Title 10--Energy



TEXT PDF2.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF2.2 Subparts.
TEXT PDF2.3 Resolution of conflict.
TEXT PDF2.4 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2.8 Information collection requirements: OMB approval.
TEXT PDF2.100 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF2.101 Filing of application.
TEXT PDF2.102 Administrative review of application.
TEXT PDF2.103 Action on applications for byproduct, source, special nuclear material, facility and operator licenses.
TEXT PDF2.104 Notice of hearing.
TEXT PDF2.105 Notice of proposed action.
TEXT PDF2.106 Notice of issuance.
TEXT PDF2.107 Withdrawal of application.
TEXT PDF2.108 Denial of application for failure to supply information.
TEXT PDF2.109 Effect of timely renewal application.
TEXT PDF2.110 Filing and administrative action on submittals for design review or early review of site suitability issues.
TEXT PDF2.111 Prohibition of sex discrimination.
TEXT PDF2.200 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF2.201 Notice of violation.
TEXT PDF2.202 Orders.
TEXT PDF2.203 Settlement and compromise.
TEXT PDF2.204 Demand for information.
TEXT PDF2.205 Civil penalties.
TEXT PDF2.206 Requests for action under this subpart.
TEXT PDF2.300 Scope of subpart C.
TEXT PDF2.301 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF2.302 Filing of documents.
TEXT PDF2.303 Docket.
TEXT PDF2.304 Formal requirements for documents; acceptance for filing.
TEXT PDF2.305 Service of papers, methods, proof.
TEXT PDF2.306 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF2.307 Extension and reduction of time limits.
TEXT PDF2.308 Treatment of requests for hearing or petitions for leave to intervene by the Secretary.
TEXT PDF2.309 Hearing requests, petitions to intervene, requirements for standing, and contentions.
TEXT PDF2.310 Selection of hearing procedures.
TEXT PDF2.311 Interlocutory review of rulings on requests for hearing/petitions to intervene and selection of hearing procedures.
TEXT PDF2.312 Notice of hearing.
TEXT PDF2.313 Designation of presiding officer, disqualification, unavailability, and substitution.
TEXT PDF2.314 Appearance and practice before the Commission in adjudicatory proceedings.
TEXT PDF2.315 Participation by a person not a party.
TEXT PDF2.316 Consolidation of parties.
TEXT PDF2.317 Separate hearings; consolidation of proceedings.
TEXT PDF2.318 Commencement and termination of jurisdiction of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF2.319 Power of the presiding officer.
TEXT PDF2.320 Default.
TEXT PDF2.321 Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards.
TEXT PDF2.322 Special assistants to the presiding officer.
TEXT PDF2.323 Motions.
TEXT PDF2.324 Order of procedure.
TEXT PDF2.325 Burden of proof.
TEXT PDF2.326 Motions to reopen.
TEXT PDF2.327 Official recording; transcript.
TEXT PDF2.328 Hearings to be public.
TEXT PDF2.329 Prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF2.330 Stipulations.
TEXT PDF2.331 Oral argument before the presiding officer.
TEXT PDF2.332 General case scheduling and management.
TEXT PDF2.333 Authority of the presiding officer to regulate procedure in a hearing.
TEXT PDF2.334 Implementing hearing schedule for proceeding.
TEXT PDF2.335 Consideration of Commission rules and regulations in adjudicatory proceedings.
TEXT PDF2.336 General discovery.
TEXT PDF2.337 Evidence at a hearing.
TEXT PDF2.338 Settlement of issues; alternative dispute resolution.
TEXT PDF2.339 Expedited decisionmaking procedure.
TEXT PDF2.340 Initial decision in contested proceedings on applications for facility operating licenses; immediate effectiveness of initial decision directing issuance or amendment of construction permit or operating license.
TEXT PDF2.341 Review of decisions and actions of a presiding officer.
TEXT PDF2.342 Stays of decisions.
TEXT PDF2.343 Oral argument.
TEXT PDF2.344 Final decision.
TEXT PDF2.345 Petition for reconsideration.
TEXT PDF2.346 Authority of the Secretary.
TEXT PDF2.347 Ex parte communications.
TEXT PDF2.348 Separation of functions.
TEXT PDF2.390 Public inspections, exemptions, requests for withholding.
TEXT PDF2.400 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF2.401 Notice of hearing on applications pursuant to appendix N of part 52 for construction permits.
TEXT PDF2.402 Separate hearings on separate issues; consolidation of proceedings.
TEXT PDF2.403 Notice of proposed action on applications for operating licenses pursuant to appendix N of part 52.
TEXT PDF2.404 Hearings on applications for operating licenses pursuant to appendix N of part 52.
TEXT PDF2.405 Initial decisions in consolidated hearings.
TEXT PDF2.406 Finality of decisions on separate issues.
TEXT PDF2.407 Applicability of other sections.
TEXT PDF2.500 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF2.501 Notice of hearing on application pursuant to appendix M of part 52 for a license to manufacture nuclear power reactors.
TEXT PDF2.502 Notice of hearing on application for a permit to construct a nuclear power reactor manufactured pursuant to a Commission license issued pursuant to appendix M of part 52 of this chapter at the site at which the reactor is to be operated.
TEXT PDF2.503 Finality of decisions on separate issues.
TEXT PDF2.504 Applicability of other sections.
TEXT PDF2.600 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF2.601 Applicability of other sections.
TEXT PDF2.602 Filing fees.
TEXT PDF2.603 Acceptance and docketing of application for early review of site suitability issues.
TEXT PDF2.604 Notice of hearing on application for early review of site suitability issues.
TEXT PDF2.605 Additional considerations.
TEXT PDF2.606 Partial decisions on site suitability issues.
TEXT PDF2.700 Scope of subpart G.
TEXT PDF2.701 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF2.702 Subpoenas.
TEXT PDF2.703 Examination by experts.
TEXT PDF2.704 Discovery--required disclosures.
TEXT PDF2.705 Discovery--additional methods.
TEXT PDF2.706 Depositions upon oral examination and written interrogatories; interrogatories to parties.
TEXT PDF2.707 Production of documents and things; entry upon land for inspections and other purposes.
TEXT PDF2.708 Admissions.
TEXT PDF2.709 Discovery against NRC staff.
TEXT PDF2.710 Motions for summary disposition.
TEXT PDF2.711 Evidence.
TEXT PDF2.712 Proposed findings and conclusions.
TEXT PDF2.713 Initial decision and its effect.
TEXT PDF2.800 Scope of rulemaking.
TEXT PDF2.801 Initiation of rulemaking.
TEXT PDF2.802 Petition for rulemaking.
TEXT PDF2.803 Determination of petition.
TEXT PDF2.804 Notice of proposed rulemaking.
TEXT PDF2.805 Participation by interested persons.
TEXT PDF2.806 Commission action.
TEXT PDF2.807 Effective date.
TEXT PDF2.808 Authority of the Secretary to rule on procedural matters.
TEXT PDF2.809 Participation by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.
TEXT PDF2.810 NRC size standards.
TEXT PDF2.900 Purpose.
TEXT PDF2.901 Scope of subpart I.
TEXT PDF2.902 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2.903 Protection of restricted data and national security information.
TEXT PDF2.904 Classification assistance.
TEXT PDF2.905 Access to restricted data and national security information for parties; security clearances.
TEXT PDF2.906 Obligation of parties to avoid introduction of restricted data or national security information.
TEXT PDF2.907 Notice of intent to introduce restricted data or national security information.
TEXT PDF2.908 Contents of notice of intent to introduce restricted data or other national security information.
TEXT PDF2.909 Rearrangement or suspension of proceedings.
TEXT PDF2.910 Unclassified statements required.
TEXT PDF2.911 Admissibility of restricted data or other national security information.
TEXT PDF2.912 Weight to be attached to classified evidence.
TEXT PDF2.913 Review of Restricted Data or other National Security Information received in evidence.
TEXT PDF2.1000 Scope of subpart J.
TEXT PDF2.1001 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2.1003 Availability of material.
TEXT PDF2.1004 Amendments and additions.
TEXT PDF2.1005 Exclusions.
TEXT PDF2.1006 Privilege.
TEXT PDF2.1007 Access.
TEXT PDF2.1009 Procedures.
TEXT PDF2.1010 Pre-License Application Presiding Officer.
TEXT PDF2.1011 Management of electronic information.
TEXT PDF2.1012 Compliance.
TEXT PDF2.1013 Use of the electronic docket during the proceeding.
TEXT PDF2.1015 Appeals.
TEXT PDF2.1017 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF2.1018 Discovery.
TEXT PDF2.1019 Depositions.
TEXT PDF2.1020 Entry upon land for inspection.
TEXT PDF2.1021 First prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF2.1022 Second prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF2.1023 Immediate effectiveness.
TEXT PDF2.1025 Authority of the Presiding Officer to dispose of certain issues on the pleadings.
TEXT PDF2.1026 Schedule.
TEXT PDF2.1027 Sua sponte.
TEXT PDF2.1101 Purpose.
TEXT PDF2.1103 Scope of subpart K.
TEXT PDF2.1105 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2.1107 Notice of proposed action.
TEXT PDF2.1109 Requests for oral argument.
TEXT PDF2.1113 Oral argument.
TEXT PDF2.1115 Designation of issues for adjudicatory hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1117 Burden of proof.
TEXT PDF2.1119 Applicability of other sections.
TEXT PDF2.1200 Scope of subpart L.
TEXT PDF2.1201 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2.1202 Authority and role of NRC staff.
TEXT PDF2.1203 Hearing file; prohibition on discovery.
TEXT PDF2.1204 Motions and requests.
TEXT PDF2.1205 Summary disposition.
TEXT PDF2.1206 Informal hearings.
TEXT PDF2.1207 Process and schedule for submissions and presentations in an oral hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1208 Process and schedule for a hearing consisting of written presentations.
TEXT PDF2.1209 Findings of fact and conclusions of law.
TEXT PDF2.1210 Initial decision and its effect.
TEXT PDF2.1211 Immediate effectiveness of initial decision directing issuance or amendment of licenses under part 61 of this chapter.
TEXT PDF2.1212 Petitions for Commission review of initial decisions.
TEXT PDF2.1213 Application for a stay.
TEXT PDF2.1300 Scope of subpart M.
TEXT PDF2.1301 Public notice of receipt of a license transfer application.
TEXT PDF2.1302 Notice of withdrawal of an application.
TEXT PDF2.1303 Availability of documents.
TEXT PDF2.1304 Hearing procedures.
TEXT PDF2.1305 Written comments.
TEXT PDF2.1308 Oral hearings.
TEXT PDF2.1309 Notice of oral hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1310 Notice of hearing consisting of written comments.
TEXT PDF2.1311 Conditions in a notice or order.
TEXT PDF2.1315 Generic determination regarding license amendments to reflect transfers.
TEXT PDF2.1316 Authority and role of NRC staff.
TEXT PDF2.1319 Presiding Officer.
TEXT PDF2.1320 Responsibility and power of the Presiding Officer in an oral hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1321 Participation and schedule for submission in a hearing consisting of written comments.
TEXT PDF2.1322 Participation and schedule for submissions in an oral hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1323 Presentation of testimony in an oral hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1324 Appearance in an oral hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1325 Motions and requests.
TEXT PDF2.1327 Application for a stay of the effectiveness of NRC staff action on license transfer.
TEXT PDF2.1331 Commission action.
TEXT PDF2.1400 Purpose and scope of subpart N.
TEXT PDF2.1401 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2.1402 General procedures and limitations; requests for other procedures.
TEXT PDF2.1403 Authority and role of the NRC staff.
TEXT PDF2.1404 Prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF2.1405 Hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1406 Initial decision--issuance and effectiveness.
TEXT PDF2.1407 Appeal and Commission review of initial decision.
TEXT PDF2.1500 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF2.1501 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2.1502 Commission decision to hold legislative hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1503 Authority of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF2.1504 Request to participate in legislative hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1505 Role of the NRC staff.
TEXT PDF2.1506 Written statements and submission of information.
TEXT PDF2.1507 Oral hearing.
TEXT PDF2.1508 Recommendation of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF2.1509 Ex parte communications and separation of functions.
