[NIFL-POVRACELIT:434] Re: Teaching Tolerance

From: Deborah Schwartz (deborah@alri.org)
Date: Sat Mar 10 2001 - 14:46:00 EST

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Thanks for sharing this resource Nancy.

The Teaching Tolerance  material that you mention is one of the few anti-hate, pro-diverstiy 
educational material which explicitely addresses homophobia.

This is important since so many of the  adults and youth that we work with in our programs have 
had negative schooling expereinces due to their sexual preference.

Deborah Schwartz
Adult Literacy Resource Institute

---- Nancy Sledd <nsledd@famlit.org> wrote:
> Are you familiar with Teaching Tolerance?  Excellent resources for family
> literacy classrooms...
> In response to an alarming increase in hate crime among youth, the Southern
> Poverty Law Center began the
> Teaching Tolerance project in 1991 as an extension of the Center's legal and
> educational efforts. Through the generous support of Center donors, Teaching
> Tolerance offers free or low-cost resources to educators at all levels.
> Teaching Tolerance magazine is distributed free twice a year to more than a
> half-million educators throughout the U.S. and in 70 other countries. Its
> editors welcome contributions of writing and artwork that address classroom
> themes of tolerance, respect and community building.
> Curriculum resources include the free video-and-text teaching kits America's
> Civil Rights Movement and The Shadow of Hate, which chronicle the history of
> hatred and intolerance in America and the struggle to overcome prejudice.
> Starting Small is a teacher-training package for early childhood educators.
> A fourth kit, A Place at the Table, examines how courageous individuals have
> fought against intolerance and discrimination throughout American history.
> Other Teaching Tolerance resources include a free set of eight full-color
> One World posters with teacher's guide and the 64-page Responding to Hate at
> School: A Guide for Teachers, Counselors and Administrators. The project
> offers grants of up to $2.000 for K-12 teachers and a one-year research
> fellowship for educators with strong writing skills and an interest in
> equity issues.
>  Go to their website at: http://www.teachingtolerance.org to order your free
> copy of A Place at the Table.
> Nancy Sledd, Family Literacy Training Specialist
> NIFL-Family list moderator
> National Center for Family Literacy
> 325 West Main Street, Suite #200
> Waterfront Plaza
> Louisville, KY  40202-4251
> (502) 584-1133 ext.142
> (502) 584-0172 fax

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