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Welcome to the Western Regional Air Partnership
The purpose of the WRAP is to develop data, tools, and policies needed by states and tribes to improve visibility in parks and wilderness areas across the West.

Western Regional Air Partnership

Air Managers Committee completes Workshop on Regional Support for Air Quality Planning in the West (10/6/08)
The AMC has completed a workshop to review the work remaining to complete the foundational regional haze plans, as well as reviewing ideas for future technical work priorities and concepts for the WRAP organizational structure. The workshop participants reviewed key technical findings and recommendations for future WRAP workplans and updates on WRAP project activities to assist states with regional haze planning and implementation. Materials from the workshop are posted at: http://www.wrapair.org/forums/amc/meetings/080930m

WRAP BART Clearinghouse (Updated 10/06/08) XLS
This spreadsheet identifies all the BART eligible sources in the WRAP region and tracks their individual status as they proceed through the BART process. This includes the status of “Subject to BART” modeling and determinations, the modeling entities, the impact thresholds used, any BART control limits developed for the source, and the person to contact for further information in each state. The spreadsheet is meant to promote consistency and information sharing among WRAP states and tribes and EPA as they implement BART or alternatives to BART. The clearinghouse will be updated periodically and States, Tribes, and the EPA are encouraged to submit new BART status information to Lee Gribovicz as it becomes available.

Board adopts 2008-12 Strategic Plan at February 19-20 Meeting (3/10/08) The WRAP 2008-12 Strategic Plan addresses implementation of the Regional Haze SIPs and one-atmosphere analysis in the West for the next 5 years.

WRAP Board Meeting materials - February 19-20, 2008

Phase III Oil & Gas Emissions Inventory
This joint project of the WRAP and the Independent Petroleum Association of the Mountain States (IPAMS) will continue to improve the quality and expand the completeness of the emissions data from field O&G operations. Information and project updates are available on the Stationary Source Joint Forum's Oil/Gas Area Source Emissions/Controls page (1/28/08)

The complete text of the Regional Haze Rule (§51.300 - §51.309) and Appendix Y “BART Guidelines” is now available. This page may also be accessed through either the “§308 Haze Planning” or the “§309 Haze Planning” pages. (10/31/07)

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October 9, 2008 more...
TOC/Forum&Workgroup Co-Chairs call 11:00 AM Mountain
October 14, 2008 more...
Technical Analysis Forum call 2:00 PM Mountain
October 16, 2008 more...
Implementation WG Call 1:00 PM Mountain
November 6, 2008 more...
O&G GHG Protocol Technical WG call 12:00 Mountain
November 6, 2008 more...
Fire Emissions Joint Forum call 10:00 AM Mountain
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