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  Phase 3 Conference of the U.S.-Germany Bilateral Working Group, Brownfield Revitalization – CD (EPA/625/C-07/002) 2007

The U.S.-Germany Bilateral Working Group began in 1990. The working group, a collaboration between EPA and the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, held a series of workshops to identify ways to facilitate revitalization of potential brownfield sites.

In 2005, two final conferences were held; the first in Berlin, Germany, in April and the second in Denver, Colorado, in October. These conferences highlighted the accomplishments of the working group, presented summaries from the workshops, and introduced guidance tools developed by each country.

This interactive CD includes actual audio and video of the presentations from each of the conferences. Transcripts are provided for all video and audio presentations. Other background information is included, as are links to Web sites.

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Debbie Ober
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Research and Development
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Cincinnati, OH 45268


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