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Genetics & Breeding
Bennett, G. L.
Casas, E.
Keele, J. W.
Kuehn, L. A.
Leymaster, K. A.
McDaneld, T.G.
Smith, T. P. L.
Snelling, W. M.
Thallman, R. M.
Van Vleck, L. D.
Wiedmann, R. T.
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Genetics & Breeding Unit Publications 2006:


Casas, E.  2006.  The use of genomics to identify genes influencing economically important traits in animal production.  Arch. Latinoam. Prod. Anim. 14(1):24.31.


Casas, E., and Cundiff, L. V.  2006.  Postweaning growth and carcass traits in crossbred cattle from Hereford, Angus, Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Friesian, and Wagyu maternal grandsires.  J. Anim. Sci. 84:305-310.


Casas, E., White, S. N., Wheeler, T. L., Shackelford, S. D., Koohmaraie, M., Riley, D. G., Chase, C. C., Jr., Johnson, D. D., and Smith, T. P. L.  2006.  Effects of Calpastatin and μ-Calpain markers in beef cattle on tenderness traits.  J. Anim. Sci. 84:520-525.


Casas, E., and Stone, R. T.  2006.  Putative quantitative trait loci for infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis.  J. Anim. Sci. 84(In press).


Clawson, M. L., Heaton, M. P., Keele, J. W., Smith, T. P., Harhay, G. P., and Laegreid, W. W.  2006.  Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype structure in the prion gene of U.S. cattle.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Submitted 5/19/06).


Freking, B. A., and Leymaster, K. A.  2006. Evaluation of the Ovine Callipyge locus: IV. Genotypic effects on reproductive traits.  J. Anim. Sci. 84:311-316.


Isler, B. J., Freking, B. A., Thallman, R. M., Heaton, M. A., and Leymaster, K. A.  2006.  Evaluation of associations between prior haplotypes and growth, carcass, and meat quality traits in a Dorset × Romanov sheep population.  J. Anim. Sci. 84:783-788.


Klindt, J., Thallman, R. M., and Wise, T.  2006.  Effects of sire line, sire, and sex on plasma urea nitrogen, body weight, and backfat thickness in offspring of Duroc and Landrace boars.  J. Anim. Sci. 84:1323-1330.


Murphy, S. K., Nolan, C. M., Huang, Z., Kucera, K. S., Freking, B. A., Smith, T. P. L., Leymaster, K. A., Weidman, J. R., and Jirtle, R. L.  2006. The callipyge mutation affects gene expression in cis: A role for chromatin structure? Genome Res. 16:340-346.


Rios-Utrera, A., Cundiff, L. V., Gregory, K. E., Koch, R. M., Dikeman, M. E., Koohmaraie, M., and Van Vleck, L. D.  2006. Effects of age, weight, and fat slaughter end points on estimates of breed and retained heterosis effects for carcass traits.  J. Anim. Sci. 84:63-87.


Snowder, G. D., Van Vleck, L. D., Cundiff, L. V., and Bennett, G. L.  2006.  Bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle:  I. Environmental, genetic and economic factors.  J. Anim. Sci. 84:1999-2008.


Williams, C. B., Bennett, G. L., Jenkins, T. G., Cundiff, L. V., and Ferrell, C. L.  2006.  Using simulation models to predict feed intake:  phenotypic and genetic relationships between observed and predicted values in cattle.  J. Anim. Sci. 84:1310-1316.


Yaden, B. C., Garcia, M., III, Smith, T. P. L., and Rhodes, S. J.  2006.  Two promoters coordinate transcription from the human LHX 3 gene:  Regulation by nuclear factor I and Sp1.  Endocrinology 147:324-337.

Last Modified: 10/31/2006
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