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1. COMM7000D  -  Basic Communication Skills (Classroom-Day)
Much of your success depends on your ability to articulate well, both in person and on paper. ... In this course you learn the fundamental communications skills needed to get ahead. ... Discover how to analyze verbal and nonverbal communications, write clearly and concisely, organize and deliver an oral presentation and break down communication ...

2. COMM7001D  -  Assertiveness Skills (Classroom-Day)
Learn to speak honestly and directly, make decisions easily and influence people. ... Create a turning point in your life by learning to recognize the difference between assertive and aggressive behaviors, communicate more effectively and listen for others' motivations. ... As you learn to spot the barriers to effective communication, ...

3. COMM7002D  -  Briefing Techniques (Classroom-Day)
Learn to overcome your fear of public speaking! Discover strategies to develop and organize your thoughts, learn to speak directly to the audience, field tough questions and get the most from visual aids. ... Deliver your next briefing with confidence. ... This course is an elective in the Certificate of Accomplishment in Acquisition. ...

4. COMM7003D  -  Communicating for Results (Classroom-Day)
Learn to overcome barriers to effective office communications. ... Develop strategies to increase your ability to be understood by identifying your own communications style and that of others. ... Explore methods of interpreting verbal and nonverbal feedback and the use of appropriate repetition to clarify communications. ...

5. COMM7004D  -  Constructive Conflict Resolution (Classroom-Day)
Transform the most difficult circumstances into satisfying, win-win experiences. ... Discover constructive approaches to positive resolution. ... Develop the tools for quickly analyzing and responding to difficult situations to create practical, positive outcomes. ... Employees who want to better manage workplace conflicts and ...

6. COMM7006D  -  Interpersonal Communications (Classroom-Day)
Learn proven techniques to work more productively and improve your everyday interactions with others. ... Discover conflict resolution strategies and negotiation techniques, as well as tips on tact and diplomacy. ... This course is also part of the Certificate of Accomplishment in Acquisition and the Certificate of Accomplishment in ...

7. COMM7007D  -  Listening and Memory Development (Classroom-Day)
Improve work performance by increasing your ability to retain information. ... Learn the effective use of imagery and association and the techniques for listening and sorting information while asking key questions that encourage others to share thoughts and ideas. ... You develop more confidence and enhance productivity with your increased ...

8. COMM7009D  -  Positive Approaches to Difficult People (Classroom-Day)
Do not let "difficult" people ruin another day! Learn approaches for maintaining your composure, methods for clarifying underlying issues, and strategic questioning and listening techniques to discover what motivates difficult people. ... Leave the course refreshed and prepared to minimize the negative impact of difficult personalities in your ...

9. COMM7010D  -  Speaking with Confidence (Classroom-Day)
Present yourself as an energetic, dynamic person who has something powerful to say and command the attention of everyone in the room. ... Learn to meet the expectations of any audience, think on your feet and engage people in your message. ... This step-by-step approach prepares you to develop a natural presentation style, open and ...

10. COMM7012D  -  Voice and Diction (Classroom-Day)
Learn to speak with confidence and authority! Whether you want to practice pronunciation, reduce an accent or develop a strong working vocabulary, you create a more positive impression by improving the clarity and vocal quality of your spoken English. ... Individuals who want to improve the clarity and vocal quality of their spoken English. ...

11. COMM7027D  -  Increasing Personal Effectiveness (Classroom-Day)
This skills-based course by Employee Development Systems will provide you with practical tools and skills that create and sustain personal effectiveness for your day-to-day interactions. ... The course includes the DISCĀ© Personal Profile System and other assessments and enables you to identify improvement opportunities and develop new skills ...

12. COMM7117D  -  Stress Management (Classroom-Day)
Manage your stress and reap the rewards, including fewer job errors, reduced absenteeism, improved decision making and lowered hostility. ... Identify your personal stress level, recognize and defuse signs of stress, and learn to apply proven stress reduction techniques in difficult and challenging situations. ... Individuals who need ...

13. COMM7122D  -  Handling Difficult Conversations (Classroom-Day)
At one time or another all of us must engage in conversations that can be difficult and challenging. ... Handling them well is essential. ... Learn techniques for handling such conversations with skill and confidence. ... These techniques can be applied in multiple settings, but the emphasis will be on performance and other ...

14. COMM7150D  -  E-Mail Etiquette and Efficiency (Classroom-Day)
Make the most of e-mail and other office technologies while avoiding embarrassing and even illegal mistakes. ... Learn e-mail etiquette, legal guidelines, federal record retention guidelines and tips for using technology to provide efficient, professional customer service. ... Employees who prepare e-mails to convey the professional ...

15. COMM7510A  -  Winning Customer Service via GS Connect (Distance Education)
All session times shown are Eastern United States. ... Enhance your skills and increase your knowledge of winning customer service techniques. ... This course covers customer service essentials, as well as special topics and techniques for handling a variety of situations. ... Job aids are also included. ... Office professionals ...

16. COMM8000D  -  Effective Communication with Customers (Classroom-Day)
Learn the basics of effective communication to help you deliver superior customer service by successfully interacting with internal and external customers. ... Learn to recognize and anticipate the needs of others, develop flexibility when handling requests and complaints, and spot and respond to important verbal and nonverbal messages. ...

17. COMM8500A  -  Communicating Effectively Across Cultures via GS Connect (Distance Education)
Enhance your skill and increase your knowledge of cross-cultural communication. ... Learn about different intercultural communication approaches, styles and patterns to gain insight into the richness of various cultures. ... Build skills to interact effectively with your counterparts and virtual teams on a global scale, and gain ideas ...

18. COMM9000D  -  Briefing Techniques: Advanced (Classroom-Day)
Fine-tune your dynamic and persuasive speaking ability, a critical element for career advancement. ... You learn to organize a winning presentation by converting features into benefits, adding effective visual aids, fielding tough questions and managing objections. ... Experienced presenters, including graduates of Briefing Techniques ...

19. COMM9000E - Leveraging the Media (Evening/Weekend)
Leveraging the Media ... This course is offered during the following Terms: ... View the Term course schedule for a complete listing. ... The whole world is watching. And whoever tells your story first writes the ground rules. Tell your story later, and fight entrenched public perceptions. Change and challenge yourself. Truly ...

20. COMM9002D  -  Marketing Public Programs (Classroom-Day)
Communicate your public program like the pros and create a measurable difference in our society. ... Social marketing is the application of commercial marketing techniques to address social problems and influence the public's behavior. ... This course offers participants the opportunity to understand, learn and practice social marketing ...

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