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Environmental Engineering Economics Program

The Environmental Engineering Economics (E3) Program was established to provide environmental scientists and decision makers with a focal point for information on NRMRL activities related to the cost and cost-effectiveness of environmental technologies and risk management methods. The E3 Program has three primary facets: provide in-house cost estimating assistance to NRMRL researchers; support EPA's Program and Regional Offices; and undertake fundamental research in areas of interest to the Laboratory.

Although managed by SAB, the E3 Program is a laboratory-wide, inter-Division Program involving all NRMRL Divisions. As such, the scope of E3 is very broad in nature, cutting across all pollutants and media. E3 Program products are developed by the various NRMRL Divisions, and address environmental issues ranging from global warming to the removal of arsenic from drinking water. For more information on E3, please read our E3 Program Brief.

The E3 Program provides partial or full support for developing the cost engineering aspects of original or ongoing technical efforts. These efforts may be stand-alone projects or part of a larger environmental program.

The major projects of the E3 Program are:

Program Manager:

John P. Abraham
Phone: (513) 569 - 7124
FAX: (513) 569 - 7111
E-Mail: abraham.john@epa.gov

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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