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If You Want To Find Ways To Prevent Cancer...Learn About Prevention Clinical Trials
In English En español
    Reviewed: 12/29/2004


Many people take part in prevention studies.

People are asked to take or do something.

Most studies compare groups of people.

If you are thinking about joining a study

You have rights. They will be protected.

There are a lot of things to think about

The decision to join is up to you.

Here are some questions to ask your doctor

You can find out more.

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You may be reading this because…

You want to learn about ways to:

  • Lower your chances of getting cancer
  • Help doctors learn more about preventing cancer.

This brochure tells you about taking part in a study that may help find ways to prevent cancer.

A prevention trial is a research study.

A cancer prevention trial is a study of a large group of people. A prevention trial tries to find better ways to prevent people from getting cancer or lower the chances that people will get it.

A prevention trial is different from a treatment trial.

A treatment trial finds better ways to treat cancer in people who already have it.

"After my mother died from breast cancer, I wanted to do whatever I could to keep from getting cancer."

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A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health