Selected Bibliography - Civil War Photography
Davis, William C., ed. The Image of War, 1861-1865. New York:
Doubleday & Co., 1984. A six volume illustrated history of the Civil War.
Fralin, Frances. The Indelible Image: Photographs of War -- 1846
to the Present.
New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1985.
Frassanito, William A. Gettysburg: A Journey in Time. New York: Charles
Sons, 1975. "First systematic examination of the Gettysburg series as a group” to identify photographer, date, and a description of the image.
-----. Antietam: The Photographic Legacy of America's Bloodiest
New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978. Antietam was the first American battlefield to be photographed immediately after Union and Confederate troops engaged in action. Frassanito examines the photographs that were made at Antietam between September 17, 1862, and October 4, 1863, when President Lincoln visited General McClellan.
-----. Grant and Lee: The Virginia Campaigns, 1864-1865. New York:
Scribner's Sons, 1983. Author "provide[s] scholars with the first detailed comprehensive examination of the hundreds of photographs recorded during Grant's Virginia campaigns of 1864-1865."
Kelbaugh, Ross J. Directory of Civil War Photographers. Baltimore, MD: Historic
Graphics, 1990. A directory of "over 650 photographers active in Maryland, Delaware, Washington, DC, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia from 1861 to 1866."
Lewinski, Jorge. The Camera at War: A History of War Photography
from 1848 to
the Present Day. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980.
Marder, William, and Marder, Estelle. Anthony: The Man, the Company,
the Camera. Plantation, FL: Pine Ridge Publishing Company, 1982. Comprehensive history of the influential firm of E. & H. T. Anthony and their successors. One chapter is devoted to Anthony's role in promoting and publishing views related to the Civil War.
Miller, Francis Trevelyan. The Photographic History of the Civil
New York:
T. Yoseloff, 1910. 10 volume photographic history of the Civil War, includes more than 3,000 illustrations.
Russell, Andrew J. Russell's Civil War Photographs. New York: Dover Publishing,
1982. 116 photographs by Andrew J. Russell reproduced from an album on deposit at the
Sweet, Timothy. Traces of War: Poetry, Photography, and the Crisis
of the Union. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990. Critical assessment of Civil War photography and literature. Provides indepth analysis of Alexander Gardner's Sketchbook of the Civil War and George Barnard's Photographic Views of Sherman's Campaign.
Trachtenberg, Alan. Reading American Photographs: Images as History,
Mathew Brady
to Walker Evans. New York: Hill & Want, 1989. Trachtenbereg's essay "Albums of War” discusses how Civil War photographs were perceived by the public in the 1860s and the various ways that the photographs were published, such as albums and stereographs.
Witham, George F., comp. Catalogue of Civil War Photographers:
A Listing of Civil War Photographers' Imprints. Portland, OR: G. F. Witham, 1988. Alphabetical list of photographers organized geographically by state. Also includes a listing of Army photographers.
Zeller, Bob. The Civil War in Depth: History in 3-D. San Francisco:
Books, 1997-2000. Two volumes devoted to Civil War stereoviews, each includes a 3-D viewer. Volume one presents a history of the Civil War through the stereoscope. Volume two includes several rare stereoviews from a private collection, a chapter on glass plate stereo negatives from the Library of Congress's collections, and a selection of hand-colored stereos. [START OVER] [ NEW SEARCH] [ "ABOUT" MENU] [ HELP] Library of Congress ( October 31, 2003 ) |