Selected Bibliography - George Barnard
Barnard, George N. Photographic Views of Sherman's Campaign.
1866. Reprint. New
York: Dover Publishing, 1977. Reprint edition includes all 61 photographs from the original edition showing Army operations in Tennessee, South Carolina, and Georgia, documenting important places, notable battlefields, and military works, such as bridges and fortifications along the route of Sherman's campaign to capture Atlanta, the railhead of the Confederacy.
Davis, Keith F. George N. Barnard, Photographer of Sherman's Campaign. Albuquerque,
NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1990. The only scholarly biography to date that examines George Barnard's entire career. All 61 plates from Photographic Views of Sherman's Campaign originally published in 1866 are reproduced. The author provides a list of Barnard's stereographs of Cuba published by the Anthony Company, and reprints papers and articles by and about Barnard that were originally published in The Photographic and Fine Art Journal.
Hoobler, James A. Cities Under the Gun: Images of Occupied Nashville and
Nashville: Rutledge Hill Press, 1986. Good photographic documentation of Tennessee during the Civil War, with limited information about the photographers responsible for these images. [START OVER] [ NEW SEARCH] [ "ABOUT" MENU] [ HELP] Library of Congress ( October 31, 2003 ) |