Workshop Sessions B
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Workshop Session B

Friday 8/24/07

4:00-6:00 pm

Session & Room Location

Session B- 1


Session B-2


Session B-3


Session B- 4


Session B- 5


Session B- 6


Session B-7


Session B- 8


Session B- 9


Session B-10







Older Women’s Health



Health Promotion

Mental Health















Baldwin, Dee



1 Speaker

Liver Wellness: An Effective Approach in Preventing Hepatitis, AIDS, STIs and Substance Abuse

Thelma Thiel, BA, RN


1 Speaker

 “B Counted”: Identifying and Addressing the True Burden of Chronic Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer in Asian and Pacific Islander Women

Chari Cohen, MPH



Amutah, Ndidi



1 Speaker

Vectors of Obesity: The Significance of Race, Class and Gender Discrimination in Obese Outcomes in African American Women

Raja Staggers-Hakim, MPH



1 Speaker

Rural African American Women’s Perception of Weight

Imani Goodwin, MSN



1 Speaker

College educated African American Women: Weight, Body Image, Self-Efficacy, Stress, Health Status and Care Giving

Janalyn Edmonds, PhD, RN


1 Speaker

Effective self-management strategies for Latina focused healthy weight programming in a community health center Maria Fessia, RD, LDN



Barron, Mia



4 Speakers

Lupus: Strategies for Understanding the Barrier to Diagnosis in Minority Populations Karen Evans

Gayle Weaver, PhD, Robin Brey, MD, Sharon Mack

Contact is Trish Davidson



Yee-Melichar, Darlene


1 Speaker 

Promising Practices in Helping Older African American Women Recover from Homelessness Olivia Washington, PhD



1 Speaker 

Educating Through the Power of Entertainment: Sexy Seniors Need Counseling Too
Timberly Robinson, BS, MBA


1 Speaker 

Live healthy Georgia- Seniors Taking Charge Community Intervention

Sudha Reddy,MS, RD, LD



Medrano, Martha


1 Speaker

Developing Cultural Competency in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Intervention

Rhondra Willis, BA, MBA, PhD



1 Speaker

Empowering African American Women to Access HIV Prevention Cynthia Tucker, BS, MS



1 Speaker Latina Campus Leaders as Equal Partners in HIV/AIDS Prevention Patricia Teffenhart-Maikos



1 Speaker SISTA: Lifestyle and Behavior Wilhemenia Crowder, BS



Tom-Orme, Lillian


2 Speakers

Using PAR Model to Assess the Effect of Education on Emotional Health and Behavioral Adjustment for Native Americans

Chung Fan Ni, ABD, MA

Corrine Harrington, PhD


1 Speaker Evaluating an Integrated Care Management Model to Address Maternal and Child Health Disparities: A Case Study of Chicago’s Westside Healthy Start Danielle Dupuy, MPH



1 Speaker From Snake Oil to Penicillin: Evaluating Consumer Health Information on the Internet Lisa Boyd, MA, MLS



Swinton, Rosetta


5 Speakers

In the Pink, In the know, in the black-The evolution of a community health program

Lois Greene, RNC MBA, Maria Irizarry , Beatrice Black, Michele Blackwood, Contina Wright,




Atmosphere-Welch, Nancy


1 Speaker

Psychology of Arab American women: Identifying needs and solutions

Roula Sweis, MA, PsyD



1 Speaker

Mental Health in Refugee in Immigrant Women: Generational Response to Resettlement Experience

Julia Ostropolsky, LCSW


1 Speaker

What Every Woman of Color Must Know About Depression

Clara Young, PhD






Thompson-Dodd, Jacci


1 Speaker

The Healing Space

Roxanne Epperson, AS



1 Speaker

Self-preservation in 21st century urban environment Germon Miller, PhD



1 Speaker

IPV and HIV in District of Columbia: A community service Provider perspective K. Shakira Washington, MPA


1 Speaker

What’s Colonialism Got To Do With It? Sexual Violence Prevention as Anti-Oppression Work

Catherine Guerrero, MPA




Olayiwola, Jacqueline


1 Speaker

Gathering together: Alaskan women’s partnerships that work Martha Pearson, MA


2 Speakers

Engaging Women of Color as partners in Achieving Positive Health Outcomes for Themselves Elizabeth Waetzig, JD, Suganya Sockalingam


1 Speaker

Location is Key to the Success of Community Based Organization Faye Johnson





Icon indicating linked file is archived content The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.