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Calcasieu Estuary Initiative

Investigation Reports and Data

The project database was updated in September 2002 to include the Phase 2 biota data. The database includes the results of the recent estuary sampling in addition to the historical sediments. The database is available for download along with two software programs, Query Manager and Marplotto query and view the data. Several documents have been assembled for the Calcasieu Estuary Initiative, and more will be added as the Initiative continues.

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Final Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report, Tables, Figures and Appendices

Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment (BERA)
Executive Summary for the BERA (PDF, 37 pp, 683K)
Executive Summary Figures
Executive Summary Tables (PDF, 11 pp, 167K)
Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment Report (PDF, 288 pp, 1.6MB)
BERA Report Tables (PDF,27 pp, 344K)
BERA Report Figures
BERA Report Appendices

Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA)

Final Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) (PDF, 97 pp, 683K)
Appendix A - RAGS Standard Tables
(PDF, 21 pp, 174K)
Appendix B-D: (PDF, 256 pp, 71.0MB)
Appendix B - Calculation of Screening Level for COPC Selection Tables
Appendix C - Calculation of Screening Level for COPC Selection
Appendix D - Reference Area Data
Appendix E- H: (PDF, 276 pp, 1.0K)
Appendix E - Central Tendency Risk Estimates
Appendix F - PCB Congener Risk Estimates
Appendix G - Analysis of PPG Biota Data
Appendix H - Toxicity Profiles

HHRA Figures
The following Sampling and Analysis Plans are available. These documents describe sample locations and the chemical tests to be performed. It also includes a map indicating where the samples are to be collected as well as the rationale for the collection of a specific sample for samples collected during the Remedial Investigation.

Phase I Workplans
Bayou Verdine (PDF, 159 pp, 1.0MB)
Bayou d'Inde (PDF, 168 pp, 2.4MB)
Lower Calcasieu (PDF, 150 pp, 2.0K)
Upper Calcasieu (PDF, 141 pp, 1.8MB)

Phase II Workplans
Sampling Design for Fish & Invertabrates (PDF, 55 pp, 218K)
Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment Workshop (PDF, 37 pp, 467K)
Sampling & Analysis Plan for Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (PDF, 138 pp, 335K)

The following reports are a result of data collection performed under the approved workplans. These are interim reports that will be included or referenced in the full remedial investigation report.

Phase II Reports
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Survey of the Calcasieu Estuary (PDF, 47 pp, 712K)
Draft - Ampelisca Abdita & Nereis Virens Sediment Toxicity Tests
(PDF, 24 pp, 712K)
Draft - Hyalella azteca Sediment Toxicity Tests, Solid-phase Microtox® Toxicity Tests, Metals Analyses of Whole Sediment and Pore Water, and Physical Characterization of Sediments (PDF, 73 pp, 3.6MB)
Sediment Porewater Toxicity Tests (PDF, 174 pp, 1.3MB)
Phase II Report Figures

Site Description and History

Data, Reports and Schedules

Maps and Photos


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