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NKF-KDOQI clinical practice guidelines for peritoneal dialysis adequacy: update 2006.



This is the current release of the guideline.

This guideline updates a previous version: NKF-K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for peritoneal dialysis adequacy: update 2000. Am J Kidney Dis 2001 Jan;37(1 Suppl 1):S65-S136.



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Definitions for the strength of each guideline or recommendation (A, B, or CPR), based on the quality of the supporting evidence as well as additional considerations, are provided at the end of the "Major Recommendations" field.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy

Guideline 1: Initiation of Dialysis

1.1 Preparation for kidney failure:

Patients who reach chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 4 (estimated glomerular filtration rate [GFR] < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2) should receive timely education about kidney failure and options for its treatment, including kidney transplantation, peritoneal dialysis (PD), hemodialysis (HD) in the home or in-center, and conservative treatment. Patients' family members and caregivers also should be educated about treatment choices for kidney failure. [B]

1.2 Estimation of kidney function:

Estimation of GFR should guide decision making regarding dialysis therapy initiation. GFR should be estimated by using a validated estimating equation (see Table 1 in the original guideline document) or by measurement of creatinine and urea clearances, not simply by measurement of serum creatinine and urea nitrogen. The tables below summarize special circumstances in which GFR estimates should be interpreted with particular care. [B]

Causes of Unusually Low or High Endogenous Creatinine Generation

Condition Creatinine Generation
Vegetarian diet Low
Muscle wasting Low
Amputation Low
Spinal cord injury Low
Advanced liver disease Low
Muscular habitus High
Asian race Low

Causes of Unusually Low or High Kidney Tubular Creatinine Secretion

Drug or Condition Kidney Tubular Creatinine Secretion
Trimethoprim Low
Cimetidine Low
Fibrates (except gemfibrozil) Low
Advanced liver disease High

1.3 Timing of therapy:

When patients reach stage 5 CKD (estimated GFR <15 mL/min/1.73 m2), nephrologists should evaluate the benefits, risks, and disadvantages of beginning kidney replacement therapy (KRT). Particular clinical considerations and certain characteristic complications of kidney failure may prompt initiation of therapy before stage 5. [B]

Guideline 2: Peritoneal Dialysis Solute Clearance Targets and Measurements

Data from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) suggested that the minimally acceptable small-solute clearance for PD is less than the prior recommended level of a weekly Kt/Vurea of 2.0 (Kt/Vurea is urea nitrogen clearance divided by volume of distribution of urea nitrogen). Furthermore, increasing evidence indicates the importance of residual kidney function (RKF) as opposed to peritoneal small-solute clearance with respect to predicting patient survival. Therefore, prior targets have been revised as indicated next.

2.1 For patients with RKF (considered to be significant when urine volume is >100 mL/d):

2.1.1 The minimal "delivered" dose of total small-solute clearance should be a total (peritoneal and kidney) Kt/Vurea of at least 1.7 per week. [B]

2.1.2 Total solute clearance (residual kidney and peritoneal, in terms of Kt/Vurea) should be measured within the first month after initiating dialysis therapy and at least once every 4 months thereafter. [B]

2.1.3 If the patient has greater than 100 mL/d of residual kidney volume and residual kidney clearance is being considered as part of the patient's total weekly solute clearance goal, a 24-hour urine collection for urine volume and solute clearance determinations should be obtained at a minimum of every 2 months. [B]

2.2 For patients without RKF (considered insignificant when urine volume is <100 mL/d):

2.2.1 The minimal "delivered" dose of total small-solute clearance should be a peritoneal Kt/Vurea of at least 1.7 per week measured within the first month after starting dialysis therapy and at least once every 4 months thereafter. [B]

Guideline 3: Preservation of Residual Kidney Function

Prospective randomized trials of dialysis adequacy and many observational studies have confirmed a strong association between the presence of RKF and reduction of mortality in patients on PD therapy.

3.1 It is important to monitor and preserve RKF. [A]

3.2 In the patient with RKF who needs antihypertensive medication, preference should be given to the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). [A]

3.3 In the normotensive patient with RKF, consideration should be given to the use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs for kidney protection. [B]

3.4 Insults to RKF (see the following table) in patients with CKD also should be considered insults to RKF in PD patients and should be avoided when possible. [B]

Potential Insults to RKF in Patients on Dialysis

Radiographic dye administered intravenously or intra-arterially

Aminoglycoside antibiotics

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), including COX-2 inhibitors

ECF volume depletion

Urinary tract obstruction


Withdrawal of immunosuppressive therapy from a transplanted kidney

COX-2: Cyclooxygenase-2; ECF: Extracellular fluid

Guideline 4: Maintenance of Euvolemia

Volume overload is associated with congestive heart failure (CHF), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), and hypertension; therefore, it is important to monitor ultrafiltration volume, dry weight, sodium intake, and other clinical assessments of volume status.

4.1 Each facility should implement a program that monitors and reviews peritoneal dialysate drain volume, RKF, and patient blood pressure on a monthly basis. [B]

4.2 Some of the therapies one should consider to optimize extracellular water and blood volume include, but are not limited to, restricting dietary sodium and water intake, use of diuretics in patients with RKF, and optimization of peritoneal ultrafiltration volume and sodium removal. [B]

Guideline 5: Quality Improvement Programs

The continuous quality improvement (CQI) process has been shown to improve outcomes in many disciplines, including CKD stage 5.

5.1 Each home-training unit should establish quality improvement programs with the goal of monitoring clinical outcomes and implementing programs that result in improvements in patient care. [B]

5.2 Quality improvement programs should include representatives of all disciplines involved in the care of the PD patient, including physicians, midlevel practitioners, nurses, social workers, dietitians, and administrators. [B]

5.3 Suggested domains of clinical activities one should consider monitoring are listed in the table below. [B]

Various Domains to Be Considered for CQI Studies

  1. Peritonitis rates
  2. Exit-site infection rates
  3. Technique failure rates
  4. Patient satisfaction
  5. Quality of life (QOL)
  6. Catheter-related problems and catheter survival rates
  7. Other domains, outlined in other parts of the original guideline document, such as adequacy measures, anemia and bone and mineral metabolism management, blood pressure and volume control, lipid control, etc.

Guideline 6: Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis

The provision of evidence-based pediatric PD adequacy guidelines is hampered by a number of epidemiological issues. CKD stage 5 remains a relatively uncommon disease in children, while kidney transplantation is still the predominant mode of KRT. In addition, HD is a viable modality option for many pediatric patients, especially adolescents. Finally, children with CKD stage 5 show significantly better survival rates compared with adult patients. As a result of these factors, no long-term pediatric outcome study similar to the ADEMEX Study is adequately powered to detect an effect of the delivered PD dose on pediatric patient outcome. Nevertheless, pediatric data exist, for example, to describe the most accurate methods for assessing peritoneal membrane transport capacity and quantifying urea removal. These data and others can serve as a basis for Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) in children receiving PD. For areas in which no pediatric-specific data exist, the CPGs and Clinical Practice Recommendations (CPRs) for adult patients should serve as a minimum standard for pediatric patients, but the overall clinical "wellness" of the individual pediatric patient should be the primary factor that influences the quantity and quality of the care provided.

6.1 Recommended laboratory measurements for peritoneal membrane function:

6.1.1 The peritoneal equilibration test (PET) is the preferred approach to the clinical assessment of peritoneal membrane transport capacity in pediatric patients and should be performed to aid in the prescription process. [A]

6.2 Maintenance of euvolemia and normotension:

6.2.1 The frequent presence of hypertension and associated cardiac abnormalities in children receiving PD requires strict management of blood pressure, including attention to fluid status. [A]

6.3 Quality improvement programs:

6.3.1 The CQI process has been shown to improve outcomes in many disciplines, including CKD stage 5. [A] Each home training unit should establish quality improvement programs with the goal of monitoring clinical outcomes and implementing programs that result in improvements in patient care. In children, growth and school attendance/performance are clinical activities to be monitored in addition to those recommended for adult patients. Quality improvement programs should include representatives of all disciplines involved in the care of the pediatric PD patient, including physicians, nurses, social workers, dietitians, play therapists, psychologists, and teachers. Single-center trends in pediatric clinical outcomes should be compared with national and international data.

Clinical Practice Recommendations for Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy

Clinical Practice Recommendation for Guideline 1: Initiation of Kidney Replacement Therapy

There is variability with regard to when a patient should be started on dialysis.

1.1 Kidney replacement therapy may be started earlier for a variety of reasons, as outlined in the following table.

Indications for Early Dialysis Start

Intractable fluid overload

Intractable hyperkalemia

Malnutrition felt to be related to uremia

Uremic neurological dysfunction

Uremic serositis

Declining functional status otherwise unexplained

Neurologic dysfunction (e.g., neuropathy, encephalopathy)

Prediction of access difficulty

1.2 Uremic cognitive dysfunction can affect learning. Therefore, the initiation of home-based self-dialysis may need to occur at an earlier point than that for center-assisted dialysis.

1.3 Kidney replacement therapy may be delayed if the patient is asymptomatic, is awaiting imminent kidney transplant, is awaiting imminent placement of permanent HD or PD access, or, after appropriate education, has chosen conservative therapy.

1.3.1 If KRT is delayed, the patient should be re-evaluated on a regular basis to determine when KRT should be initiated.

1.3.2 Nephrologists should actively participate in the care of patients who choose conservative therapy, and should consider conservative treatment of kidney failure as an integral part of their clinical practice.

1.3.3 If, for any reason, KRT is not instituted, patients with estimated GFR <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 should be re-evaluated by a nephrologist at frequent intervals.

1.4 Choice of modality:

1.4.1 Patients who choose PD for their modality should not be required to have a HD access placed. However, venous sites for possible future HD access in the arms should be preserved since many patients require multiple modalities during their remaining lifetime.

1.4.2 Patients who chose cycler dialysis for lifestyle reasons can begin dialysis without an intervening period on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD); however, some programs may wish to train all patients on the CAPD technique for various reasons.

1.5 In the patient with significant RKF, consideration may be given to an incremental start of dialysis (i.e., less than a "full" dose of PD).

Clinical Practice Recommendations for Guideline 2: Peritoneal Dialysis Prescription Targets and Measurements

In a PD prescription, there are certain general considerations.

2.1 Regardless of delivered dose, if a patient is not thriving and has no other identifiable cause other than possible kidney failure, consideration should be given to increasing dialysis dose (see the following table).

Possible Indications To Consider Increasing the Dose of Dialysis

Uremic neuropathy

Uremic pericarditis

Nausea or vomiting otherwise unexplained

Sleep disturbance

Restless leg syndrome


Uncontrolled hyperphosphatemia

Evidence of volume overload


Metabolic acidosis unresponsive to oral bicarbonate therapy


2.2 In a patient with minimal RKF, a continuous (rather than intermittent) 24 h/d of PD dwell PD prescription should be used to maximize middle-molecule clearance.

2.3 If either peritoneal Kt/Vurea is at least 1.7 or 24-hour urine output is less than 100 mL, monitoring of RKF is not required for monitoring the dose of PD. However, periodic measurement of RKF may be of value in this group of patients for the reasons noted in the following table.

Possible Clinical Indications for Obtaining a 24-Hour RKF Collection

Small-solute clearance measurement

24-hour urine volume

24-hour urine sodium excretion

Creatinine generation rate

2.4 All measurements of peritoneal solute clearance should be obtained when the patient is clinically stable and at least 1 month after resolution of an episode of peritonitis.

2.5 More frequent measurements of either peritoneal urea clearance or RKF should be obtained when clinically indicated (see the table below).

Clinical Indications for Measurement of Peritoneal or Kidney Clearance

Routine monitoring of total solute clearance

Documentation of delivered total solute clearance after a prescription change

Patient who has failure to thrive

Patient who is hypertensive or volume-overloaded

During an occasional evaluation of any other unsuspected clinical problem

2.6 When calculating Kt/Vurea, one should estimate volume distribution of urea nitrogen (V) from either the Watson or Hume equation in adults. In the absence of evidence, use of the patients' ideal or standard (rather than actual) weight should be considered in the calculation V.

2.7 The determination of peritoneal creatinine clearance (CCr) is of little added value for predicting risk for death; therefore, for simplicity, adequacy targets are based on urea kinetics only. Peritoneal creatinine excretion rate may be used to monitor estimates of muscle mass over time.

2.8 During the monthly evaluation of the PD patient, nutritional status should be estimated. Serum albumin levels should be monitored, and when obtaining 24-hour total solute clearances, estimations of dietary protein intake (DPI; such as normalized protein equivalent of total nitrogen appearance [nPNA]) should be measured.

Clinical Practice Recommendations 3: Recommended Laboratory Measurements for Peritoneal Membrane Function and Ultrafiltration Volume

Total solute clearance and peritoneal effluent volume ultimately are influenced by peritoneal membrane transport characteristics. Multiple tests are documented to be efficacious for determining peritoneal membrane transport. None of these tests has been shown to be clinically superior to the others (see the following table).

Standard Tests for Evaluating Peritoneal Membrane Transport/Function

  Method of Peritoneal Function Testing
Aspect of Peritoneal Function PET SPA PDC
Small solute transport D/P creatinine MTAC creatinine Area permeability
Ultrafiltration capacity Drain volume Drain volume Estimates ultrafiltration coefficient
Ultrafiltration via water channels D/P Na Model for Na channel -
Fluid absorption - Dextran 70 Derived
Peritoneal blood flow - - -
Permeability to macromolecules - Restriction coefficients Large-pore flow

Abbreviations: PET, peritoneal equilibration test; SPA, standard peritoneal permeability analysis; PDC, peritoneal dialysis capacity test; D/P, dialysate to plasma ratio; Na, sodium; MTAC, mass transfer area coefficients

3.1 Each center should choose one of these tests to use when characterizing peritoneal transport in their patients.

3.2 Baseline peritoneal membrane transport characteristics should be established after initiating a daily PD therapy.

3.3 Data suggest that it would be best to wait 4 to 8 weeks after starting dialysis to obtain this baseline measurement.

3.4 Peritoneal membrane transport testing should be repeated when clinically indicated (see the following table).

Clinical Indications for Repeat Peritoneal Membrane Transport Testing

Presence of unexplained volume overload

Decreasing drain volume (DV) on: overnight dwell (CAPD), or daytime dwell (APD)

Increasing clinical need for hypertonic dialysate dwells to maintain DV

Worsening of hypertension

Change in measured peritoneal solute removal (Kt/Vurea)

Unexplained signs or symptoms of uremia

Abbreviations: CAPD, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; APD, automated peritoneal dialysis; Kt/Vurea, Urea nitrogen clearance divided by volume of distribution of urea nitrogen

3.5 All measurements of peritoneal transport characteristics should be obtained when the patient is clinically stable and at least 1 month after resolution of an episode of peritonitis.

Clinical Practice Recommendations 4: Writing the Peritoneal Dialysis Prescription

The PD modality has an impact on adherence and quality of life (QOL), which are important considerations in writing a PD prescription. Ultrafiltration, which is important in optimizing volume control and thus patient survival, is dependent on the prescription and peritoneal membrane characteristics. Clearance of middle molecules, while not proved to influence patient survival, should be an important consideration in the prescription.

4.1 The patient's schedule and QOL should be taken into account when prescribing PD.

4.2 To optimize middle-molecule clearance in patients who have minimal RKF, the PD prescription should preferentially include dwells for the majority of the 24-hour day. This is recommended even if small-molecule clearance is above target without the longer dwell.

4.3 As tolerated by the patient, to optimize small-solute clearance and minimize cost, one should first increase instilled volume per exchange before increasing the number of exchanges per day. The exchange volume of the supine exchange(s) should be increased first because this position has the lowest intra-abdominal pressure.

4.4 The patient's record of PD effluent volume should be reviewed monthly, with particular attention to the drain volume from the overnight dwell(s) of CAPD and the daytime dwell(s) of automated peritoneal dialysis (APD).

4.5 A number of techniques can be used to optimize volume and blood pressure control.

4.5.1 To achieve the desired volume status, the lowest possible dialysate dextrose concentration should be used.

4.5.2 When appropriate, implement dietary sodium and fluid restriction.

4.5.3 In patients with RKF, to achieve dry weight, diuretics may be preferred to increasing dialysate dextrose concentration.

4.5.4 Drain volume should be optimized during the overnight dwell(s) of CAPD and the daytime dwell(s) of APD to maximize solute clearance and ultrafiltration volume.

4.5.5 In patients who are hypertensive or who show evidence of volume overload, ultrafiltration generally should not be negative (i.e., no absorption) for any daytime or nighttime exchanges.

Clinical Practice Recommendations for Guideline 6: Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis

6.1 Dialysis initiation:

6.1.1 Dialysis initiation should be considered for the pediatric patient when GFR is 9 to 14 mL/min/1.73 m2 body surface area (BSA) and should be recommended when GFR is 8 mL/min/1.73 m2 or less. GFR can be estimated by either averaging the measured creatinine and urea clearances by using a timed urine collection, using the Schwartz formula, or using a timed urine collection to determine CCr after a dose of cimetidine. Dialysis therapy initiation should be considered at the greater estimated GFR levels when the patient's clinical course is complicated by the presence of malnutrition, fluid overload, hypertension, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, acidosis, growth failure/decreasing height velocity, or neurological consequences of uremia. Before dialysis is undertaken, these conditions should be shown to be persistent and refractory to medication and/or dietary management.

6.2 Modality selection:

6.2.1 The decision regarding the selection of PD as a dialysis modality for the pediatric patient should take a variety of factors into account, including patient/family choice, patient size, medical comorbidities, and family support.

6.3 Solute clearance targets and measurements:

6.3.1 In the absence of definitive data correlating solute removal and clinical outcome in children, current recommendations for solute clearance in pediatric patients receiving PD are as follows: The pediatric patient's clinical status should be reviewed at least monthly, and delivery of the prescribed solute clearance should render the patient free of signs and symptoms of uremia. All measurements of peritoneal solute clearance should be obtained when the patient is clinically stable and at least 1 month after resolution of an episode of peritonitis. More frequent measurements of peritoneal solute clearance and RKF should be considered when clinical events are likely to have resulted in decreased clearance or when new/worsening signs or symptoms of uremia develop. Regardless of the delivered dose of dialysis, if a patient is not doing well and has no other identifiable cause other than kidney failure, a trial of increased dialysis is indicate.

6.3.2 For patients with RKF (defined as urine Kt/Vurea > 0.1/wk): The minimal "delivered" dose of total (peritoneal and kidney) small-solute clearance should be a Kt/Vurea of at least 1.8/wk. Total solute clearance should be measured within the first month after initiating dialysis and at least once every 6 months thereafter. If the patient has RKF and residual kidney clearance is being considered as part of the patient's total weekly solute clearance goal, a 24-hour urine collection for urine volume and solute clearance determinations should be obtained at a minimum of every 3 months.

6.3.3 For patients without RKF (defined as urine Kt/Vurea< 0.1/wk) or for those in whom RKF is unable to be measured accurately: The minimal "delivered" dose of small-solute clearance should be a peritoneal Kt/Vurea of at least 1.8/wk. The peritoneal solute clearance should be measured within the first month after starting dialysis and at least once every 6 months thereafter.

6.3.4 When calculating Kt/Vurea, one should estimate V or total body water (TBW) by using the sex-specific nomograms based upon the following equations:

Males: TBW = 0.010 x (height x weight)0.68 – 0.37 x weight

Females: TBW = 0.14 x (height x weight)0.64 – 0.35 x weight

6.4 Preservation of RKF:

6.4.1 Techniques that may contribute to the preservation of RKF in pediatric patients receiving PD should be incorporated as a component of dialysis care whenever possible. Nephrotoxic insults in those with normal or impaired kidney function should be assumed, in the absence of direct evidence, to also be nephrotoxic in patients on PD therapy who have RKF and therefore should be avoided. Aminoglycoside antibiotics should be avoided whenever possible to minimize the risk for nephrotoxicity, as well as ototoxicity and vestibular toxicity. "Prekidney" and "postkidney" causes of a decrease in RKF should be considered in the appropriate clinical setting. Infections of the urinary tract should be treated promptly. Diuretics should be used to maximize urinary salt and water excretion. An ACE inhibitor or ARB should be considered in a PD patient who requires antihypertensive medication and has RKF.

6.5 Writing the PD prescription:

6.5.1 In addition to solute clearance, QOL, ultrafiltration/volume control, and possibly the clearance of middle molecules should be considered when writing the PD prescription. The patient's dialysis schedule and QOL as it relates to such issues as school and work attendance/performance should be taken into account when designing the dialysis prescription. To optimize small-solute clearance, minimize cost, and possibly decrease the frequency of exchanges, one should first increase the instilled volume per exchange (target range, 1,000 to 1,200 mL/m2 BSA; maximum, 1,400 mL/m2 BSA), as tolerated by the patient, before increasing the number of exchanges per day. The volume of the supine exchange(s) should be increased first because this position has the lowest intra-abdominal pressure. Objective evidence of patient tolerance may require assessment of intraperitoneal pressure (IPP). The patient's record of PD effluent volume should be reviewed monthly, with particular attention to the drain volume from the overnight dwell of CAPD and daytime dwell of continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD). Factors to be considered when attempting to optimize total body volume include:

a. Dietary sodium and fluid restriction may be implemented in patients unable to maintain euvolemia/normotension with dialysis alone.

b. In patients with RKF, diuretics may be preferred over increasing the dialysate dextrose concentration to achieve euvolemia.

c. Drain volume should be optimized after the overnight dwell of CAPD and the daytime dwell(s) of continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD) to maximize solute clearance and ultrafiltration volume.

d. In patients who are hypertensive or in whom there is evidence of volume overload, ultrafiltration generally should be positive for all daytime or nighttime exchanges.

e. An effort should be made to determine the lowest possible dialysate dextrose concentration required to achieve the desired ultrafiltration volume. To optimize middle-molecule clearance in patients who have minimal RKF, the PD prescription should preferentially include the use of CCPD with dwells 24 h/d or CAPD. This is recommended even if small-molecule clearance is above target without the longer dwell. The use of nightly intermittent peritoneal dialysis (NIPD) (e.g., no daytime dwell) can be considered in pediatric patients who are clinically well, whose combined dialysis prescription and RKF achieves or exceeds the target solute clearance, and who are without evidence of hyperphosphatemia, hyperkalemia, hypervolemia, or acidosis.

6.6 Other aspects of the care of the pediatric PD patient:

6.6.1 All children on PD therapy with anemia should follow the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiatives (KDOQI) Guidelines for Management of Anemia that pertain to pediatrics ("NKF-K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for anemia," 2001, 2006).

6.6.2 Management of dyslipidemias for prepubertal children on PD therapy should follow recommendations by the National Cholesterol Expert Panel in Children and Adolescents ("Report of the Expert Panel," 1992). Postpubertal children or adolescents on PD therapy should follow the pediatric recommendations provided in the KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Managing Dyslipidemia in CKD (National Kidney Foundation, 2003).

6.6.3 All children on PD therapy should follow the pediatric-specific recommendations provided in the KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Dialysis Patients and the KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines on Hypertension and Antihypertensive Agents in CKD (National Kidney Foundation, 2005; "K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines on hypertension," 2004).

6.6.4 All children on PD therapy should follow the recommendations provided in the KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure ("Clinical practice guidelines for nutrition," 2000).


Rating the Strength of Guideline Recommendations

The strength of each guideline recommendation is based on the quality of the supporting evidence as well as additional considerations. Additional considerations, such as cost, feasibility, and incremental benefit were implicitly considered.

A It is strongly recommended that clinicians routinely follow the guideline for eligible patients. There is strong evidence that the practice improves health outcomes.

B It is recommended that clinicians routinely follow the guideline for eligible patients. There is moderately strong evidence that the practice improves health outcomes.

CPR It is recommended that clinicians consider following the guideline for eligible patients. This recommendation is based on either weak evidence or on the opinions of the Work Group and reviewers that the practice might improve health outcomes.

Health outcomes are health-related events, conditions, or symptoms that can be perceived by individuals to have an important effect on their lives. Improving health outcomes implies that benefits outweigh any adverse effects.

Rating the Quality of Evidence

The quality of evidence was not explicitly graded. It was implicitly assessed according to the criteria outlined in the table below, and considered: i) the methodological quality of the studies; ii) whether or not the studies were carried out in the target population (i.e., patients on dialysis, or in other populations) and iii) whether the studies examined health outcomes directly, or examined surrogate measures for those outcomes (e.g., blood flow instead of access survival.)

    Methodological Quality
Outcome Population Well designed and analyzed (little, if any, potential bias) Some problems in design and/or analysis (some potential bias) Poorly designed and/or analyzed (large potential bias)
Health outcome(s) Target population Stronga Moderately Strongb Weakh
Health outcome(s) Other than the target population Moderately Strongc Moderately Strongd Weakh
Surrogate measure for health outcome(s) Target population Moderately Stronge Weakf Weakh
Surrogate measure for health outcome(s) Other than the target population Weakg Weakg Weakg,h

Strong: aEvidence includes results from well-designed, well-conducted study/studies in the target population that directly assess effects on health outcomes.

Moderately Strong: bEvidence is sufficient to determine effects on health outcomes in the target population, but the strength of the evidence is limited by the number, quality, or consistency of the individual studies. cOR evidence is from a population other than the target population, but from well-designed, well-conducted studies; dOR evidence is from studies with some problems in design and/or analyses.; eOR evidence is from well-designed, well-conducted studies or surrogate endpoints for efficacy and/or safety in the target population.

Weak: fEvidence is insufficient to assess the effects on net health outcomes because it is from studies with some problems in design and/or analysis on surrogate endpoints for efficacy and/or safety in the target population; gOR the evidence is only for surrogate measures in a population other than the target population; hOR the evidence is from studies that are poorly designed and/or analyzed.


None provided




The type of supporting evidence is identified and graded for each recommendation (see "Major Recommendations").




Not applicable: The guideline was not adapted from another source.


1997 (updated 2006 Jul)


National Kidney Foundation - Disease Specific Society


Support for the development of these guidelines was provided by Amgen, Inc., Baxter Healthcare Corp., Fresenius USA, Inc., Genentec, Inc., and Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


NKF-KDOQI (National Kidney Foundation-Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative) Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy Work Group


Work Group Members: John M. Burkart, MD (Co-Chair) Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC; Beth Piraino, MD (Co-Chair) University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; Joanne Bargman, MD, FRCPC, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; Peter G. Blake, MD, FRCPC, MBBCh, London Health Sciences Center, London, ON, Canada; Fredric O. Finkelstein, MD, Hospital of St Raphael, Yale University, New Haven, CT; Thomas A. Golper, MD, FACP, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN; Angellina Graham, RN, Wake Forest University Outpatient Dialysis, Kemp Center, Winston-Salem, NC; Susan Stark, MS, RD, CSR, LDN, UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA; Bradley A.Warady, MD, The Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO

Consultants: Steven R. Alexander, MD, FACP, Stanford University School of Medicine,Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, Stanford, CA; Michel Fischbach, MD, Hospital de Hautepierre, Strausbourg, France; Denis F. Geary, MB, MRCP(UK), FRCP(C), The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada; Franz Schaefer, MD, University of Heidelberg Medical Center, Heidelberg, Germany; Cornelis H. Schröder, MD, PhD, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, Heijen, The Netherlands; Alan R. Watson, FRCP, Nottingham City NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK

Evidence Review Team: Ethan Balk, MD, MPH, Project Director, Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy; Katrin Uhlig, MD, Project Director, Vascular Access; George Fares, MD, Assistant Project Director, Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy; Ashish Mahajan, MD, MPH, Assistant Project Director, Vascular Access, Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy; Amy Earley, BS; Rebecca Persson, BA; Gowri Raman, MD; Christina Kwack Yuhan, MD; Priscilla Chew, MPH; Stanley Ip, MD; Mei Chung, MPH


The National Kidney Foundation makes every effort to avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or a personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the Work Group.

Specifically, all members of the Work Group are required to complete, sign, and submit a Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be perceived as real or potential conflicts of interest.

  • Dr Bargman has received research funds, grants, or contracts from Amgen, Baxter Healthcare, Fresenius Medical Care, and Gambro Healthcare.
  • Dr Blake has received lecture fees from Amgen, Baxter Healthcare, and Ortho Biotech.
  • Dr Burkart has received research funds, grants, or contracts from Baxter Healthcare, Genzyme, and Fresenius Medical Care.
  • Dr Finkelstein has received research funds, grants, or contracts from Baxter Healthcare and Renal Research Institute.
  • Dr Golper has received research funds, grants, or contracts from Amgen, Baxter Healthcare, Genzyme, Ortho Biotech, and Roche.
  • Dr Piraino has received research funds, grants, or contracts from Paul Teschan Fund through Dialysis Clinic Inc. and Baxter Healthcare.
  • Dr Warady has received research funds, grants, or contracts from Amgen and Watson Pharmaceuticals.

Consultants to the KDOQI pediatric peritoneal dialysis guideline and clinical practice recommendations (CPRs):

  • Dr Alexander has received research funds, grants, or contracts from Amgen, AstraZeneca Inc., Genentech Inc., National Institutes of Health, Southwest Pediatric Nephrology Study Group (SPNSG), and Watson Pharmaceuticals.
  • Dr Geary has received research funds, grants, or contracts from Amgen and Hoffman La Roche.
  • Dr Schaefer has received research funds, grants, or contracts from AstraZeneca, Baxter Healthcare, Fresenius Medical Care, IBM, Pfizer, and Roche.


This is the current release of the guideline.

This guideline updates a previous version: NKF-K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for peritoneal dialysis adequacy: update 2000. Am J Kidney Dis 2001 Jan;37(1 Suppl 1):S65-S136.


Electronic copies: Available from the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Web site.

Print copies: Available from the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), 30 East 33rd St., New York, NY 10016. These guidelines are also available on CD-ROM from NKF.



The following are available:

  • Peritoneal dialysis: What you need to know (also available in Spanish)
  • Choosing a treatment for kidney failure
  • People like us: peritoneal dialysis (also available in Spanish)
  • Dialysis patients' bill of rights and responsibilities
  • Nutrition and peritoneal dialysis

These patient education materials are available by contacting: National Kidney Foundation 30 East 33rd Street, New York, NY 10016 (phone: 212.889.2210 or 800.622.9010 or fax: 212.686.8916), or through the National Kidney Foundation Web site.

Please note: This patient information is intended to provide health professionals with information to share with their patients to help them better understand their health and their diagnosed disorders. By providing access to this patient information, it is not the intention of NGC to provide specific medical advice for particular patients. Rather we urge patients and their representatives to review this material and then to consult with a licensed health professional for evaluation of treatment options suitable for them as well as for diagnosis and answers to their personal medical questions. This patient information has been derived and prepared from a guideline for health care professionals included on NGC by the authors or publishers of that original guideline. The patient information is not reviewed by NGC to establish whether or not it accurately reflects the original guideline's content.


This summary was completed by ECRI on September 1, 2001. The information was verified by the guideline developer as of November 19, 2001. This summary was updated by ECRI on December 19, 2006. The updated information was verified by the guideline developer on July 20, 2007.


K/DOQI is a trademark of the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from the National Kidney Foundation.



The National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) does not develop, produce, approve, or endorse the guidelines represented on this site.

All guidelines summarized by NGC and hosted on our site are produced under the auspices of medical specialty societies, relevant professional associations, public or private organizations, other government agencies, health care organizations or plans, and similar entities.

Guidelines represented on the NGC Web site are submitted by guideline developers, and are screened solely to determine that they meet the NGC Inclusion Criteria which may be found at http://www.guideline.gov/about/inclusion.aspx .

NGC, AHRQ, and its contractor ECRI Institute make no warranties concerning the content or clinical efficacy or effectiveness of the clinical practice guidelines and related materials represented on this site. Moreover, the views and opinions of developers or authors of guidelines represented on this site do not necessarily state or reflect those of NGC, AHRQ, or its contractor ECRI Institute, and inclusion or hosting of guidelines in NGC may not be used for advertising or commercial endorsement purposes.

Readers with questions regarding guideline content are directed to contact the guideline developer.


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Date Modified: 10/13/2008