mitigation of Property in a Special Flood Hazard Area with FEMA Grant Funds is available for use as a reference.

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Geocoding Mitigation Projects

The location of all approved mitigation projects funded by the PDM program must be geocoded using standard datum prior to award. The Guidance for Geocoding Mitigation Data is available from the FEMA Library.

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 02-Jul-2008 13:22:37 EDT
