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U.S. Coke Exports

Table 14.    xls    pdf     Quarterly Coal Report
Table 14.  U.S. Coke Exports
(Short Tons)
Continent and Country of Destination April - June 2008 January - March 2008 April - June 2007 Year to Date
2008 2007 Percent Change
North America Total  440,684 161,573 180,672 602,257 322,807 86.6
   Canada[1]  272,285 43,823 98,411 316,108 146,113 116.3
   Mexico  167,791 116,702 81,023 284,493 174,354 63.2
   Other[2]   608 1,048 1,238 1,656 2,340 -29.2
Europe Total  284 - - 284 - -
   Other[2]   284 - - 284 - -
Asia Total  21,457 76,808 81,832 98,265 126,825 -22.5
   China  21,457 76,808 81,832 98,265 126,825 -22.5
   Other[2]  4,041 77,484 9,941 81,525 140,200 -41.9
Oceania & Australia Total  42 175 9,792 217 139,998 -99.8
   Other2  3,999 77,309 149 81,308 202 NM
Africa Total  9 104 18,188 113 43,984 -99.7
   Gabon  - - - - 25,796 -
   Other[2]  9 104 18,188 113 18,188 -99.4
Total  466,475 315,969 290,633 782,444 633,816 23.4
1 Based on the U.S. - Canada Free Trade Agreement; as of January 1990, the U.S. Department of Commerce began reporting statistics on U.S. exports to Canada based on information on imports provided monthly by the Canadian government.
2 Includes countries with coke exports less than or equal to 50,000 short tons in 2007.
- = No data are reported.
NM = Not meaningful due to changes of 500 percent or more.
Note: · Total may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: · Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, "Monthly Report EM 545."

More Tables on Coal Exports:
Table 4. U.S. Coal Exports and Imports html xls pdf
Table 5. Average Price of U.S. Coal Exports and Imports html xls pdf
Table 7. U.S. Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 8. Average Price of U.S. Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 10. Average Price of U.S. Steam Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 11. U.S. Metallurgical Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 12. Average Price of U.S. Metallurgical Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 13. Coal Exports by Customs District html xls pdf
Table 14. U.S. Coke Exports html xls pdf

see also: Historical Coal Data back to 1949
Projected Coal Supply & Demand to 2030
International Coal Data