Del Norte County, California
Studying Flood Hazards

Del Norte County, CA - On Aug. 22, 2000, Del Norte County signed a Partnership Agreement with FEMA under the Cooperating Technical Communities initiative (now the Cooperating Technical Partners [CTP]). Under that agreement, Del Norte County and FEMA agreed to work together to ensure flood hazard information for the county is kept up to date and accurate.

The first mapping activity being undertaken by Del Norte County Community Development staff and FEMA staff is a restudy of flood hazards along a 21-mile length of the scenic Smith River near the City of Crescent City and a three-mile length of Rowdy Creek, a tributary to the Smith River. Under the agreement with FEMA, the Community Development staff will develop digital cross section data, digital topographic data and digital base maps in two phases.

During Phase 1, the County will develop data for a 16-mile long segment of the Smith River extending from the community of Gasquet to a point approximately one mile downstream of the U.S. Highway 101 bridge.

During Phase 2, the County will develop data for the remaining five miles of the Smith River, down to its mouth at the Pacific Ocean and for a three-mile long segment of Rowdy Creek, from its confluence with the Smith River to approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the U.S. Highway 101 bridge.

FEMA will use the digital cross section data, topographic data, and base maps as part of its detailed study of flood hazards along the Smith River and Rowdy Creek. FEMA will develop new hydraulic models and flood mapping and will produce a new Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) for use by County officials and the county’s 27,000 citizens. Officials plan to integrate the digital products with its floodplain management and land-use planning products.

Brief Locator

Del Norte County,

Flooding US Highway 101 bridge Del Norte, CA, Smith River

Quick Facts


Amount Not Available

Primary Activity/Project:
Cooperative Technical Partner Activity

Primary Funding:
Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP)