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Schools Receives Chamber of Commerce Award

Randy Schools, (r), president of the NIH-NOAA Recreation and Welfare Association, recently accepted the William Prescott Allen Award at the 78th annual installation and awards dinner of the Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce. Presenting the award is reporter I.J. Hudson of NBC-4 TV, who covers business and community. Schools was recognized for his work on behalf of the NIH charities (Children's Inn, Friends of the Clinical Center, Special Love/Camp Fantastic), his service as president of the Boosters Club for the Bethesda Big Train baseball team, his membership on the board of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase YMCA and his volunteer work with Boy Scouts. The Allen award was established in 1970 in memory of the founder, editor and publisher of the old Bethesda Tribune newspaper.

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