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Table 47. Selected STDs and complications - Initial visits to physicians' offices: United States, 1966-2004

Year Genital Herpes Genital Warts Vaginal Trichomoniasis* Other Vaginitis* Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
1966 19,000 56,000 579,000 1,155,000 NA
1967 15,000 72,000 515,000 1,277,000 NA
1968 16,000 87,000 463,000 1,460,000 NA
1969 15,000 61,000 421,000 1,390,000 NA
1970 17,000 119,000 529,000 1,500,000 NA
1971 49,000 128,000 484,000 1,281,000 NA
1972 26,000 165,000 574,000 1,810,000 NA
1973 51,000 198,000 466,000 1,858,000 NA
1974 75,000 202,000 427,000 1,907,000 NA
1975 36,000 181,000 500,000 1,919,000 NA
1976 57,000 217,000 473,000 1,690,000 NA
1977 116,000 221,000 324,000 1,713,000 NA
1978 76,000 269,000 329,000 2,149,000 NA
1979 83,000 200,000 363,000 1,662,000 NA
1980 57,000 218,000 358,000 1,670,000 423,000
1981 133,000 191,000 369,000 1,742,000 283,000
1982 134,000 256,000 268,000 1,859,000 374,000
1983 106,000 203,000 424,000 1,932,000 424,000
1984 157,000 224,000 381,000 2,450,000 381,000
1985 124,000 263,000 291,000 2,728,000 425,000
1986 136,000 275,000 338,000 3,118,000 457,000
1987 102,000 351,000 293,000 3,087,000 403,000
1988 163,000 290,000 191,000 3,583,000 431,000
1989 148,000 220,000 165,000 3,374,000 413,000
1990 172,000 275,000 213,000 4,474,000 358,000
1991 235,000 282,000 198,000 3,822,000 377,000
1992 139,000 218,000 182,000 3,428,000 335,000
1993 172,000 167,000 207,000 3,755,000 407,000
1994 142,000 239,000 199,000 4,123,000 332,000
1995 160,000 253,000 141,000 3,927,000 262,000
1996 208,000 191,000 245,000 3,472,000 286,000
1997 176,000 145,000 176,000 3,100,000 260,000
1998 188,000 211,000 164,000 3,200,000 233,000
1999 224,000 240,000 171,000 3,077,000 250,000
2000 179,000 220,000 222,000 3,470,000 254,000
2001 157,000 233,000 210,000 3,365,000 244,000
2002 216,000 266,000 150,000 3,315,000 197,000
2003 203,000 264,000 179,000 3,516,000 123,000
2004 269,000 316,000 221,000 3,602,000 132,000

*Women only.
Women 15-44 only.
NA = Not available.
NOTE: Standard errors for estimates under 100,000 are not available. The relative standard error for estimates 100,000-300,000 are between 20% and 30%; 300,000-600,000 are between 16% and 20%; 600,000-1,000,000 are 13% and 15%; and 1,000,000-5,000,000 are between 9% and 13%.
SOURCE: National Disease and Therapeutic Index (IMS Health). See Appendix (Other Data Sources) for more information.

Page last modified: November 8, 2005
Page last reviewed: November 8, 2005 Historical Document

Content Source: Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention