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The Pakistan Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program

Enhancing Surveillance and Outbreak Response Capacity in Pakistan (Fourth Quarter 2008)

This ebrief article mentions Pakistan's surveillance and outbreak response capacity.

In April 2005, following a 2003 Government of Pakistan (GOP) request for CDC assistance to establish a Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP), the USAID Mission in Pakistan agreed to fund a proposal for CDC to establish an FELTP within the Pakistan Ministry of Health (MOH).

The Pakistan FELTP is a two-year, applied epidemiology program offered by the Division of Global Public Health Capacity Development (DGPHCD) to help the MOH develop, set up, and implement dynamic, public health strategies to improve and strengthen the Pakistani public health system and infrastructure. The FELTP program was started in 1980 by the CDC and is modeled after the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service.

The Pakistan FELTP was launched by Federal Health Minister, Mr. M. Nasir Khan on 16th September, 2006 and works within the overall context of the National Plan of Action for surveillance. The program’s focus is on identified priority diseases and using developed case definitions, surveillance and reporting methods. FELTP supports the Pakistan MOH´s National Strategic Framework on Disease Surveillance, 2005- 2015.

Program Components

Pakistan Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP)
The Pakistan Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP) is a two year (Accredited as MSc in Field Epidemiology), in-service training program in field epidemiology. FELTP also organizes different short courses to increase the surveillance and outbreak skills of public health officials in Pakistan

Legal Framework for Surveillance
CDC through WHO Geneva and MOH is initiating a process to strengthen the legal framework for disease surveillance in Pakistan in light of the revised International Health Regulations (IHR)

National laboratory network
National laboratory will be networked with two provincial laboratories as a pilot project and laboratory quality and standards will be assured.

Sentinel Surveillance for Viral Hepatitis
Viral hepatitis is a priority disease in Pakistan. The FELTP is working with National Program for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis on a protocol for the establishment of hospital-based sentinel surveillance in three pilot sites in Islamabad, Peshawar, and Lahore.

Influenza Surveillance
In response to poultry outbreaks of Influenza A (H5N1) in Pakistan (2006), and in order to build respiratory disease surveillance, the project plans to measure disease burden of influenza through sentinel site surveillance.
Laboratory Quality Systems
In response to an identified need established in the surveillance assessment conducted in 2004, a laboratory coordination cell at NIH has been established.  This unit is headed by a senior Laboratory Quality Manager, and will oversee expansion of a public health laboratory network through training, assessment, and coordination.  The pilot sites for this project are located in Peshawar and Lahore. 

CDC is working to develop and deploy an electronic disease surveillance system at 3 pilot sites, building on the hepatitis and influenza activities.  This informatics system is sufficiently robust for expansion to other diseases and deployment throughout the country.

Accomplishments Future plans

The CDC intends to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Pakistan MOH to expand FELTP activities. Additionally, the FELTP is providing technical assistance to develop provincial health districts that serve as sentinel surveillance sites for priority health disease.

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Content Source: Coordinating Office for Global Health
Page last modified: October 14, 2008