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 Closed Assistance Opportunity - Abstract


Synopsis of Assistance Opportunity (TBN 25388)

Federal Agency Name: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL), Land Remediation and Pollution Control Division (LRPCD), Cincinnati, Ohio

Title of Assistance Opportunity: Research Apprenticeship Program for High School Students

CFDA Number: 66-607

Purpose: EPA’s National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) is located in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is the site of the Research Apprenticeship Program for High School Students. The Request for Initial Proposals (RFIP) seeks institutions of higher education and other non-profit organizations to implement an eight week apprenticeship program for up to 15 high school students. The primary objective of the Cooperative Agreement is to increase the number and proficiency of students entering environmental science and engineering careers by providing research apprenticeships in EPA laboratories and in the recipient’s facilities. Proposals received in response to the RFIP should address the applicant’s approach to:

  • Identifying, screening, and selection of students with high science aptitudes for placement
  • Paying the necessary student salaries/stipends and administration of the program
  • Providing an enrichment program consisting of tours of environmental research facilities and presentations by environmental researchers
  • Providing EPA with an evaluation of the program’s effectiveness

Type of Award: Cooperative Agreement (training)

Number of Awards: One

Project Period(s): Date of Award through three years (projected to end May 2007)

Statutory Authority for Award Assistance: CERCLA 311 (a) and b(9), Clean Air Act, Section 103 (b)(5), Clean Water Act, Section 104g, Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 1442, Solid Waste Disposal Act, Section 8001. This project will support accomplishment of a public purpose by providing the student population with science-oriented training assignments at EPA and other environmental research facilities.

Eligible Applicants: Public and private universities and colleges, other public and private non-profit institutions. This award is not open to other federal agencies for an Interagency Agreement.

Amount and Range of Individual Award: $180,000 to $240,000 of total funding

Cost Sharing Recommendation: Minimum of 5 percent

RFIP Tracking Number: TBN 25388

Anticipated Issue Date: December 22, 2004


Cynthia Johnson, Extramural Specialist
(513) 569-7873
Fax: (513) 569-7158


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