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Indoor Air Quality LogoIndoor Environments

Notice of Request for Proposals (PDF) (28 pp, 88K, About PDF) for Projects to be Funded from the Multimedia Planning and Permitting Division, Healthy Indoor Environments Projects for Region 6 - CFDA 66.034 - Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstration and Special Purpose Activities Relating to the Clean Air Act. EPA Region 6 is soliciting proposals from eligible organizations to fund projects to reduce the public’s exposure to common indoor environmental hazards and address at least one of the following program priority areas:

  1. Outreach and training projects that result in effective Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) management practices in schools;
  2. Education of asthmatics and/or their caregivers concerning environmental triggers through home, daycare, community, and school interventions; or
  3. Training of healthcare professionals, community workers, and other trained individuals on environmental management of asthma so they can counsel people with asthma.

Projects must occur within the states of EPA Region 6 – Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and/or Texas. Funding available is approximately $150,000 for grants ranging from $5,000 to $50,000.
Closing Date: 06-16-2009, 5:00 pm Central Daylight Savings Time (CDT)

Did you know?
Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health but may not know that indoor air pollution can also have significant effects. Indoor air pollutants are of particular concern because it is estimated that most people spend as much as 90 percent of their time indoors.

What is our vision?
We envision communities will benefit from a safe and healthy indoor environment.

What is our mission?
Region 6, in close cooperation with other Federal agencies and the private sector, is actively involved in a concerted effort to better understand and communicate indoor air pollution and reduce people's exposure to air pollutants in schools, homes, offices, and other indoor environments where people live, work, and play.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6 Indoor Environments Program provides education and practical tools for attaining healthy indoor environments. For more information on a specific program, just click on its links below.


Asthma Logo

Asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening respiratory disease that affects the quality of life for millions of Americans. Although there is no cure for asthma yet, asthma can be controlled through medical treatment and management of environmental triggers. EPA is committed to educating all Americans about asthma so that everyone knows what asthma is, how the environment can affect asthma patients, and how to manage environmental asthma triggers. Visit our Asthma homepage.

Logo of children playing ball
Healthy Environments and Living Places (H.E.L.P.) for Kids- The Science Advisory Board (SAB) has consistently ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health. Although the EPA has no regulations in place to maintain indoor air quality, Region 6 has set their own goals to reduce risk to human health from indoor air pollutants by concentrating on encouraging voluntary participation from the public. We provide training to community groups and home based daycares on how to identify and remove environmental hazards where children live, learn, and play. Visit our H.E.L.P. for Kids (PDF) homepage. (3 pp., 94K), About PDF
Radon Logo

Radon is a known cancer causing agent that everyone is exposed to at some level. The EPA estimates that radon causes approximately 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States. The Regional Office provides information to the public and offers grant funds to the states for the purpose of implementing effective radon programs at the state level. Visit our Radon homepage.

Smoke free pledge logo

Smoke-free Home Pledge- Breathing secondhand smoke can be harmful to children's health and is linked to asthma, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), bronchitis and pneumonia and ear infections. Visit our Smoke-free Home Pledge homepage.

tools for school logo

Tools for Schools
The Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Schools Kit is a voluntary program that helps schools carry out a practical plan of action to improve indoor air problems at little or no cost using straightforward activities and in-house staff.  "Visit our Tools for Schools homepage."

mold guide logo

Molds can gradually destroy the things they grow on. You can prevent damage to your home and furnishings, save money, and avoid potential health problems by controlling moisture and eliminating mold. growth. Visit EPAs National Mold Site and Mold Guide.



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