U.S. Census Bureau
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June 29, 2007

Headline News

Total Construction Activity for May 2007 ($1,176.6 Billion) Was 0.9 Percent Above the Revised April 2007 Figure ($1,166.0 Billion). (Released June 29, 2007)

Census Bureau Announces Most Populous Cities. (Released June 28, 2007)

New Orders for Manufactured Durable Goods in May Decreased $6.1 Billion or 2.8 Percent to $213.0 Billion. (Released June 27, 2007)

Sales of New One-Family Houses in May 2007 Were at a Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate of 915,000. (Released June 26, 2007)

'Lone Wolves' Boost Nonemployer Businesses Past 20 Million. (Released June 25, 2007)

Release Schedule for 2006 American Community Survey Data. (Released June 21, 2007)

Census Bureau to Survey Nation's Spending Habits. (Released June 19, 2007)

Privately-Owned Housing Starts in May 2007 Were at a Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate of 1,474,000. (Released June 19, 2007)

Census Bureau Launches Older Worker Profiles for 31 States. (Released June 18, 2007)

The Geographic Distribution and Characteristics of Older Workers in Iowa: 2004. (PDF - 1.31 MB) (Released June 18, 2007)

Sign Up Early!

Understanding Federal Statistics (UFS) is a four-day, computer-based workshop at the Graduate School, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, DC. Openings are available for October 2007 workshops. Visit our web site for registration information (click "register").


Fact of the Day

Local Employment Dynamics

Of the 99 counties in Iowa, 95 counties experienced an increase from 2001 to 2004 in the percentage of the county workforce that was 55 and older. The largest increase was in Jefferson County. This and much more information comes from the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) program, and shows the geographic distribution and the economic dynamics among private sector workers 55 and older (also including some statistics on those aged 45 to 54). Find out more details about the program.


Hot Tip

Get Information Fast!

Looking for the latest statistics on a particular state, county, or city? Try our one-stop shopping site at our Answer Center. For example, type CA to see more than 20 separate answers with direct links into the latest demographic and economic statistics for the listed area. Also, type Greensburg to see these statistics for the Kansas town that was hit by the tornado last month. We are adding new counties and cities each day. Use the following keywords to see the complete listing: For information on states--type zfs; counties--type zfc; and cities and places--type zfp.


Recently Released

American Community Survey

Commuters Still Driving Alone. Data tables from the 2005 American Community Survey showing how commuters at the national, state and local level (areas of 65,000 population or more) are getting to work.


Subcounty Population Estimates: July 1, 2006. Population estimates of the nation's incorporated places - cities, towns, villages, and boroughs.

Latest Economic Indicators

Housing Starts and Building Permits: May 2007. Press release showing data for housing starts, completions, and building permits.

New Residential Sales: May 2007. Press release reporting new one-family houses sold and for sale. Includes sales prices, months on the market, and stage of construction.

Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: May 2007. Press release showing advance information on key business indicators.

Construction Spending (Put-in-Place): May 2007. Press release showing estimates of the value of total new construction put-in-place by type of construction (residential and non-residential), annual value, and by type of owner (private and public).

Economic Census and Surveys

Profiles of Older Workers. A series of reports for 31 states providing a detailed picture of workers 55 and older at the county and metropolitan area levels for 2004. Based on data from the Local Employment Dynamics program. The reports highlight the age of the states' work force, job gains and losses, industries in which workers are concentrated and job stability and earnings.

The following states have been released as of the publish date of this newsletter:

Iowa (PDF - 1.31 MB)

OMB Announcements

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has an online site to publish notices and rules from federal agencies on their programs. Many notices invite public comment. Below are OMB postings within the last two weeks dealing with the programs and activities of the Census Bureau (you can find the complete listing of active notices at http://ask.census.gov and search on “OMB,” or answer “1005”):

Reference and Compendia

Facts for Features. Collections of statistics from the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas commemorate anniversaries or observances or provide background information for topics in the news:

Special Edition: Hurricane Season Begins

Father's Day (June 17)
The Fourth of July 2007
Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act (July 26)


Upcoming Releases


35 Million People Live in Hurricane-Prone Areas. About 35 million people live in areas directly threatened by Atlantic hurricanes, stretching along the coastal areas from North Carolina to Texas. The Census Bureau has posted information and maps online that emergency planners may use to gauge the needs in their area.

International Data Base Update: 2007. Internet files showing demographic indicators such as infant mortality, life expectancy, fertility rates, net migration, and population growth for 228 countries and areas of the world. Includes current estimates and moving population pyramids that project age and sex distribution to 2050.

Economic Census and Surveys

Nonemployer Statistics: 2005. Annual update detailing the number of self-employed businesses by industry and providing estimates of their receipts. Complements County Business Patterns: 2005, last month's report on businesses with paid employees.

Characteristics of Veteran-Owned Businesses: 2002 and Characteristics of Veteran Business Owners: 2002. A look at military veterans who own businesses and their characteristics, such as age, race, educational attainment, and disability. Statistics come from the Survey of Business Owners, which was part of the 2002 Economic Census.

Economic Indicators

Manufacturer's Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: May 2007. Press release showing information on key business indicators. Shows revised durable goods totals, in addition to nondurable goods manufacturers' shipments, inventories, and orders. Scheduled for release July 3, 2007.

Monthly Wholesale Trade: May 2007. Press release showing estimates for sales, inventories on a non-LIFO ("last in-first out") basis, and stock-sales ratios for merchant wholesalers by three-digit major kind-of-business groups. Scheduled for release July 10, 2007.

Quarterly Financial Report for Retail Trade: 1st Quarter. Press release shows second quarter sales of large retail trade corporations. Includes large U.S. retailers' after-tax profits. Scheduled for release July 11, 2007.

U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: May 2007. Press release showing monthly exports, general imports (including data by country), and limited data on imports for consumption. Scheduled for release July 12, 2007.

Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services: June 2007. Press release presenting advance monthly estimates of retail store sales by kind-of-business groups. Report includes seasonally adjusted estimates and percentage changes for major kind-of-business groups. Scheduled for release July 13, 2007.

Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Sales: May 2007. Press release showing sales, inventories, and inventories-to-sales ratios for the combined domestic activities of retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers. Scheduled for release July 13, 2007.


June 15, 2007

Headline News

U.S. Information Services Sector Revenue for the First Quarter of 2007, Not Adjusted for Seasonal Variation, Holiday or Trading-Day Differences, or Price Changes, Was $271.1 Billion, a Decrease of 4.3 Percent (+/- 0.7) From the Fourth Quarter of 2006. (Released June 14, 2007)

Facts for Features: Back to School: 2007-2008. (Released June 14, 2007)

U.S. Total Business Sales for April Were $1,100.4 Billion, Up 0.7 Percent From Last Month. Month-End Inventories Were $1,399.4 Billion, Down 0.4 Percent From Last Month. (Released June 13, 2007)

U.S. Retail and Food Service Sales for May Reached $377.9 Billion, an Increase of 1.4 Percent From the Previous Month. (Released June 13, 2007)

Most of Us Still Drive to Work - Alone. Public Transportation Commuters Concentrated in a Handful of Large Cities. (Released June 13, 2007)

Manufacturing Corporations' Seasonally Adjusted After-Tax Profits Averaged 8.1 Cents Per Dollar of Sales for the First Quarter of 2007, Up 0.3 (+/- 0.1) Cents From the Average of 7.8 Cents of the Fourth Quarter of 2006. (Released June 11, 2007)

Portland Ranks High in Public Transportation Use. Census Briefing Highlights City's Social, Economic and Housing Data. (Released June 11, 2007)

The Nation's International Deficit in Goods and Services Decreased to $58.5 Billion in April From $62.4 Billion (Revised) in March, as Exports Increased and Imports Decreased. (Released June 8, 2007)

April 2007 Sales of Merchant Wholesalers Were $351.9 Billion, Up 1.3 Percent From Last Month. End-of-Month Inventories Were $394.5 Billion, Up 0.3 Percent From Last Month. (Released June 7, 2007)

New Orders for Manufactured Goods in April Increased $1.3 Billion or 0.3 Percent to $418.0 Billion. (Released June 4, 2007)

Sign Up Early!

Accessing Census Bureau Information About American Indians and Alaska Natives is a one-day computer-based workshop specially designed to teach attendees how to access Census Bureau data as it relates specifically to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Class is available on August 16, 2007. Class size is limited, so register early.

Understanding Federal Statistics (UFS) is a four-day, computer-based workshop at the Graduate School, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, DC. Openings are available for October 2007 workshops. Visit our web site for registration information.


Fact of the Day

U.S. Adds 112,000 New Employer Establishments in 2005

The nation added 112,000 new business establishments with paid employees between 2004 and 2005, contributing to 1.24 million new jobs and a 5.4 percent increase in the annual payroll for all such establishments, according to the latest County Business Patterns data. The online tables provide data by county on the number of establishments, number of employees, and quarterly and annual payroll for the nation's 7.5 million businesses with employees.


Hot Tip

Improve Your Data Searches in American FactFinder!

The "About the Data" tab on the left side of American FactFinder (AFF) home page is a good resource for both the beginner and the seasoned data user. Learn, or refresh your memory, about the types of tables and maps you can choose in AFF. For example, do you remember how Geographic Comparison Tables differ from Detailed Tables or from Quick Tables? Or how Thematic Maps differ from Reference Maps? You don't need to be an expert to learn the differences, so take a few minutes to read over the definitions and the examples shown -- this will ensure you are getting the most out of your data requests from AFF.


Recently Released

American Community Survey

Commuters Still Driving Alone. Despite rising gas prices, the nation's workers are not using public transportation at a greater rate. Data tables from the 2005 American Community Survey showing how commuters at the national, state and local level (areas of 65,000 population or more) are getting to work.


American Community Survey Reports Present Portrait of Population Groups. Reports provide information on a number of characteristics such as; education, household type, income, commuting, etc. Data are presented in tables, figures, and maps.

The American Community: Pacific Islanders: 2004. (PDF - 3.35 MB)
The American Community: American Indians and Alaska Natives: 2004. (PDF - 3.23 MB)

Latest Economic Indicators

Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: April 2007. Press release showing information on key business indicators. Shows revised durable goods totals, in addition to nondurable goods manufacturers' shipments, inventories, and orders.

Monthly Wholesale Trade: April 2007. Press release showing estimates for sales, inventories on a non-LIFO ("last in-first out") basis, and stock-sales ratios for merchant wholesalers by three-digit major kind-of-business groups.

U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: April 2007. Press release showing monthly exports, general imports (including data by country), and limited data on imports for consumption.

Quarterly Financial Report: Manufacturing, Mining, and Wholesale Trade: 1st Quarter 2007. Press release showing up-to-date aggregate statistics on U.S. manufacturing, mining, and wholesale trade corporations.

Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services: May 2007. Press release presenting advance monthly estimates of retail store sales by kind-of-business groups. Report includes seasonally adjusted estimates and percentage changes for major kind-of-business groups.

Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Sales: April 2007. Press release showing sales, inventories, and inventories-to-sales ratios for the combined domestic activities of retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers.

Quarterly Services Survey: 1st Quarter 2007. Press release showing quarterly estimates of total operating revenue and the percentage of revenue by class of customer for the services industries.

Economic Census and Surveys

Benchmark Report for Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: January 2001 Through December 2006. Revisions to the Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) survey reflecting the following; benchmarking the shipments and inventory data to the 2005 Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) data; adjustment of new orders to be consistent with the benchmarked shipments and inventory data; correction of monthly data for late receipts, reclassification of reported data and revisions to previously reported data; and updating the seasonal adjustment factors for all series.

2005 County Business Patterns. This report covers business establishments with paid employees, revenue for these businesses, average employee wages, and where particular industries are concentrated. The data cover most of the 1,100 North American Industry Classification System codes. The data are tabulated by industry, and by state and county areas. Data by metro area and by ZIP Code will be released this year.


Public Education Finances: 2005. In 2004, New Jersey spent more money per student on public elementary and secondary education than any other state. This report contains data on revenues, expenditures, debt, and financial assets for public elementary and secondary school systems on the state and local levels. The report also includes state rankings of revenues and expenditures per pupil.

OMB Announcements

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has an online site to publish notices and rules from federal agencies on their programs. Many notices invite public comment. Below are some recent OMB postings dealing with the programs and activities of the Census Bureau:

Reference and Compendia

Facts for Features. Collections of statistics from the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas commemorate anniversaries or observances or provide background information for topics in the news:

Father's Day (June 17)

The Fourth of July 2007

Special Edition: Hurricane Season Begins

Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act (July 26)

Back to School


June 14, 2007

Upcoming Releases


International Data Base Update: 2006. Internet files showing demographic indicators such as infant mortality, life expectancy, fertility rates, net migration, and population growth for 228 countries and areas of the world. Includes current estimates and moving population pyramids that project age and sex distribution to 2050.

35 Million People Live in Hurricane-Prone Areas. About 35 million people live in areas directly threatened by Atlantic hurricanes, stretching along the coastal areas from North Carolina to Texas. The Census Bureau has posted information and maps online that emergency planners may use to gauge the needs in their area.

Economic Surveys

Profiles of Older Workers. A series of reports for 31 states providing a detailed picture of workers 55 and older at the county and metropolitan area levels for 2004. Based on data from the Local Employment Dynamics program. The reports highlight the age of the states' work force, job gains and losses, industries in which workers are concentrated and job stability and earnings.

Economic Indicators

Housing Starts and Building Permits: May 2007. Press release showing data for housing starts, completions, and building permits. Scheduled for release June 19, 2007.

New Residential Sales: May 2007. Press release reporting new one-family houses sold and for sale. Includes sales prices, months on the market, and stage of construction. Scheduled for release June 26, 2007.

Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: May 2007. Press release showing advance information on key business indicators. Scheduled for release June 27, 2007.

Construction Spending (Put-in-Place): May 2007. Press release showing estimates of the value of total new construction put-in-place by type of construction (residential and non-residential), annual value, and by type of owner (private and public). Scheduled for release June 29, 2007.


June 01, 2007

Headline News

The American Community--Pacific Islanders: 2004. (PDF - 3.35 MB) (Released May 31, 2007)

The American Community--American Indians and Alaska Natives: 2004. (PDF - 3.23 MB) (Released May 31, 2007)

Total Construction Activity for April 2007 ($1,190.0 Billion) Was 0.1 Percent Above the Revised March 2007 ($1,188.9 Billion) Figure. (Released May 31, 2007)

U.S. Adds 112,000 New Employer Establishments in 2005. (Released May 31, 2007)

Facts for Features: Americans with Disabilities Act: July 26. (Released May 29, 2007)

National Per Student Public School Spending Nears $9,000. (Released May 24, 2007)

New Orders for Manufactured Durable Goods in April Increased $1.3 Billion or 0.6 Percent to $217.9 Billion. (Released May 24, 2007)

Sales of New One-Family Houses in April 2007 Were at a Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate of 981,000. (Released May 24, 2007)

2007 Hurricane Season Begins. (Released May 22, 2007) l

More Houses More Bedrooms. (Released May 22, 2007)

Benchmark Report for Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: January 2001 Through December 2006. (Released May 18, 2007)

Sign Up Early! Accessing Census Bureau Information About American Indians and Alaska Natives is a one-day computer-based workshop specially designed to teach attendees how to access Census Bureau data as it relates specifically to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Class is available on August 16, 2007. Class size is limited, so register early.

Understanding Federal Statistics (UFS) is a four-day, computer-based workshop at the Graduate School, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, DC. Openings are available for October 2007 workshops. Visit our web site for registration information.


Fact of the Day

Public Education Finances

The nation's public school districts spent an average of $8,701 per student on elementary and secondary education in fiscal year 2005, up 5 percent from $8,287 the previous year. Findings from Public Education Finances: 2005, show that New York spent $14,119 per student - the highest amount among states and state equivalents. Just behind was neighboring New Jersey at $13,800, the District of Columbia at $12,979, Vermont ($11,835) and Connecticut ($11,572). Seven of the top 10 with the highest per-pupil expenditures were in the Northeast. The data come from the 2005 Annual Survey of Local Government Finances. The tabulations contain data on revenues, expenditures, debt, and assets for all individual public elementary and secondary school systems.


Hot Tip

Access Reports!

Take Advantage of easy access to numerous publications and reports available in PDF from the Census web page! From the left-side of the Census home page, click "Publications." Click on any number of broad subject areas to find scores of PDF reports. Familiarize yourself with the broad range of reports available. Also, don't forget to keep checking back to this site as reports are always being added!


Recently Released


Estimates of U.S. and State Population by Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin: July 1, 2006. Internet tables showing national and state-level population estimates cross-tabulated by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin.

American Community Survey Reports Present Portrait of Population Groups. Reports provide information on a number of characteristics such as; education, household type, income, commuting, etc. Data are presented in tables, figures, and maps.

Latest Economic Indicators

Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufactures' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: April 2007. Press release showing advance information on key business indicators.

New Residential Sales: April 2007. Press release reporting new one-family houses sold and for sale. Includes sales prices, months on the market, and stage of construction.

Construction Spending (Put-in-Place): April 2007. Press release showing estimates of the value of total new construction put-in-place by type of construction (residential and non-residential), annual value, and by type of owner (private and public).

Economic Census and Surveys

Benchmark Report for Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: January 2001 Through December 2006. Revisions to the Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) survey reflecting the following; benchmarking the shipments and inventory data to the 2005 Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) data; adjustment of new orders to be consistent with the benchmarked shipments and inventory data; correction of monthly data for late receipts, reclassification of reported data and revisions to previously reported data; and updating the seasonal adjustment factors for all series.

2005 County Business Patterns. This report covers business establishments with paid employees, revenue for these businesses, average employee wages, and where particular industries are concentrated. The data cover most of the 1,100 North American Industry Classification System codes. The data are tabulated by industry, and by state and county areas. Data by metro area and by ZIP Code will be released this year.


Public Education Finances: 2005. In 2004, New Jersey spent more money per student on public elementary and secondary education than any other state. This report contains data on revenues, expenditures, debt, and financial assets for public elementary and secondary school systems on the state and local levels. The report also includes state rankings of revenues and expenditures per pupil.

State and Local Government Finances: 2004-2005. Downloadable Internet tables, covering state and local government financial activities in four broad categories: revenues, expenditures, outstanding debt and assets (cash and security holdings).

OMB Announcements

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has an online site to publish notices and rules from federal agencies on their programs. Many notices invite public comment. Below are some recent OMB postings dealing with the programs and activities of the Census Bureau:

Reference and Compendia

Facts for Features. Collections of statistics from the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas commemorate anniversaries or observances or provide background information for topics in the news:


Upcoming Releases


International Data Base Update: 2006. Internet files showing demographic indicators such as infant mortality, life expectancy, fertility rates, net migration, and population growth for 228 countries and areas of the world. Includes current estimates and moving population pyramids that project age and sex distribution to 2050.

Economic Indicators

Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: April 2007. Press release showing information on key business indicators. Shows revised durable goods totals, in addition to nondurable goods manufacturers' shipments, inventories, and orders. Scheduled for release June 4, 2007.

Monthly Wholesale Trade: April 2007. Press release showing estimates for sales, inventories on a non-LIFO ("last in-first out") basis, and stock-sales ratios for merchant wholesalers by three-digit major kind-of-business groups. Scheduled for release June 7, 2007.

U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: April 2007. Press release showing monthly exports, general imports (including data by country), and limited data on imports for consumption. Scheduled for release June 8, 2007.

Quarterly Financial Report: Manufacturing, Mining, and Wholesale Trade: 1st Quarter 2007. Press release showing up-to-date aggregate statistics on U.S. manufacturing, mining, and wholesale trade corporations. Scheduled for release June 11, 2007.

Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services: May 2007. Press release presenting advance monthly estimates of retail store sales by kind-of-business groups. Report includes seasonally adjusted estimates and percentage changes for major kind-of-business groups. Scheduled for release June 13, 2007.

Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Sales: April 2007. Press release showing sales, inventories, and inventories-to-sales ratios for the combined domestic activities of retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers. Scheduled for release June 13, 2007.