Air | Hazardous Waste | Land Reclamation | Solid Waste | Water
DEQ What's New image
Pending and Issued Environmental Permits
Graphic link to The State of Missouri's Environment Report 2009.
2009 Missouri State of the Environment Report PDF
Groundwater: The Hidden Resource video
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Groundwater: The Hidden Resource

Keeping Our Water Clean screen grab image
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Keeping our Waters Clean
PrintStep Pilot Project in St. Louis is complete
Construction and
Demolition Waste
Missouri Environmental Management Partnership
Public Service Announcements
Department of Natural Resources Receives Award from EPA for Innovative Approach to
Air Permitting

Performance Track More ...

Clean Water Advisory Workgroups
E-Scrap Workgroup More...
Report an environmental concern through an online reporting form. More...
Illegally dumped tires
From tire dumps to meth labs, Brownfields to environmental spills, here are some scenes of the Department in action across Missouri.
Lead contamination
Weldon Spring
Cleaning up radioactive waste
Report illegal dumping when you see it
Illegal Dumping Videos
You can also report illegal dumping online
Protective Environmental Suit
Environmental Emergency Response Incidents


The Missouri Department of Natural Resources and other state and federal agencies are working to prevent or reduce mercury releases to the environment. Find out how to minimize mercury exposure and prevent mercury pollution. More...
ELVS - End of Life Vehicle Solutions
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with End of Life Vehicle Solutions or ELVS, a not-for-profit organization, is encouraging salvage yards to remove mercury switches from scrap vehicles before recycling them.

If you have any questions about the ELVS program, please call toll-free at (877) 225-ELVS(3587), or send an e-mail to or visit the Web at

ELVS Web Site
ELVS letter PDF
ELVS Postage Paid Card PDF

Air Pollution Control Program acid rain, air quality, asbestos, emissions, incineration, lead and ozone, open burning. 

Hazardous Waste Program disposal information, federal facilities, illegal disposal, superfund, waste minimization.

Land Reclamation Program land reclamation, mining.

Solid Waste Management Program illegal disposal, landfills, market development, recycling, groundwater monitoring, solid waste management districts, transfer stations, waste reduction, waste tires.

Water Protection Program public drinking water branch, water pollution control branch, water and wastewater operator training and certification, wellhead protection.

Public Drinking Water Branch backflow prevention, boil orders, consumer confidence reports, drinking water standards, financial assistance, lead contamination, public water supplies census, assessments.

Water Pollution Control Branch animal wastes, compliance review, land application, non-point pollution sources, stormwater, total maximum daily loads, wastewater, water quality standard.

Water and wastewater operator training and certification.

Wellhead Protection regulates the construction of private water wells (this includes domestic and multiple family class wells), irrigation wells, monitoring wells, heat pump wells, how to properly plug all types of wells and wells drilled for underground injection.

Other Related Sites

Field Services Division regional and satellite offices, environmental assistance office, environmental eduction, environmental services program.

Environmental Services Program clandestine drug lab chemical management and disposal, environmental emergencies, hazardous materials response planning, laboratory.

Regional and Satellite Offices addresses, phone numbers, site map.

Soil and Water Conservation Program cost-share, soil and water conservation district assistance, soil survey, special area land treatment or SALT.

Missouri Environmental News

Monthly Online Newsletter

Protecting Missouri's Natural Resources is a monthly newsletter that informs readers about environmental issues. Protecting Missouri's Natural Resources is a monthly newsletter that informs readers about environmental issues. More...