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Allium stellatum

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Kemper Code:  I670

Common Name: prairie onion
Zone: 3 to 8
Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Liliaceae
Missouri Native: Yes
Native Range: North America
Height: 1 to 1.5 feet
Spread: 0.5 to 1 foot
Bloom Time: July - September   Bloom Data
Bloom Color: Reddish-pink
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Dry to medium
Maintenance: Low

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Plant Culture and Characteristics

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  Uses:       Wildlife:   Flowers:   Leaves:   Fruit:
Hedge Suitable as annual Attracts birds Has showy flowers Leaves colorful Has showy fruit
Shade tree Culinary herb Attracts Has fragrant flowers Leaves fragrant Fruit edible
Street tree Vegetable   hummingbirds Flowers not showy Good fall color   Other:
Flowering tree Water garden plant Attracts Good cut flower Evergreen Winter interest
Ground cover Will naturalize   butterflies Good dried flower     Thorns or spines

General Culture: Click for monthly care information.

Easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soil in full sun to light shade. Best in full sun, but appreciates some light afternoon shade in hot summer climates. Best in rocky or sandy soils. Plants will naturalize by self-seeding and bulb offsets in optimum growing conditions. Deadhead flowers before seed set to help control any unwanted spread. Foliage persists to the time of or slightly past flowering in summer before dying back. Plants are easily grown from seed which should be planted in spring or from bulbs/bulb offsets which should be planted in autumn.

Noteworthy Characteristics:

Prairie onion is a Missouri native plant that occurs primarily in rocky soils on limestone glades and bluff ledges in the Ozark region of the State (Steyermark). It is also found on rocky prairies in parts of the Midwest and Great Plains where it is also sometimes commonly called prairie onion. It is a bulbous perennial which typically grows 12-18" tall. Features clumps of flat, narrow, grass-like leaves (to 12" tall) and tiny, starry, bell-shaped, reddish-pink flowers which appear in rounded clusters (umbels) atop erect, leafless scapes rising slightly above the foliage. Blooms in mid to late summer. Leaves often die back by the time of flowering. Leaves and flower scapes rise directly from the bulbs. All parts of this plant have an oniony smell when cut or bruised. Although the bulbs and leaves of this plant were once used in cooking (stews) or eaten raw, this species of allium is not generally considered to be of culinary value today. Bulbs were also used by early Americans as cough/cold remedies and as insect repellants. Stellatum means star-like in Latin in reference to the flower shape. Nodding wild onion (see Allium cernuum - Z580) is similar to this plant in size, culture and general appearance, except, as the common name suggests, the flower umbel nods rather than stands erect.

Problems: Click for detailed list of pests and problems.

No serious insect or disease problems. Foliage dies back in late summer.


Rock gardens, meadows, native plant gardens, naturalized areas, cottage gardens or borders

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