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NRC Digital ID Certificate Help

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Why are Digital ID Certificates needed?

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires individuals and organizations to have digital ID certificates in order to view or submit documents electronically.  The Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) System supports several document submission forms used by different program areas and the NRC is developing more applications which will require digital certificates for access. 

Digital ID certificates are files containing a key stored on the user’s local computer. A digital certificate may be viewed, deleted, exported or imported using a web browser. 

The NRC uses client digital certificates issued through VeriSign Inc.®  The digital certificates enable NRC’s users to establish secure encrypted communications between their PCs and the NRC’s application servers.  Digital certificates enable encrypted communications using a two-key security technology and a public key infrastructure.  The NRC uses these in conjunction with logins and/or special access lists to control access to some applications.  Digital certificates provide an added level of protection against electronic fraud and malicious use of Internet based communications.

Use of digital certificates makes it much more difficult for someone to electronically steal another person’s login and password and transmit false or misleading information.

Currently, three different EIE programs require NRC’s customers to use digital ID certificates. People submitting documents to the NRC must determine which program will meet their needs and contact this program’s staff to get approval to participate. The three program areas are:

1. Criminal History Program
2. Adjudicatory Proceedings
3. General Form

The Criminal History Program supports nuclear power plant requests for FBI background investigations of their staff. Finger prints and other personal data are transmitted via this program. Participants in this program need to be sponsored by a nuclear power plant and must be included on the Criminal History Program’s access list.

The Adjudicatory Proceedings Program (which involves any case being brought before the NRC) uses digital ID certificates and various access lists to enable hearing participants to submit and view appropriate hearing materials.  The system also meets the document service function previously accomplished through delivery of hard copy documents.  Access rights to hearing materials are controlled based upon the sensitivity of documents and other factors judged appropriate. Documents associated with various adjudicatory hearings will have lists of people who may have various access rights to hearing documents.

The General Form Program is less restrictive and is functionally like an electronic mailbox for incoming documents from various individuals representing many public and corporate entities. This form allows people to submit digitally signed documents to the NRC for a variety of purposes.

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How do I obtain a VeriSign® Digital ID Certificate from the NRC?

There are three steps to obtain a VeriSign® digital ID certificate from the NRC:
1. Request an NRC Approval Code from the associated NRC program staff.
2. Enroll for your digital ID certificate on-line using the NRC Approval code.
3. Install your digital ID certificate in your personal computer’s web browser.

Step 1 - You must request to be included in the appropriate NRC program and be given a NRC Digital ID Approval Code in order to receive a certificate for submitting documents.   In this step you must contact the appropriate NRC program area person.  NRC’s electronic document submittal programs are set up for specific groups of people with specialized document submission and access needs.  This approval code is needed when you enroll for your digital ID certificate.  Also to open forms, submit documents and receive documents for NRC’s Criminal History program or NRC’s Adjudicatory Proceedings program, you must also be included on a computerized access list for the specific program and/or hearing. 

Step 2 - After receiving the NRC Digital ID Approval Code from the appropriate NRC authority, the next step is to enroll on-line for a digital ID certificate.  You will be required to provide some basic information on the digital ID certificate enrollment form including your name, phone number, email address, company name, job title and your Digital ID Approval Code.  When you submit this form, the information is electronically sent (in a protected mode) to NRC’s VeriSign® digital certificates administrator for review and approval.  Within minutes of submitting you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your enrollment request by the system.  Once your on-line enrollment is reviewed and approved by the administrator, then a second email will be sent to you with instructions.  Certificate Administrator Approval usually takes about 1 hour (during business hours), but may take up to three business days.  After your enrollment is approved, you will receive an email that contains two things.  First, it contains a 10-digit VeriSign-issued Personal Identification Number (PIN).  Second, it contains a web link to the VeriSign® digital ID certificate pick up site. For security purposes you are required to pick up your digital ID certificate from the same computer where you enrolled.

Step 3 – To pick up the certificate, copy the PIN, which was provided in the email message.  Then click on the provided link and paste your PIN into the appropriate field on the website and click on the submit button.  Your certificate is downloaded and installed on your computer.  This certificate can then be exported to a network drive or removable media for backup, and it can be imported into other computers. It is your responsibility to protect your certificate with a unique password.

Instructions for the above three steps are provided at the NRC website: Obtain a Digital ID Certificate.

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How do I contact NRC to request approval to enroll for a Digital ID Certificate?

To request an NRC Approval Code, you must first determine which NRC program meets your needs. Each program area will want basic information from you including your name, email address, phone number, organization, role in the organization and reason for requesting access.

Criminal History Program participants should call (301) 415-6511 or send an email request to the NRC’s Criminal History Program staff at:

Adjudicatory Proceedings Program participants should call (301) 415-1679 or call (301) 415-1966 or send an email request to the NRC's Office of the Secretary staff at:

NRC General Form Program participants should call (301) 415-0439 or send an email request to the NRC's General Form Program staff at:

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How do I contact NRC to request technical assistance concerning a certificate?

NRC Customers and Stakeholders

First go to NRC's Digital ID Certificates Guide which contains detailed instructions for common digital ID certificate tasks including enrollment, renewal, backup and recovery.  If you still need technical assistance then either send an email to or call (301) 415-0439 on Monday thru Thursday from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time excluding government holidays.

NRC Staff and Contractors

If you are an NRC employee or contractor and need assistance with your Citrix Broadband Certificate then contact the NRC's Internal CSC Help Desk.  If you don’t have a Citrix Broadband Certificate, and need one then contact your IT Coordinator and request one.

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Where do I find out which PC software and versions are currently supported by NRC?

Send an email to or call (301) 415-0439 on Monday thru Thursday from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time excluding government holidays.  As of Spring, 2007 NRC’s internal desktop computer standards are Windows XP and Internet Explorer Version 6.0.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007