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§ 171.15 Annual Fees: Reactor licenses and independent spent fuel storage licenses.

(a) Each person holding an operating license for a power, test, or research reactor; each person holding a combined
license under part 52 of this chapter after the Commission has made the finding under § 52.103(g); each person
holding a part 50 or part 52 power reactor license that is in decommissioning or possession only status, except those that have no spent fuel onsite; and each person holding a part 72 license who does not hold a part 50 or part 52 license shall pay the annual fee for each license held at any time during the Federal fiscal year in which the fee is due. This paragraph does not apply to test and research reactors exempted under § 171.11(a).

(b)(1) The FY 2008 annual fee for each operating power reactor which must be collected by September 30, 2008, is

(2) The FY 2008 annual fee is comprised of a base annual fee for power reactors licensed to operate, a base spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning annual fee, and associated additional charges (surcharges). The activities comprising the FY 2008 spent storage/reactor decommissioning base annual fee are shown in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section. The activities comprising the FY 2008 surcharge are shown in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The activities comprising the FY 2008 base annual fee for operating power reactors are as follows:

(i) Power reactor safety and safeguards regulation except licensing and inspection activities recovered under part 170 of this chapter and generic reactor decommissioning activities.

(ii) Research activities directly related to the regulation of power reactors, except those activities specifically related to reactor decommissioning.

(iii) Generic activities required largely for NRC to regulate power reactors (e.g., updating part 50 or 52 of this chapter, operating the Incident Response Center, new reactor regulatory infrastructure). The base annual fee for operating power reactors does not include generic activities specifically related to reactor decommissioning.

(c)(1) The FY 2008 annual fee for each power reactor holding a 10 CFR part 50 license that is in a decommissioning or possession only status and has spent fuel onsite, and each independent spent fuel storage 10 CFR part 72 licensee who does not hold a 10 CFR part 50 license is $135,000.

(2) The FY 2008 annual fee is comprised of a base spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning annual fee (which is also included in the operating power reactor annual fee shown in paragraph (b) of this section), and an additional charge (surcharge). The activities comprising the FY 2008 surcharge are shown in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The activities comprising the FY 2008 spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning rebaselined annual fee are:

(i) Generic and other research activities directly related to reactor decommissioning and spent fuel storage; and

(ii) Other safety, environmental, and safeguards activities related to reactor decommissioning and spent fuel storage, except costs for licensing and inspection activities that are recovered under part 170 of this chapter.

(d)(1) The surcharge allocated to annual fees includes the budgeted resources for the activities listed in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section, plus the total budgeted resources for the activities included in paragraphs (d)(1)(ii) and (d)(1)(iii) of this section as reduced by the appropriations NRC receives for these types of activities. If the NRC's appropriations for these types of activities are greater than the budgeted resources for the activities included in paragraphs (d)(1)(ii) and (d)(1)(iii) of this section for a given FY, a negative surcharge (or annual fee reduction) will be allocated to annual fees. The activities comprising the FY 2008 surcharge are as follows:

(i) Low-level waste disposal generic activities;

(ii) Activities not attributable to an existing NRC licensee or class of licenses (e.g., international cooperative safety program and international safeguards activities, support for the Agreement State program); and

(iii) Activities not currently subject to 10 CFR part 170 licensing and inspection fees based on existing law or Commission policy (e.g., reviews and inspections conducted of nonprofit educational institutions, costs that would not be collected from small entities based on Commission policy in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., regulatory support for Agreement States, generic decommissioning/reclamation activities for fee classes other than power reactors and spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning, the in-situ leach rulemaking, activities for unregistered general licensees).

(2) The total FY 2008 surcharge allocated to the operating power reactor class of licenses is –$5.9 million, not including the amount allocated to the spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning class. The FY 2008 operating power reactor surcharge to be assessed to each operating power reactor is approximately –$57,000. This amount is calculated by dividing the total operating power reactor surcharge (–$5.9 million) by the number of operating power reactors (104).

(3) The FY 2008 surcharge allocated to the spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning class of licenses is –$258,000. The FY 2008 spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning surcharge to be assessed to each operating power reactor, each power reactor in decommissioning or possession only status that has spent fuel onsite, and to each independent spent fuel storage 10 CFR part 72 licensee who does not hold a 10 CFR part 50 license is approximately –$2,097. This amount is calculated by dividing the total surcharge costs allocated to this class by the total number of power reactor licenses, except those that permanently ceased operations and have no fuel onsite, and 10 CFR part 72 licensees who do not hold a 10 CFR part 50 license.

(e) The FY 2008 annual fees for licensees authorized to operate a test and research (non-power) reactor licensed under part 50 of this chapter, unless the reactor is exempted from fees under § 171.11(a), are as follows:

Research reactor $76,500.
Test reactor $76,500.

[67 FR 42634, June 24, 2002; 68 FR 36734, June 18, 2003; 69 FR 22681, Apr. 26, 2004; 70 FR 30548, May 26, 2005; 71 FR 30752, May 30, 2006; 72 FR 31426, June 6, 2007; 72 FR 49566, Aug. 28, 2007; 73 FR 32407, June 6, 2008]

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