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U S Department of Health and Human Services www.hhs.govOffice of Public Health and Science - The Federal Source for Women's Health Information Sponsored by the H H S Office on Women's Health
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Preventive Screening Tests and Immunizations

Your Role in Prevention

Getting regular check ups, preventive screening tests, and immunizations are among the most important things you can do for yourself. Take time to review these guidelines for screening tests and immunizations. Use the charts below to remind yourself of when you need to see your doctor or nurse based on your personal health profile. Make an appointment today!  Then, become a partner with your doctor or nurse to decide when you need your screenings and immunizations. Share your family history, speak up, voice your concerns, and always ask questions. For instance, if your doctor or nurse asks you to increase the amount you exercise, ask for examples of exercises that are best for you. If you are confused about how to do a monthly breast self-exam, ask and practice until you understand and feel comfortable doing it. If you are wondering if you need certain screenings, ask your doctor or nurse. You owe it to yourself.

Risk Factors

The first chart in this section lists recommended screenings and immunizations for women at average risk for most diseases. How do you know if your risk is higher than average? Check the second set of charts for the recommended screenings and immunizations for women with higher than average risk factors. Risk factors are things in your life that increase your chances of developing a condition or disease. They can include things like family history, exposures to things in the environment, being a certain age or sex, being from a certain ethnic group, or already having a health condition. If you do have high risk factors, your doctor or nurse will most likely want you to be screened or immunized at a younger age or more often than what is recommended. Check with your doctor or nurse to find out if you need to have specific health screenings and how often you will need them.

Current as of July 2007

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