Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs

Project Tip Sheet

1. If appropriate for your program read and understand each help link within eGrants.  These links have important information on the type of documentation to include as well as interpreting and responding to the question.
2. Closely follow the rules for Scope of Work (SOW) in the program Guidance and in the SOW tip sheets available on-line.

3. Provide a complete picture of the subject property.  Include data/documentation about building type, building size, number of stories, and building value.  Identify if it's a historic property and/or community.  Specify if the property is commercial or residential.  The preparer is encouraged to complete and submit the proper Data Documentation Template from the Benefit Cost Toolkit CD.

4. Describe, document and verify the Project feasibility and strategy for its completion in a step by step manner. 

5. When listing and evaluating alternatives that were considered, don't just focus on "no action alternatives".  List why alternatives were dropped from consideration in favor of the proposed actions

6. Clearly describe how the sub-application mitigation activity will advance the goals of the State and local hazard mitigation plans.

7. Describe the project and explain the benefits of the mitigation project to the community.  Do not generalize, but address the specific benefits (e.g., who, what, how, where and when).  Be explicit and concise; assume that the reader has no knowledge of your situation or your community.  Tie past damage history events to the proposed mitigation project.

8. Ensure that the data in the sub-application, the BCA module runs, reports and other data submitted for technical support is all consistent.  Document Loss of Function/Functional Downtime.  Show calculations and explain results as applicable. Use damage history specific to and relevant to the project.  Provide disaster declaration data.  Justify the overriding of any FEMA default values.  Use BCA toolkit to bring past monetary damage to current monetary damage.

9. Ensure responses to environmental questions are consistent with project descriptions.

10. Provide a copy of engineering or architectural specifications referenced in the sub-application. If a flood mitigation project affecting existing structures, include a FEMA elevation certificate or signed, sealed and dated lowest finished floor elevation certification from a licensed surveyor for the State where the project will be implemented. Full Data module is to be used for BCA when applicable.

Last Modified: Friday, 17-Nov-2006 13:32:46 EST