U.S. Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
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Dear 44: A Can-Do Nation

The next few years will present a critical test for our country, our institutions, and our leaders. Do we still have it in us to act big and act boldly when the chips are down?

The U.S. Chamber - Showing the Way

As government seeks to take wealth to fulfill our national priorities they should not forget who creates that wealth in the first place. And they won't, because we won't let them.

Video: Meet Bill--You Don't Want To

In two weeks millions of Americans will enter the privacy of a voting booth and cast their ballots. You know who won’t be in there with them? This guy.
» Card Check - A Game Changer

Endorsing a Health Care Plan -- Ours

"It is great to see the issue of health care reform getting the coverage it deserves during this election season. I would just like to clear up one misperception we have noticed in the last few weeks."
» Health Care - Not Quite Right (or Left)

Charter Schools Bring Competition to Education

An often overlooked way to improve our troubled education system is to increase the number of and funding for charter schools.


Special Report: Stabilizing Our Economy

9th Annual Legal Reform Summit

October 29, 2008 | Washington, DC
» Learn more or register online



A Growth and Prosperity Agenda for America
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