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Principles of Accounting I

September 18 - November 20, 2008
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Thu
Instructor: Marcellus ArnoldWashington, DC$385
September 20 - December 6, 2008
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Sat
Instructor: Weldie MihretuWashington, DC$385

Strengthen your knowledge of the accounting cycle. Understand its completion and the process for generating important statements detailing a company's financial stability. Discover how the collected information from merchandise and cash transactions, accounts receivable and accounts payable, merchandise inventory, and deferrals and accruals is used in the development of financial statements and the procedures for periodic reporting. ACE College Credit Recommendation Service reviewed.

This course is part of the Certificate of Accomplishment in Accounting and the Certificate of Accomplishment in Federal Government Accounting Procedures.

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TYPE:  Classroom-
LENGTH:  10 Week(s)
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