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EPA Region 6 RSS Feeds

EPA Region 6 currently offers RSS feeds for news releases and recent additions to our web sites. To view one of the feeds in your RSS reader, copy the URL/shortcut that corresponds to the topic that interests you and paste this shortcut into your RSS feed reader. More information about RSS feeds can be found below.

News Releases http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/

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Information about RSS news feeds

What is RSS?
Really Simple Syndication, or RSS, provides a quick, easy, and lightweight way for you to monitor new content that is added to the EPA Region 6 Web site. RSS is an XML format for broadcasting content. An RSS feed is an XML-formatted file that is used to deliver content. Web sites publish titles, links, and descriptions about new content in an RSS feed "channel", and RSS readers (aggregators) pull that content.

Our RSS feeds provide the title of a new piece of content, such as a News Release, a brief description, and a link to the content on the EPA Region 6 Web site.

For more information, visit: Brookhaven National LaboratoryExit EPA

What do I need to use RSS?
To receive RSS feeds, you need a program known as a feed reader or aggregator that can automatically check RSS-enabled Web pages that you select, and then display any updated information that it finds. There are numerous feed readers available, including many which are free of charge. Most are simply desktop programs that you download and install on your computer. There are also Web-based feed readers that require no software installation and make the "feeds" available on any computer with Web access. Once the news reader program is set up, you are ready to subscribe to the RSS content feeds you want.

How can I get a feed reader?
The on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia lists dozens of feed or news readers. You may also search using the terms “RSS readers” on either Yahoo, Google or your favorite search engine. Exit EPA

Why use RSS?
RSS alerts you to new content that interests you. Subscribing to an epa.gov RSS feed makes you one of the first to know when a news announcement has been issued. We offer a variety of RSS feeds to subscribe to so you can select news releases of greatest interest to you. You can also use RSS on other Web sites including news organizations, technology companies and other government agencies.

Visit USA.gov for a listing of many Federal government RSS feeds.

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