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Laboratory Quick Finder


Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

The EPA has developed a Quality System to manage the quality aspects of its environmental data collection, generation, and use. The goal of the EPA Quality System is to ensure that its environmental data are of sufficient quantity and quality to support the data's intended use. The EPA Quality System requires that each EPA Office, Region, and ORD Laboratory, and Center develop and implement supporting Quality Systems. EPA's Quality System requirements also apply to extramural agreement holders (i.e., contractors, grantees, and other recipients of financial assistance from EPA).

The Office of Environmental Information's Quality Staff develops Agency-wide Quality System policies, develops supporting guidance and tools, provides related training and outreach, and oversees the implementation by EPA organizations. The Quality Staff may be contacted by phone at (202) 564-6830, FAX at (202) 565-2441, or E-mail at quality@epa.gov.

Quality Management Tools -
Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are written documents that describe, in great detail, the routine procedures to be followed for a specific operation, analysis, or action. Consistent use of an approved Standard Operating Procedure ensures conformance with organizational practices, reduced work effort, reduction in error occurrences, and improved data comparability, credibility, and defensibility. Standard Operating Procedures also serve as resources for training and for ready reference and documentation of proper procedures.


HGCAMP SOPs are under development.

Currently the Houston Laboratory and HGCAMP are utilizing Abbreviated Sampling Procedures (ASP) until the SOPs are developed. ASPs are taken from SOPs, but are less detailed.

Synchronous Canister and Bucket ASP

Synchronous Buckets ASP

Synchronous Canisters ASP

Synchronous Canister and Suitcase ASP

Synchronous Suitcases ASP

Chain of Custody form

Guidelines for filling out a Chain of Custody form

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