[NIFL-POVRACELIT:503] NAASLN Conference, Sept. 13-15

From: Mary Ann Corley (macorley1@earthlink.net)
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 19:38:49 EDT

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ALERT!  The National Association for Adults with Special Learning Needs -
NAASLN - will be hosting a Forging the Future -- an international conference
-- in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 13 - 15, 2001.  This conference is
being hosted in conjunction with the Greater Milwaukee Literacy Coalition
the Milwaukee Area Technical College.

Listed below is an invitation to you from NAASLN's President, Laura Weisel,
Ph.D., and a preliminary listing of conference sessions.  National
associations and organizations are quickly joining forces as partners with
NAASLN to promote this conference.  Visit our website -- www.naasln.org --
for more up-to-date conference and membership information.  For questions --
contact us directly at naasln@aol.com.

We are excited to introduce you to the renewed National Association for
Adults  with Special Learning Needs.  Over the past year, the association
leadership has worked hard to rebuild NAASLN to meet the growing demands on
education and vocation providers serving a variety of adults with special
learning needs --   learning disabilities, visual and hearing impairments,
developmental disabilities, persistent mental illnesses, and physical

To celebrate our passion and vision, NAASLN, in conjunction with the Greater
Milwaukee Literacy Coalition and the Milwaukee Area Technical College, is
sponsoring an international conference, Forging the Future, September
13 -15,
2001, in Milwaukee, WI.  Over 50 sessions will be presented offering you the
most up-to-date research, policies and legislation, technology, and best
practices to successfully support adults with special learning needs in
attaining their goals to become successful workers, parents, and  integrated
members of our communities.

Join us for this incredible opportunity to learn, network, and forge the
future!                                     Laura Weisel, Ph.D., President

A Sample of Conference Sessions

Best Practices for Instructing Adults Who are Visually Impaired

The 4 'R's:  Research, Reading, 'Riting, and Remembering

Literacy Policy for Federal Prisoners with Learning Disabilities

Using Your Brain in a Multisensory Structured Setting

Alternative Math Techniques for Adults with LD

A LD Center for Professional Development/Program Evolution

Emotions!  Meeting the REAL Needs of Persons with Disabilities

Supporting Learners/Workers with Persistent Mental Illnesses

Race, Poverty, Literacy and Disabilities

Scotopic Sensitivity:  The Irlen Syndrome

Tactile Science

Test Accommodations for Taking the TABE Test

The GED - Ensuring Accommodations for Special Need Learners

Technology Lab

Ohio's LD Curriculum - Bridges and Beyond

Attitudes of College Faculty Towards Special Need Learners

Supporting Persons with Special Needs in the Employment Process and on the

The Impact of OCR Rulings on TANF and Other Services

MSLE:  More than Theories!  Curriculum for Dyslexic/ADD/SLD

A Multi-Year Initiative to Systemically Shift Services to Meet the Needs of
Special Need Learners

The POWER Plan -- CASAS for Developmental Disabilities

Don't Tell Me How to Study; Teach Me How!

PowerPath to Adult Basic Learning...Empowering ALL Learners

Working with Multi-Human Service Systems to Support Special Need Adults in
ABE / Literacy Programs and On the Job

A Model Literacy Program for Dyslexic/ADD/SLD Adults

Teaching Writing to Adults with Weak Written Language Skills

On My Own -- A Model MR/DD Program for Supporting Independent Living and
Community Employment

Success in Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with LD

Bridges to Practice:  A Look Across the Nation

Internet Resources for Serving Adults with LD/ADD

Accessibility Certification for One-Stop Shops

    -->Visit www.naasln.org for an up-to-date listing of sessions

NAASLN Board of Directors
Richard Cooper, PA
Mary Ann Corley, LA
June Crawford, DC
Dan Fey, WA
Joan Hudson-Miller, CA
Penny Logan, TX
Peter Matuszowicz, NC
Althea O'Haver, AR
Robyn Rennick, FL
Joe Stevens, MD
Debra Watkins, IL
Susan Westberry, GA

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