The Community Rating System
Saving Lives and Dollars

Roseville, CA - With the realization that implementing the Community Rating System (CRS) program was not much more than the cost of implementing good floodplain management, the City of Roseville joined the CRS and is currently rated at Class 5, giving residents outside the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) a 10 percent reduction on their flood insurance premium, and a 25 percent reduction to residents within the SFHA.

One of the biggest advantages of the CRS is that it creates partnerships. In joining the CRS, the City of Roseville was able to bring together different mitigation stakeholders and garner support within the city government for supporting hazard mitigation planning. Key components of Roseville’s mitigation program are floodplain mapping, stringent building codes/regulations, a flood early warning system and public outreach in the form of annual mailings describing what to do before, during and after a flood and providing information on flood insurance.

Floodplain mapping is used in conjunction with other hazard mitigation activities. When mapping the floodplains, it is assumed that there is full build out of the contributing drainage sheds. Regulations stipulate that newly developed areas must drain completely and not cause any flood damage to homes even if the stormwater drainage system is completely blocked. Additionally, any development outside, but adjacent to the floodplain must be built two feet above the base flood elevation.

The development of a flood early warning system is an integral part of the mitigation program. When a 100-year flood event occurred in 1995, over 300 water rescues were performed. After the development of the system, in 1997 when another 100-year storm event occurred, no water rescues were needed.

Since joining the CRS, the City of Roseville has implemented a successful mitigation program that has returned 80 to 90 percent of the floodplain to open space, reduced repetitive loss properties from 24 to two, implemented a flood early warning system and raised public awareness about flood insurance and hazard mitigation.

Brief Locator

Placer County,


Quick Facts


Amount Not Available

Primary Activity/Project:
Community Rating System Activity

Primary Funding:
Community Rating System (CRS)