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Coal Exports by Customs District

Table 13.    xls    pdf     Quarterly Coal Report
Table 13.  Coal Exports by Customs District
(Short Tons)
Customs District April - June 2008 January - March 2008 April - June 2007 Year to Date
2008 2007 Percent Change
Eastern Total  11,946,099 9,362,931 6,061,563 21,309,030 13,027,358 63.6
   Baltimore, MD  3,204,670 1,915,654 1,019,703 5,120,324 2,919,970 75.4
   Buffalo, NY  386,077 297,704 444,173 683,781 545,043 25.5
   New York, NY  3,260 14,158 2,958 17,418 11,240 55.0
   Norfolk, VA  8,186,702 7,126,837 4,578,549 15,313,539 9,525,570 60.8
   Ogdensburg, NY  142,093 7,278 16,130 149,371 20,351 NM
   Philadelphia, PA  23,297 1,229 - 24,526 5,089 381.9
   Portland, ME  - 25 50 25 74 -66.2
   St. Albans, VT  - 46 - 46 21 119.0
Southern Total  4,713,865 4,124,434 2,931,065 8,838,299 5,365,705 64.7
   Charleston, SC  33 - 65 33 118 -72.0
   El Paso, TX  29,284 33,754 58,695 63,038 88,668 -28.9
   Houston-Galveston, TX  58,223 93,776 46,002 151,999 85,294 78.2
   Laredo, TX  128,415 135,385 7,254 263,800 20,078 NM
   Miami, FL  580 6,553 14,685 7,133 16,734 -57.4
   Mobile, AL  2,079,685 2,073,103 1,876,194 4,152,788 3,485,562 19.1
   New Orleans, LA  2,415,672 1,779,551 920,791 4,195,223 1,654,399 153.6
   Savannah, GA  - 193 4,059 193 8,231 -97.7
   Tampa, FL  1,830 1,919 3,320 3,749 6,621 -43.4
   Wilmington, NC  143 200 - 343 - -
Western Total  216,293 90,328 127,778 306,621 204,131 50.2
   Anchorage, AK  124,247 77,184 85,154 201,431 159,933 25.9
   Great Falls, MT  449 28 4 477 521 -8.4
   Los Angeles, CA  91,076 532 1,651 91,608 1,713 NM
   San Diego, CA  230 923 1,091 1,153 1,955 -41.0
   San Francisco, CA  269 10,175 39,834 10,444 39,834 -73.8
   Seattle, WA  22 1,486 44 1,508 175 NM
Northern Total  6,122,972 2,118,306 5,487,429 8,241,278 7,033,736 17.2
   Chicago, IL  - - 30,450 - 30,450 -
   Cleveland, OH  643,626 201,665 820,740 845,291 866,060 -2.4
   Detroit, MI  5,477,723 1,915,651 4,633,329 7,393,374 6,133,760 20.5
   Duluth, MN  1,488 653 2,618 2,141 3,037 -29.5
   Pembina, ND  135 337 292 472 429 10.0
Other Ports  69,277 105,579 94,099 174,856 210,390 -16.9
Total  23,068,506 15,801,578 14,701,934 38,870,084 25,841,320 50.4
- = No data are reported.
NM = Not meaningful due to changes of 500 percent or more.
Note: · Total may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: · Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, "Monthly Report EM 545."

More Tables on Coal Exports:
Table 4. U.S. Coal Exports and Imports html xls pdf
Table 5. Average Price of U.S. Coal Exports and Imports html xls pdf
Table 7. U.S. Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 8. Average Price of U.S. Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 10. Average Price of U.S. Steam Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 11. U.S. Metallurgical Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 12. Average Price of U.S. Metallurgical Coal Exports html xls pdf
Table 13. Coal Exports by Customs District html xls pdf
Table 14. U.S. Coke Exports html xls pdf

see also: Historical Coal Data back to 1949
Projected Coal Supply & Demand to 2030
International Coal Data