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Who Makes it Happen?

The CLP is directed by the EPA Headquarters' Analytical Services Branch (ASB) in the Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI) located in Washington, DC. A supportive infrastructure has been established in order to successfully manage the CLP. The following organizations play a key role in the CLP.

EPA Analytical Services Branch (ASB)

EPA’s ASB is responsible for the overall management of the CLP program. ASB activities include:

ASB communicates with customers on a regular basis in order to keep all parties apprised of program activities, as well as to receive feedback for continued improvement of program operations.

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EPA Regional Personnel

The United States is divided geographically into ten EPA Regions. These Regions play an important role in CLP activities as the primary users of the CLP and as a key part of analytical program management. Two important participants within the Regional personnel structure are the CLP Project Officer (CLP PO) and the Regional Sample Control Center (RSCC). The CLP PO monitors contract laboratories within the Region, responds to and identifies problems in laboratory operations, and participates in on-site laboratory programs. The RSCC serves as the central point of contact for sample scheduling questions and problems. The RSCC also coordinates the selection of contract vehicles for Regional sample activities to correspond with the monthly projected demand for analytical services.

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Sample Management Office (SMO)

SMO is contractor-operated. SMO provides ASB with administrative, operational, and information support such as scheduling sample analysis with laboratories, tracking invoices, and assisting with contract compliance tools. SMO’s primary objective is to maintain the CLP laboratory and data resources so its use may be optimized by CLP customers.

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Quality Assurance and Technical Support (QATS) Contractor

The QATS contractor supports ASB by performing on-site laboratory audits and evaluating data quality.

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CLP Laboratories

The CLP analytical contractors come from the nationwide community of chemical analytical laboratory facilities. In order to become a CLP laboratory, a laboratory must first be awarded a contract. Fixed price contracts are awarded through the Government’s bid process after bidders pass performance tests. Bidders must successfully analyze Performance Evaluation (PE) samples and pass a pre-award laboratory audit, then awards are made to the lowest bidders. In addition, laboratories must meet stringent requirements and standards for equipment, personnel, laboratory practices, and analytical and Quality Control (QC) operations. EPA and CLP support contractors monitor CLP laboratory performance after contracts are awarded.

The CLP laboratory plays an important role within the CLP. The CLP laboratory is responsible for:

All data deliverables are reviewed to ensure that the laboratories are meeting the administrative and technical requirements of their contracts.

View the addresses for all the Active CLP Laboratories (PDF) as of February 2009 (2 pp, 12K, About PDF).

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